Art's Strong Back Push Towards The Perfect Playback

in life •  5 years ago 

I remember that almost all of my childhood my father almost begged me to study a music instrument and become a musician like him. All I was supposed to do is to pick one, and start learning and practice with it, and that would have made him proud of me and probably I would have been proud of myself as well, if I would have followed his advice. It didn't happened though...

Why? I don't know, but it didn't happened. I simply wasn't attracted to sacrifice my childhood for that. I did sing in the choir though and it was a nice experience, as I remember it pretty vivid. I was in the sixth grade and the music teacher teamed with the English teacher and created a choir for Christmas Holidays.

I was one of the lucky bastards to be chosen to sing in that choir. I probably had some melodious voice and wasn't aware of it, I probably still do. They gathered children from different classes and different ages and before you know it we were like 30-40 boys and girls rehearsing for the events almost every day for about a week or so. Almost every day we hit some other classroom and delved into the singing art's deep waters... with the two teachers of us along, that had a very hard time keeping us together and in tune.

We were supposed to play Christmas songs in Romanian and Englihs and that's why the need for the two teachers, the music and the English one, and I have to say that I liked almost all of the songs that I was supposed to learn and perform at the Christmas celebration organized by our school.

The days have passed, rehearsals went pretty well and the day of the show came after all. We gathered all, about one hour before the event at the event's hall, made sure that everything was memorized and we won't freeze on the stage ,and then, our teachers set us on stage as chessmen. Everybody had his/her perfect spot, for the choir to look good and sound good.

My place was in the first row, because I'm short, and in between some classmates of mine. Behind me was the problem though... The teachers arranged somehow that some eight grade girl should right sit right behind me and watch my back, while pushing me without even knowing that.

The stage being not too large we were staying very close to each other, and we kind of felt each other pretty well, if you know what I mean. That girl, from what I remember, has had for many years, and even since that early age, some of the biggest breasts in the entire school and I had those two pushing me on my back on that tinny stage.

I don't know if that was my first boner, during the show on the stage, but I remember that I was feeling great to have her that close to me. She was way different than what we had in our class, probably due to age difference as well and size of... That different that I almost entirely forgot the lyrics of the English Christmas songs... and I was in the front row. I had to improvise to not spoil my part played in the choir and so I did.

The best option that I had at hand, although not knowing that many musicians were doing it for years, was to playback. Yeah, I faked my English Christmas songs for the much awaited event, and almost all that was going through my mind for about half an hour, were the big breasts that were almost pushing me off the stage. Lucky me that I remembered the Romanian songs so I wouldn't make fool of myself completely, but I have the feeling that the teachers coordinating us noticed my red chicks and my bad singing during the English ones.

Didn't confessed my pleasurable feeling during the event to the girl, and I probably I should have done that, who knows, but every time I remember about it I laugh. I had one chance to do something about a possible singing career and to get noticed by the teachers, and a pair of tits blew it away. It's probably that singing wasn't meant for me and I would never become a man of art, like my father or my sister. I still love big breasts though... and that girl might be guilty for that.

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Thanks for attention,

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