My steemit frds this is for you- stay healthy, sleep long is beneficial, see scientific evidence too......

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

'Early to bed and early to rise make a person happy, weldy and wee .' This saying of English is very old. Which means that getting up early and getting up early in the morning is very beneficial. This habit makes a person healthy, wealthy and smart. Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Company, gets up at four o'clock in the morning. Sergio Marcieon, CEO of Fiat Company, rises at 3.30 in the morning and the famous British businessman Richard Branson at six in the morning.

Obviously these people are very successful. So, is the secret of their success hidden in the morning?

There are no two opinions in it that there are many benefits to rise in the morning. By getting up early in the morning, you get ready for work, by having breakfast, doing some work.

So, are those people who wake up late, less successful? Those who sleep for a long time, do their work remain incomplete? Is it really that in the sleeping life, can they not succeed or not?

If you have this idea in your jan, then remove it. Because an experiment has come to know that the world is divided into two parts. Half of the people are like those who like to get up in the morning. On the other hand, half of the others prefer to sleep long and stay awake for long hours. Now it is not that half of the world's sleeping population fails in life.

About a quarter of human beings around the world are like this, who like to get up in the morning. Almost enough people like to stay up late at night. Research has shown that people who wake up in the morning are more cooperative moods. They are able to correctly analyze any event. In the case of imaginative waking up in the night, they get beaten up in front of them. They prefer spending more time alone.

Many times the research has proved that those who wake up in the morning are self-motivated. They work continuously. They think too much about others, they keep huge targets. They make future plans much better.

Those who wake up in the morning too take care of their health. Compared with those who live late in the night, drinkers who drink in the morning drink less. Depression also has fewer prey.

At the same time, twenty people sit on the front of memory of the waking up in the night. Even in the case of Akal, they are better than those who wake up in the morning. Their speed of work is also high. Waking up in the night, they work with open-minded new experiments. Waking up late in the night, like the ones who wake up in the morning, are also healthy, healthy and more wealthy.

It is clear that setting up the target setting early in the morning is not a worthwhile deal. If your mind is late and sleeping, then sleep.

Oxford University's scientist, Catherine Wolf says that every human has a natural clock in the body. His sleep and sleep-wake moves accordingly. This is called a circadian clock. According to this watch, our body has the desire to sleep and wake up.

Now anyone will be forced to go against his body clock and wake up in the morning or wake up for a long time, then it will have a bad effect. Forcefulness from the body is never beneficial. Catherine says that people are allowed to walk according to their circadian clock, or biological clock of the body, their performance is better.

If someone wakes up late at night, will be forced to wake up in the morning, then he will remain lazy. His mind will look less at work. He will not be able to use it well. Their weight can increase. Health can be bad.

Katherina Wolf says that the habit of waking up early in the morning or waking up in the night often brings them to their parents. It is only in our DNA that we will get a habit of going forward early in the morning, or wake up late in the night.

By the way, this habit changes even with age. Children often wake up in the morning. Twenty years later, the habit of waking up begins to fall. Reaching around fifty, this habit then gets converted in the morning.

And, it is not that every successful man wakes up in the morning. The CEO of the box company Aaron Levi, Bjpid's CEO Jonah Perriti, Irish novelist James Joyce, American writer Gertrude Stain, French novelist Gustav Floobert used to sleep for all of this and stay awake at night.

So far no research has been proven from any research that the rise in the morning is a recipe for success. Hormones of your body are often released according to your body clock. Changing habit may harm Hormon's compatibility. Because if the morning waking up in the night will rise, then its body will feel that it is asleep. Her Hormones will be released late. It can have a very bad effect on health.

But, in many countries, those who have been sleeping for long periods of time are called lazy, lazy and rebellious. That's why many people try to rise in the morning in compulsion. Yes, there are many benefits to getting up in the morning. You get natural light. Due to sunlight, your body gets plenty of vitamin D supplements. You tackle many tasks quickly.

But, if you enjoy more sleep in the long run, take a bed sheet and sleep comfortably.

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Lol. My mom won't let me sleep as I want..
It's almost de same thing here in Nigeria, if u sleep to much, you r regarded as a lazy person!!

yeah, maybe it is same everywhere.

nice thanks.