RE: The man who lives in a wooden shack out at sea!

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The man who lives in a wooden shack out at sea!

in life •  8 years ago 

I guess you'll have to get the telco to build a cell for him

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I already have the perfect product in mind for him. This kit costs only $20. The battery runs the torch/lamp and anything that charges off USB.

Pretty neat eh. Am currently making films for this company and should be able to get my hands on some free kits ;)

Looks like simple enough deal. Is this in the market already?

I believe so. Would you like one?

If it's in the market, I'll like to see if it's something I want to get.

I will sell them in the @steemshop account once I get a bit more organised on that front. For now i think this is the best link for their products:

There is a new website coming soon... With lots of my films to demonstrate how everything works.

OK, thanks. Will have a look and see @steemshop sells for steem or sbd.

I still have lots of fine tuning to make it an awesome and simple marketplace but ultimately yes, people list their price as they want. Steem or SBD. I guess SBD will be the one that sticks... An escrow account will hold the payment till items are received. More coming soon. Working on lots of steemshop ideas this week...

Cool, I should explore feasibility of dealing this item in Singapore