Part 3 New Definitions for living – Trending towards Shangri-la

in life •  7 years ago 

Part 3 html_html_5478a7107116cb4.jpg

The new economic principles of the future will value quality time with one’s family, creative time for oneself and giving to others as priorities.

"When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness." - Joseph Campbell

Greetings! For those who have not been introduced to the “Our Farm” series, This is about an new way to live with each other. With an agriculture focus, we incorporate a Conference Center and Music Concert Venue complete with lodging and high quality organic food all grown right on the property. All structures are earth covered, earth bermed or underground and all of the communities power requirements are produced using photovoltaics, wind and we will utilize hydrogen power storage with fuel cell conversion. Interested?

I highly recommend starting from the introduction and then to the primer Part 1 and then Part 2 from these links: | Introduction | Part I | Part II |

Outside of our boxes

What if you could design your own living environment; your own town, your own cushy, dreamy yet realistic world of wonders. It has to function well, so don’t get totally crazy but start to chew on this a bit. Keep it real.

Outside of the la-la land visions of tropical resorts and tiny umbrellas in your drink, we must eventually come down to the basics. How would the social structure look? What type of economy would you desire to see in place? How would the architecture look? What type of legal structure would you desire, Where would you get your food? Drilling down further, how about dealing with electricity, sewer, trash disposal and fresh water?

Humans have always found better ways for just about everything except creating a truly functional society. Oh, there have been the endeavors of the ism’s, capital, social and commune; however when one researches the point of conception, there always appears to be a central banker in some way involved in their designs. Most revolutions have been well funded.

The pressing question at this point is “Why have we as individual men and women not yet achieved multiple successful organic alternatives?” And, are there any valid reasons to not start now?

Pulling muscles from a shell

We live in a shell within our self imposed premise of life that forces us to fit in and adjust accordingly. No matter the insanity of the rat race and the associated cheese, the rat trap locks us in tightly to the core narrative. Removing the blinders is overwhelming for most and it is easier to reattach them and forget what you saw in your minds eye. The more individuals who do manage to cast off their limitations, open their minds, setting intent to creating a better world, the sooner this will happen. Remember the hundredth monkey theory? Change can be drastic and happen fast with only a small percentage of people thinking and acting differently. The one world government fans know this all too well and are organized accordingly. Fortunately, they are having a tough time due to the hard cold fact that nobody wants totalitarian world domination edics controlling them. If the men and women of this planet all don’t start using our imagination and create a better world, we may all soon be witness to the totalitarian tip-toe turning into a goose step march.

“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.” -Winston Churchill

It’s time for a divorce

In this “Rights without responsibility” world currently being molded, many have slowed down, stopped or have turned around from humanity’s exodus toward the cliff. We first sense something is wrong, then we define with certainty the afflictions and finally resolve to a solution mindset. There is nothing holding anyone back. There are no limitations but ourselves.

I am a firm believer that if a good idea comes into play, that idea’s self evident platter can be served cold or hot. Furthermore, you don’t try to change something by screaming, protesting, kneeling, sniveling, forcing or mandating your pet peeve. So, what I’m doing with the “Our Farm” model, is to set an example. Once proven to be a viable base model, any person or any group of people can imitate and mould the basics that have been proven to work, and adjust those distinct guidelines to whatever suites that particular group for a "live, work, play model."

So, I am encouraging those who have a different vision than the current course, for the future of our planet, to break away from your entrainment and perform an about face. It’s time for a divorce from dysfunction.

I have had several comments on the “Our Farm” project as being “quite ambitious” and I have been accused of having “high hopes”. I encourage those who have doubt to keep following this project and see the results as they manifest. This project will be a unique and viable business venture for any investor and I feel that we will have multiple funding opportunities to choose from once the prospectus has been completed and circulated. The workings are many and are involved. If you choose to investigate how this is going to work, I invite you to continue reading further.

“One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say.” Bryant H. McGill

The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.
~Arthur C. Clarke

This writing will discuss the economic innovations and the viability of “Our Farm’s” business model without drilling down into too much accounting. I don’t want to put anyone to sleep! I promise this to be an idea refreshing read.

