An Early Start

in life •  7 years ago 

The Early Bird Gets the Worm

Getting up at 6:00 am this morning reminded me of the benefits of getting an early start to the day. I've been on holiday break home from University for the last few weeks and have been sleeping in although one of my goals this year (in addition to learning to code) is making the most of my time. Getting up early has great benefits despite the pain that it may bring.

A Longer Day

Waking up early makes the day feel much longer. It adds a few hours and is especially valuable in the winter when the days are short and it gets dark early. It's only 9:15 am as I'm writing this post and I've already gotten coffee, done homework, scheduled two appointments and written part of an article for my blog. It's been a really productive morning and I'm usually not even awake yet.

Successful People Rise Early

Studies show that most successful people wake up early in the morning. Over half of all self made millionaires wake up at least three hours before they start their day at work and 9 in ten executives are up before 6:00 am on weekdays. One notable example is Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple who wakes up at 3:45 every morning to get an early start to his day. It my be uncomfortable but that's what it takes to be successful. Get up and get working!

Free Time

Waking up just an hour earlier every morning can provide a huge gain in free time. An hour a day of work on a side project or hobby can be extremely rewarding. I've managed to do a ton of productive stuff in the early hours of my day. Last year when I got up an hour early I would study flashcards of common words in other languages that I was trying to learn. This year I began using my extra hour to take a computer programming class. If you're looking for a new way to be more productive and successful, try getting up an hour early.

As a wise person once said, "You can sleep when you're dead"



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nice photography

I can't take credit for the pics (stock photos). I just wrote the article. They are nice though