I Fish, Therefore I am : Fishing Time, Friends!

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Lets talk about fishing. Many people love this activity while I love seeing them catching fish with a simple bait. Getting in touch with them during this time, taking me to a pleasure when seeing their smile. Then, I realized fishing also has its own philosophy for fishing lovers. Lets say Rene Descartes a well known philosopher decreed "I fish therefore I am." I really dont have much idea to figure out his words since I am not capable of analyzing the philosophy context. However, I can describe briefly, that the fishing has set its pleasure for mankind.


When I discovered the line of fishing guys were trying harder to catch the fish in the wild sea. Sometime they attempted to be good one by mastering specific technique of fishing. Once again, where the pleasure is laid. Some will say when they have a good strike, some will say, waiting will bring its own good to train the patience.


I personally see, having a perspective on thing that they are fond of, will work out on way during they fish. They spend much time to please their mood on fishing. Pond, calm sea, and other fishing spots will be favorites for them. There, they can find the happiness on fishing. Catching fish is not only matter.


In fishing, a technique is a matter where the hand gathering, spearing, netting, angling and looking for fishing spot are required. But on the day I found these fishing guys, they fished with the simple fishing tool even traditional ones while the philosophy of fishing is the same.


During the afternoon time, the fishing lovers crowded this pier. They were told that this place has a lot of fishes and by chance, the vessels were not there, so they could use this place in the rest of afternoon. What I observed from their activity was the pleasure coming out when the fish stuck in the hook. I carefully watched the way they fished, they let the hook down the water, waited for the fish and had couple strikes. But you know, when they pulled out, the hook remained zero.

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Not only the adults took a part in fishing, but the boys also stuck with the fishing hobby. They came here with friends and not wasting much time, they fished with traditional tool along with traditional style. They sit on the path, under the afternoon sky watching the hook that were being carried away by the fish under water. They told me, sometime they got good fishes but in some other times they got none. That is all the fishing about, through this activity they found themselves that the fishing has put them in patience. In this case I agree with Rene Descartes!



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Luar biasa, udah kaya mancing mania aja ne bang @abduhawab bagaimana hasil pancingannya bang, apa mendapatkan kayak mancing mania #mantap

Bereuh bang mancing mania menjelang berbuka puasa

Memancing hobi orang tua saya...

pasti ada turun ke dicky juga kan?

Sedikit bg @abduhawab

Suasana pantai yang begitu tenang, ramah dan bersahabat, begitu juga seperti yang terlihat kekompakan para pemancing yang berjajar, memang bulan ramadhan ini benar - benar memberikan keberkahan pada seisi dunia. Sukses selalu bang selamat beristirahat

Semoga semuanya jadi berkah. Terima kasih aris

Memancing seperti ini jauh, sangat jauh lebih baik daripada memancing keributan di media sosial.. Selamat menanti sahur, Abangda @abduhawab.. :)

hahah...betul, lebih baik mancing ikan, enak dimakan. terima kasih samy

Hihihi.. Akhirnya Abangda tertawa. Sama-sama, Bang :)

fishing is fun, but one word from my parents first. If you have a fishing hoby do not expect to get a fish, but you'll know where the pleasure lies. practice patience with fishing.

Nice photo and filsafah yang mantaps, aku adalah ikan.

sure thing buddy...it is a lot fun. Many thanks

Melihat suasana seperti ini, saya langsung teringat sama pelabuhan di Krueng Geukuh, cuma disana nggak ada dipasang pembatas seperti pada gambar punyanya bang @abduhawab ini. Betul seperti bang @abduhawab bilang, banyak manfa'at yang kita dapat dari memancing, misalnya melatih kesabaran, seperti yg bang @abduhawab sebut diatas, selain itu, kita dapat bertemu dengan teman-teman dari lain daerah, otomatis kalau sudah sering bertem, mereka jadi teman baru kita, dan masih banyak lagi manfa'at lainnya.

Kurang lebihnya seperti itu😃

fishing? i don't have any philosophy about it.
i just love it. it's my hobby

Wow, ramai sangat pemancing dilokasi demikian, pasti lokasinya sangat cocok sebagai tempat memancing atau banyak ikannya ditambah dengan keindahan lautan biru. Apa betul seperti itu, bg @abduhawab. hehehhe

Sambungan foto yang kemaren ini kayaknya ya bang... Kmren gak nampak orng mancing nya, ini udah nampak 😁😁

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Oo.. Maa.. That hawa kuh keumawe that trep hanatom lee keumawe.. Karena nyan memang hobi lon

Woww.. pemandangan yang asik ni melihat para pemancing ikan yang berjejer mancing di pinggiran.

betul, pemandangan dan laut yang tenang menjadi pilihan yang baik

I suka memanciing, memancing kerinduan padamu :(

Teacher or photographer, both are interesting to do...
some like fishing, some like seeing, some like buying...laen urueng laen galak...
saleum meuturi walau ka meuturi...

hahha..that na teuh!

bek tuwoe jep kupi..

Pemandangan yang sangat luar biasa , memancing ikan merupakan hobi yg melahirkan imajinasi...

Aktivitas yg menyenangkan, semoga mendapat paus (whale) bukan teri (minno). Terima kasih telah berbagi dan salam hangat dari ketinggian.

tempat mancing yang sangat bagus, lain kali ngajak saya juga mau ikut mancing ikan besar sudah bosan jadi ikan kecil he he he . Thanks @abduhawab Salam KSI

1 hour ago, haba peugah laju tiek kawe sineuk, nyan ban runya trik jih. payah ta copy nyan cara hehehe.

hahah....yg penteng jaro meuudep....

Tempat yang cocok dan bangus untuk memancing bg @abduhawab, semoga mendapat ikan yang besar 😆

Wow. Sang pas sesekali kita mancing ikan disitu bang.
Eungkot yee roh kwkwkwkwk

Kegiatan memancing merupakan solusi yg cocok dilakukan saat bulan puasa ini...
Besok harus bikin postingan ini bang🙏
Ini di dermaga mana bang? Tks

Silakan memancing ikan di bulan Ramadan, tapi jangan sampai memancing keributan, ya. Happy shaum for alls...

Mancing tu jg melatih kesabaran, menenangkan emosi, menyadarkan betapa indahnya alam, dan yg pasti merasakan asyiknya lgsg mendapat ikan...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

memancing adalah hoi saya