Part VIII – Practical Utopia and Time Travel – Trending toward Shangri-la Series

in life •  6 years ago 


It has been suggested that “The cosmic bakers took us out of the oven, a bit too early. That’s the reason we are as crazy as we are.” Desdemona, via- Jimmy Buffett

Whatever the reason, mankind has certainly had consecutive disappointment with its attempts in creating a functional society that serves the satisfaction of all involved. At this point, we can bifurcate into a diatribe, about the reasons certain attempts have failed to serve us, or we can venture off that well worn path and create our own unified direction and experiences. At this point, what do we have to lose? But first, a couple of quotes to set the point.

"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make
ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same."
- Carlos Castaneda

They wage endless, costly wars. They spy on their citizens. They tell people what they can and cannot put in their bodies. They confiscate private property and wages at the point of a gun.
They abuse the population with legions of heavily armed government agents. They conjure so many codes, rules, regulations, laws, and executive orders that it becomes nearly impossible for an individual to exist without being guilty of some innocuous, victimless crime.
And they arrogantly masquerade the entire ruse as a free society.
This system is on the way out. It will reset.
Like feudalism before, our system will go the way of the historical dust bin. And future historians will look back (just as we view feudalism) and say “why did they put up with that nonsense…?
Steve Jobs

This Part VIII is about the wonder of possibilities. Let us venture forth.

The Farm has a new name!

If you are not familiar with the Farm, start here for Part 1

We do have a new name. This project was originally called “Our Farm” as a quick descriptive pick pulled out of the hat.

In several lengthy, kicking and screaming “naming” sessions, somehow we came up with “Full Sail Farms”. Yes, as you might guess, a bunch of old sailors who were at the time, “three sheet to the wind” were the certified majority at the name pick bash. And so it be.

Below is a full summary refreshment about this project.

This is a full review for those who have not caught up with us lately. The time travel part is further into the content, so make sure you don't miss the intent of this writing!

“Full Sail Farms”, will be a 600 plus acre, “Live, Work, Play” self-sufficient community. This promotional pilot community will contain the following activities.
1. Conference Center
2. Amphitheater – Musical Venue
3. Wellness & Medical Facility
4. College & K-12
5. Lodging & Dining
6. Brewery & Winery
7. Multiple agricultural ventures
8. World-class mountain bike trails
9. Equestrian Center
10. Agricultural Education Center

This farm will be the initial “show case” to promote the “Live, Work, Play” communities as a remedy for the ever increasing dysfunctional cities of the world.

Time sucking traffic, taking the kids to school drama, and costly car payments & insurance, will no longer need to be experienced in one’s life routines.

The business model for this initial innovative community is to attract as many corporate, association, and focused conferences as possible to fill each calendar year. These events will not only provide revenue via the Conference Center, lodging and food sales, but will introduce many people into the experience of being involved in this type of community. This is about winning hearts and minds and offering a fresh & intriguing alternative to the hustle and bustle of the big cities and the suburbs as they currently exist. This is not all about money. This Farm will exist to promote this “Live, Work, Play” model as “open source”, and to support the concept accordingly.

“Full Sail Farms” will be a 35 million dollar project and shall be set for a 7-year payback once in full operation. Events sales, lodging and food & beverage service will be the main economic generator along with the Medical & Wellness Center, the College, property sales and cooperative business ventures within the confines of the farm.

We can not continue without a mention of the Farms Medical & Wellness Center that will be poised to become world renowned for its unique environment and innovations in traditional and natural medical and wellness treatment.

The Conference Center will also be utilized within the Farm’s internal itinerary. The Center will become the perfect gathering venue for promoting breakthroughs in all aspects of allopathic and homeopathic and other medicine alternatives, agriculture breakthroughs and many other important topics dealing with the improvement of our lives.

This Tedx talk dynamic influence will also be an important part of the revenue generation to keep this project diversified and maintained, in an abundant vibrant energy for all to share. Many conferences will gather here to discuss game changing ideas, studies and time tested ways & means to help mankind launch into the dynamics of a brand new way of living.

The attractions of Full Sail Farms will be:

  • The ultimate food and lodging experience with its underground structures and lodging and the diversity of its food service.
  • The farm itself, and tours of all of our growing venues. From aquaponics, honeybees, quail farming, nut trees and hammocks, blackberries, lambs, goats, the pyramid of chickenitza, and a tour of how we make sorghum molasses, just to name a few.
  • “Tedx” type talks focused on our “agenda” and other educational rewarding, shared information.
  • Music concerts featuring new acts and renowned legacy performers. These performances can be purchased by the conference customer or be a separate function for just a “Music Only” function for the farm. With the Amphitheater and the Conference Center both available, this will be the perfect venue that the musicians will love to play for!
  • A world class mountain bike course.
  • First class horseback trails.
  • Health center wellness and rejuvenation packages.
  • The College and it’s new game changing set of degrees and courses.

Architecture & Utilities

All structures are either underground, earth-berm or built into a hillside with one face open to view. Window and skylights are installed in most structures as can be allowed by the terrain of the site. This flowing landscape stands in drastic contrast to all other competitive community environments. These home last 500 years or more and have very low maintenance.