The Agriculture Excitement

Excitement? What?, Agriculture?

With many of us, the satisfaction of working with the land and inheriting the fruits (and vegetables) of our labor is rewarding in its entirety. This is something that is bound to be inherent in our DNA and given the shift toward technology, may be the missing link in resolving many of humanity’s woes. Maybe it brings back the joys of playing in the dirt as a kid and of course there is nothing else like a red vine ripe tomato. Given that most kids today know how to program a computer but have never planted a seed. I sense danger in this trend. Don’t you?

I sense that it is incumbent of our humanness to maintain a connection to the land. It brings sunshine to the skin instead of florescent lights, it brings hard work and sweat for a healthy body instead of deteriorating health, it brings us all closer to mother nature and fills one’s mind within the world of wonder of this creation, instead of the mind being filled with someone else’s thoughts via our technological world.

Now I am not not suggesting we all do away with our miracles of technology, however I am insisting that we must balance this new trend by getting back to the land via the "live, work & play" model.


For “Our Farm” to produce the majority of what it consumes creates several unique opportunities. Since we will have the venues of the community center, amphitheater and the medical center, the farm will have it’s products' consumers within a stones throw from where the food is produced. This is kind of unique. This puts the foods cost much lower than the typical range of 35% for high quality restaurants and allows for a complete organic program for all that is produced. The reputation for ultra fresh organic foods benefits all aspects of this communities viability.

In the following and future content, I will review, in a more in depth level the operational make up of “Our Farm” and cover agriculture, the conference center, the amphitheater and other venues and businesses that will make up the farm and drill down on their symbiotic and economic relationships.

Below is a list of the different businesses that I foresee within “Our Farm’s” endeavors and the best educated guess on the impact on jobs for this size model.

Grain Production – 3 Person business
The Farm’s Bakery – 2
Hydroponics (Raising Fish and growing certain leafy and other vegetables in a symbiotic method ) - 2
Fish Processing – *
Vegetable & Legume Farming, canning operations, frozen food operations – 12
Chicken Farming and egg production – 6
Lamb – 1
Quail meat & eggs – 1
Herb farming & processing – 5
Spice farming & processing – 1
Goat Milk Production – 3
Vineyard - 2
Turkey- 1
Pigs- 2
Nut Tree Grove including Figs – 1
Fruit Orchard – 2
Starter Greenhouse Admin – 1
Tropical Climate Greenhouse – 1
Compost & Mulch – 2
Soil & Food Safety Analyst – 1
Farm Equipment Mechanic – 1
Refrigeration/Mechanical- 1
Maintenance – 2

**Winery - **
Staff - 1

Stables -2
Field & Trail Logistics- 4

Conference Center
Administration & Technology– 2
Sales – 2

Administration & Technology – 1
Specialty Sales – 1

Brewery, Tap Room & Restaurant
Brew Master- 1
Workers – 2
Chef – 1
Sous Chef -1
Waitstaff – 6
Bartender – 4

Short & Long Stay Rental – 2
Conference Accommodations Prep – 1
Cleaning Staff – 20
Maintenance – 2

Medical Center
General Surgeon MD – 1
Specialist - 4
General Medicine MD- 1
Homeopathic Medicine – 1
Chinese & Acupuncture Medicine - 1
Natural & Alternative Medicine – 4
Nutritionist -1
Patient Massage – 2
Physical Therapist -1
Nurses – 8
Full Lab Services- 2
Administration - 4

Gym Facilities
Fitness Instruction – 4

Real Estate
Sales – 1

Skilled Workers – 2

Concrete Construction
On property Maintenance & Repairs- 3

Banking & “Our Farm’s” Currency Exchange
Admin – 2
Tellers – 2
Automated Services Tech – 1

Residents Restaurant
All staff – 7

Management - 1
Laborers – 6

A look at some totals

At this point we have 164 distinct and different jobs. Some jobs are part time and dual duties will be available to certain individuals. Also certain work is seasonal. As duties wane during the winter, other opportunities can become available for those who seek extra work.

