A Day with excitement

in life •  7 years ago 

🤔 Like most days lately the nurse arrived about 8 am. We all get up and start our day. Then about ten am my son say get ready I am taking you to the movies today. Oh my son is off work this week and we had told Abbi he would be taking me out this week. All that aside Abbi decided after we left to be very uncooperative in all tasks the nurse and aide attempted to complete giving them a fight and not giving in. Abbi can be very determined when she put her mind to it.

I think that the nurse and aide did great at getting done what they did. We think safety first here with Abbi. Abbi might look weak but never met a person as strong as she is. Her body strength and her will of mind together are not good for us care givers. They had to give a bed bath today instead of shower. The care givers are told that Abbi has these behaviors sometimes when I leave the home. They have to work it out with Abbi. I try to tell them that how they react to her unwanted behavior will either add or subtract from it. I do not believe even with Abbi that we care givers have to accept bad behavior. So tonight we turned of the radio in Abbis room and she knows that she can earn it back tomorrow by cooperating in all tasks. Reward good behaviors.

Abbi in a fit today scratched her face. Not the first time may not be the last. I would love a perfect world yet this is my perfect world , it is what it is.


The nurse handled things great for her first test. Yes I think Abbi tests all caregivers to get reactions. The games my girl plays are very different than most. Got to give Abbi credit for her good fight that she gives. This nurse thinks of it as a challenge like I do. So Abbi may not win and get this nurse to quite. This fit throwing has won for Abbi in the past by nurses quitting after a day like today.

Love to all

Better day to come

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Your attitude is an inspiration to me.

Great if nothing else inspiration is good. I like to take little steps but every once in a while its a big step that is needed. Love for you

Abbi just doesn’t like it when you go away, she is very smart. Hang in there🐓🐓

Very smart at controlling others. Love her and her games. Love for you

Haha good and loving. Stay blessed always.

Hope to thanks to you we may. Thank you
Love for you

Much love to this post god bless and bless your son

Thank you for the blessing. I love all my sons this one is great as are the others in their own ways. I am grateful for all my children. Love to you

Ohhhh lovely great god bless you and bless them too 😍😍