All the people are in this world with the sole purpose to live with passion

in life •  8 years ago 

Ultimately, the path to follow in life is your own creation. You install through your energy, conscious or unconscious. Ideally, it would be preferable to do it consciously, so you the fate of your life to align things and you grow passion and enthusiasm. I remark that I used the plural, when we talked about these things. I insist on this because the secret of success in this case is not attempting to define "the great passion or the purpose of your life." I assure you that for many years a lot of things you will awaken passion and enthusiasm.

I think that those who spend years in the search for "purpose in life", you lose time, because no one gets another chance, which if conceded, conceded, almost, life, no matter what is this "chance". If it were true, one should be developed with everything else, both intellectually and from the point of view of creative. If we were given one thing to do, it would be very clear on the level of instincts, so I not longer live in this state of confusion and suffering because of it.

We humans, however, we have chosen. Therefore, many people feel not to panic! In fact, the only reason we feel to bend in terms of the passion and purpose of our life is our belief that they should be very clear. Why is it so important for us? Why can't we do something just because we are happy? Why you need to define the problem, "aim" our is to ascribe special importance to us of time and energy on this? Regardless of what is the vision or dream, you will be revealed a lot easier if you do with pleasure what you are doing. Thus, all you will seem ridiculous. Moreover, your actions will generate results, much more significant, you'll be surrounded by people who will support you, and you will enjoy more than ever of life.

In order for you to create the vision that inspire you, make you understand the greatness of their own, personal, transforming itself thus into a source of generation of value to the world. If you do this, the universe will repay you all the things you need to immortalize this experience. Many of you were instilled in the first years of life, the idea that they want to be doctors... or the wife is a housewife... or anything else! Without verification, ever, that he captures truly, they have created an education and life experience that have nothing to do with the real desires of their souls.

Many people are in this situation, and Wake up one day feeling lost and not able to enjoy his own life. Ideally, we should rejoice in every moment that we have... but this happens very rarely. Most often, we think all the time that we are not and what we don't do well.
This is due to the conditioning process that we yielded to the society. The idea that "we are not good enough as we are" was created by certain people who wanted the people in their sphere of influence to "know their place". For someone so they can keep the forces surrounding it, must accept the existence of this power and the fact that some can and others don't. There will always be people who will teach your brethren, that they are inherently limited, not an unlimited one. Therefore, it prevails at the present time the mentality of "I can't".

Although not a day goes by without having to discover new things about the nature of the infinite Universe and of the miracle of life, we continue to limit our instead make the magic that we should visit. The fact that we can choose the path. It is not always easy, especially in the beginning, because this approach to life is different from everything we have been taught, ever. In essence, she argues that: "We can make absolutely any, if we really want this." Create your personal iron can be very difficult. It forces us to think on a broader scale than I have ever done so far, and we more than I ever thought possible. When you start, you create this path, beliefs, limitations and negative thoughts will be rushed to you, if this vision does not resonate with these beliefs. No need to fight these feelings. What you should do is to recognize them as such: a simple reaction, extracted to address thoughts. You'll try to fight even more of these feelings, the stronger they will become.

Whenever you hear in the head voice, you say: "you can't do this", "do you think that you will be able so-and-so?" or "you's Problem is higher than" trying to separate yourself for a moment, the emotions caused by these words and think, what is the origin of them. You ever tell you parents, teacher or other authoritative person that "can't"? If Yes, you thought it certainly. In the end, why didn't you do? Think, however: how can someone not one, with you to know that you or not you will be able you? No one knows in the proportion of one hundred percent. Hard we know ourselves - in the interest rate for cracks as you may know people in positions of power, to know our place, what we can and can't do in the future?