Please keep in mind that these are very rough preliminary figures.

Please feel free to skip the next section and advance to the Totals heading if this is not of particular interest to you.

Income opportunities

With a convention center that seats 750 persons, corporate conferences, music concerts and association conferences will need to be sold by the sales staff to fill at least 40 weeks of the calendar year. Figuring a typical venue will last at least 3 days, we will price out these 120 days figuring a 400 seat average which figures to $25 a seat with 48,000 seats in one year for just conferences. This equates to 1.2 million in annual revenue.

For the music venue, concerts in the spring thru the fall will be at the Amphitheater, however for the winter season we can expect some music concerts inside the conference center. Considering (4) sell out Friday and Saturday back to back performances in the wintertime at a discounted rate of $20.00 per seat x 750 people twice, we can add an additional $120,000 to the Center’s revenue.

Food services are part of each conference and music venue and are part of the Farm’s revenue stream. On-site private restaurants and bars are also available but generally will not cater to the large crowds. Considering 162,000 breakfast, lunches and dinners that will be sold for just these events, let’s assume a $16.50 average per meal. That’s $2,673,000.00 in food sales.

Lets look now at the Amphitheater. Let’s say our sales staff sold (6) Big name 2-day events for a sold out concert with 700 persons. Using the $17.50 x 2-day price for the Amphitheater as an estimated income per seat, we total an additional $147,000 revenue for the Farm and an additional 21,000 meals averaging $16.50, throws in another $346,500.

Now for lodging. We will take the number of people that will stay overnight and given that conferences are three days with three nights, we will consider that people will check in a day ahead and will include a full three days and possibly four. For music concerts we will consider that venue to have typical two night stays. The number of room rentals will come to 62,400. With an average room fee of $70.00 the income for the year will be $4,368,000.00

The brewery will provide a great profit center. All of the grains and the hops will be produced on the Farm. If 62,400 annual convention visitors purchase one beer a day at $6.50, this will provide $405,600 in annual revenues

The medical & healing center will start with 30 studio efficiency and 30 standard accommodations with 10 rooms available for hospital supervision critical stay. Estimated worst case income should be no lower than 4.2 million in the infancy of this center. This center is designed to help persons recover from obesity, organ damage, cancer, detoxification and other services. The treatment will be purchased in packages for a set time depending on the ailment. Some patients will be encouraged to work on the Farm during their stay and earn credits toward their treatment packages.


Events Revenue -------------------- $ 1,467,000.00
Food Sales--------------------------- $ 3,019,500.00
Beverage Sales ---------------------- $ 405,600.00
Lodging Sales------------------------ $ 4,368,000.00
Medical Center ---------------------- $ 4,200,000.00
Total Annual Estimated Revenue: $13,460,100.00

There are many other substantial residual income streams for the Farm, however I am just going to focus on the main attractions.

I am going to settle on a 15 million gross sales per year as an estimate.

Original Costs

Property – 640 acres x $4200 per acre - $2,688,000
Conference Center estimated cost to completion $5,370,000
Medical Center and associated lodging $3,600,000
Lodging $9,000,000
Farm Infrastructure - $6,800,000
Grounds $1,000,000
Energy Production - $2,200,000

Total original costs $30,658,000

Annual gross income of 15 million x 38% profit= 5,700,000

This equates to a 5.4 year break even to the investment without considering residential and commercial property sales. Looks promising.

"The live, work, play model"

In wrapping this up, I want to remind everyone that the "Live, Work, Play" agriculture models I envision using the underground/earth covered structures, photo-voltaic/hydrogen hybrid energy production can wrap themselves around just about any current business activity or a blending of activities. The benefit focus with this concept is to increase the joy in our lives by allowing much more free time for ourselves, our family and our friends, to get back in touch with nature and to become a more resilient people via food and energy independence.

"I fear the day when technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots." - Albert Einstein

Yes Albert, you saw this coming. We are attempting to repair the damage.

[email protected]

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