My name is Abdul basit and . I,m only 16 year old and i am studying now I am nearly in my final exam. I have Done my Matriculation In 2017. After completing my basic education I joined jamia islamia Clifton Karachi.
This is the Islamic educational place and the stranded of this education is very great.due to it's value is high to learning Islam.
My Life:
I was born in 17 -12 - 2001 In Karachi Pakistan. I spent my some Childhood in My village and the largest piece of my childhood in Karachi. I got my basic education from My city. We don,t have our own house in city then we took a small appartment with one room on rent and we start our living. My father was paraivate employ In Karachi club the grand 🏨hotel.
In those days My mother was a paraivateTeacher in secondary school.
I spent a wonderful childhood with my cousins sanauallah and others.i love to study and I took first position from 1st to 6th class. I passed mine board exam of 9th class with 75% but In my Matriculation exam my percentage decrease to 60% due to the lack of concentration of mine on studies. But after Matriculation i loss my interest in studies and I distracted from the world studies like FSC.and I joined the jamia islamia while mine interest in this study.
I love to help poor and needy people. I am also a YouTuber you check me out on YouTube type on the search bar:
World of gaming and tutorial
My favorite hobbies are reading books,
Playing games on computer like IGI,
Making videos with Android,you also see on YouTube,
Ride the bike and car,
And so...zzz
My first was in meerajani ayyubia with my father and my uncles,,,
Since 2012 in my summer vications.
And my second toure is Marri Ayyubiya with my family and also with two uncle's.
family since 2014
Then my last toure was in October 2016
With my school friends through school trip.marri,lake view park Islamabad,Faisal mosque and Daman e koh visit in this last toure.
This is my little life story I hope you like it and upvote me,,,,...