in life •  7 years ago 

Life without love impossible, a person who experienced that, how much that person mentally strong, how much that person healthy and wealthy, at one time he become clashed with own self, love encircled with emotions, and emotion generates through brain, brain take command from our circumstances and it contain many mental states, this is the individual state ‘position, but what circumstances makes the brain or categories the brain’s emotions into reality, this is what am shared with you, emotion become motion, that create our life’s blocks, a clear thing that brain producing the emotions in humans, and circumstance tells him how kind of emotion do you have to produce, this is not the thing which I want to tell you, the point of matter is how can we resist that thing, which we don’t want to do, but the circumstance produce that particular emotions, which we already know that particular use of emotions makes our life more difficult, and this is our cognitive ability, that should play a vital role, that change the turns the mental emotion which decide the other decision which not good for the right one solution, let me do this with a example, a person find his wife with another person, that’s dreadful scene to imagine, so you don’t imagine in actual basis, the husband should supposed to kill that person which is the intense result of his emotion breakdown or breakdown of trust, though emotion suggest him to kill that person, and let spent your life in the jail, but the right one decision to call 911, take action both of those who break the trust, and do another marriage, that’s happen with the brilliant use of the cognition ability, but another matter of fact, how should we make our cognitive ability good and in controlled, that’s the real achievement who get into it, so do sleep at the right time with the right period, don’t take unusual stress or don’t panic, just focus to improvement not get into long thought process, make exercise daily basis, do physical exercise, more involve in the social system, and don’t take thing rigidly, just be happy and stay calm, and enjoy the life.

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