The answer is obvious that no person in a position of power could ever know these things. However, it seems incredible how easily we accept the new beliefs of others associated with yourself. To unite them at the level so deep that not even seem to be "beliefs", but reality as it is. When these beliefs lead to a life without passion and inspiration, and for a limited capacity, or even in life with great potential, in conditions that you feel stuck and unable to go further, it is difficult to listen to someone like me who tells you that you can "create all". You just don't have enough evidence that should convince you of the truth of this statement. In fact, one who did not allow this evidence to become an integral part of your experience is the system of your beliefs.

Fortunately, you can change the status quo. The change, however, is sharp, and it can be, you need an incentive, very strong. This is the role you play vision, we're talking about, and what we need you to create.

Before I begin, I want to stress two things:

you can't beat never vision / dream with the interests of others. Life is not a competition to see who has the greatest, the bravest and the highest aspirations. You are here to live their own lives. As you want to be?

Your vision should inspire you, than you. No one around you shouldn't "agree" with you, to be able to go further. People who can support you appear as you progress on the way chosen by you.

What it means to become one with achieving the vision?

The decision to be effective the one that you want to achieve, has a very different Energy than the hope / attempt / desire to be that man. The law of Attraction States that you always attract into your life those things that you are in a state of resonance energy. So, still only "hoping" to become "one day" someone else, a reality that involved in your life is designed to always be in the indefinite future, because in this reality you are in resonance!
Most people start with the fact that "seek" to a certain area of life, or budding, and only after that is enough time (in which make the efforts are huge) they allow it to become one with reality, which they want, thus attracting real change in their lives. Others do not ever make this transition, remaining stranded in the vibration of it "the day will come when what I want happens if I work in this direction, or if I'm good enough."

That is why there are so many musicians, artists, actors or even entrepreneurs who are not able to never achieve success, and this desire. They just do not identificeret himself with this success, it is always in the indefinite future. Still, they remain entrenched in their deep belief that artists must suffer for their art and what they need from the game, and often for many years to have success. How will you pass faster, "trying to be" with "the establishment" actually, the faster you will see the desires satisfied. Only when you feel that you are alone with the person who you want to become you the Energy you need to attract this experience in your current reality. All you need to do to live very strong feeling that you live, if your vision would be a reality, becoming an integral part of your current reality. Maintaining this feeling plays an important role, changing its feedback energy and thereby attracting into your life the reality you desire.

Explains to you what you mad do

If you're very clear that you were mad, really means that you are ready to create your own vision and to let yourself inspired him. But if you are not clear? If you do, and you are part of the many people who don't have the slightest idea why they went crazy? I personally know many such people. What to do if someone asks them to describe how you understand "ideal life" and fix this problem that you don't have a clue? First of all, you must understand that this apparent "ignorance" is not just another form of resistance. Often, we refuse to no longer pay attention to the fact that we went crazy in the first years of life. The traditional system of education, as a rule, to send them to the children on the way to which they have not the slightest inclination.

If all you know about your passions is that they "can be a hobby, dear, but in any case not allow you to win life" or something like that, no wonder you overcame the feeling of his passion. It would be too painful to live, and I wish you to do what you know you can't do. So, you create a story, and you start to believe that "you don't know what you crazy". I do not mean by this that the mechanism is efficiently and purposefully. In most cases it is not. It's just a defense mechanism, emotional. If we proceed from the assumption that you don't know what you crazy, you is a lot easier for you not to take responsibility for the fact that you don't live in unison with these things. "There," you say to yourself, "if I know what captures me, I could put to work the Law of Attraction and my life changed immediately." This story becomes more real for you until you get to you honestly think you are crazy, nothing really.
Thus, you will no longer feel so bad. You just feel numb.

The only thing you can draw when you feel numbness this numbness and above. In the world there are so many people completely when it comes to things that are crazy, so alone (and other people) gifts you could bring to this world.

Even if at the moment you think real idea about what you don't know what you crazy is false and you have to give it up, if you want to start living life more satisfactory. All men are in this world with the sole purpose to live with passion. So if you're not doing it already, it's time to go to work!

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