Most of the energy for the Farm will be created using photovoltaics, wind energy and methane production. Energy storage will utilize the new salt water batteries, hydrogen production and fuel cell power generation using the stored hydrogen. Natural gas micro-turbines will be used as supplemental energy for large events and times of high energy demand. The farms methane production can support the fuel supply for this type of generator and will be utilized, as available.

Most all food served on the Farm will be raised on the Farm, using natural farming methods.

Homes & Business sites, and our underground version of the “tiny home” will be for sale. Homes and rooms will be available for rent or short term accommodations stay. Shells ready to “build out” can be purchased with only 5 and 10 year financing. One can “build out” their interiors with “cash on hand” as they deem fit and have their house paid for, and become free from the burden of a mortgage in record time.

Time Travel - In the year 2030

In order for some further creative visualization on this topic, the following writing is a first person narrative by a journalist for a major music magazine who is in the process of evaluating the Farm, its history and accomplishments, at some time in the future around the year 2030.

I can remember seeing the pictures of the cold gray hued buildings of East Germany being in contrast to the vibrant and colorful West, before the fall of the Berlin wall. That is the distinction I felt coming onto “Full Sail Farms” from a very cold and gray Chicago, and venturing forth onto the Farm and into the foothills of Colorado just outside of the greater Denver area.

As I began to acclimate myself to my new surroundings on “Full Sail Farms”, the vibrant colors, the smells, the interaction with my fellow beings, all felt so very refreshing.

One feels comfortable here. It is like coming home. The connection to the land is present with most every activity. Everything observed flows, and is easy on the eyes. No distortions of traffic, billboards, power lines or bad architecture. The effect of the underground/earth-berm structures is staggering; not only with the visual beauty, but with the overall aura that hangs over Full Sail Farms like a crown.

As you may already know, “Full Sail Farms” was the originator of the agricultural themed “Live, Work, Play” models for communities that have recently become the community design standard throughout the world. The demand and success of this concept has completely changed the attitudes of developers worldwide as the larger cities became increasingly dis-functional.

The construction company “Full Sail Construction” that was molded out of this original project has become a world class Design & Construction company for turn-key “Live, Work, Play” communities.

With General Motors signing the first contract with Full Sail Construction, the community and company that now builds the most popular electric vehicle in the world, has a lot to show off, outside of Flint, Michigan.

This “Live, Work, Play” community offers all GM employees; four day work weeks, monthly profit sharing and housing so affordable, that most homes are paid off in less than 10-years. Studies have shown that most GM employees within the community have 33% more quality time to spend in their lives due to the four day work week and just about zero commute time and “about town” travel. One of the big surprises was personal savings. The average family involved in this model has over $12,000 in the typical savings account as compared with a staggering 67% of the average American worker living paycheck to paycheck with less than $1000 in a savings account.

The health consciousness that comes with living in this type of community has already started to pay off. The health center for the community reports that after 10 years, obesity is non-existent and overall health has improved remarkably. The rates charged for the Farm’s full service in-house Health Policy are remarkably low and have dropped every year, until 2028 where the financial balance point was reached for the program.

At the time of construction, the community boasted one of the largest photovoltaic and wind generation sites in North America. At this point, food production covers about 75% of the demands of the community. A new greenhouse initiative is in the final planning stages that hopes to increase this remarkable achievement even further. “Full Sail Construction” has built eight facilities to date, not including the original “Full Sail Farms”.

After the General Motors project in Flint, Pergatory ski resort community contacted Full Sail Construction, and within two years, Pergatory was built, or should we say “upgraded”.

Pergatory, located near Durango, Colorado upgraded its ski slope complex and expanded its summer golf facilities and worker’s homes. The mountain lodging design, won several awards in architecture from the AIA and Cintas and a key energy conservation award from the LEEDs energy program. They even built cylinder structures into the slopes at key areas for the ski-patrol to have heated work stations!

Outside the Beltway
The next project was to end up in the history books as one of the largest construction projects that decided to change in midstream from a “standard project” to convert to a “Live, Work, Play”, and you know this today as the Amazon facility outside of Washington DC.

One of the sales-design representatives for “Full Sail Construction” managed to get the attention of Jeff Bezos in early 2019, and the rest is history. The redesign of the warehouses, that appear non-existent in the landscape, and the melding of the entire living space community to be interwoven within the work area campus, was genius.

The now famous underground tunnel that moves all inventory to and from Dulles International Airport has become an economy unto itself. At some point in the original design, someone decided that the tunnel could pay for itself with just a few modifications, and thus the longest “Live, Work, Play” shopping mall and nightlife mecca was born, along with the housing for the Amazon drone fleet and it’s operators and very inexpensive underground tunnel bungalow condos for sale. Many who have full time jobs on the farm live here and also take night courses at Amazon University which was constructed at the west end of the property.

Amazon University is now competing in the NCAA, and the planned expansion for the University will probably come with its own new separate Farm operation and new grounds just southwest of the Amazon campus. This will probably become the next (ninth) project for Full Sail Construction.

“Full Sail Construction” was not about to be limited by even such a project as to what has transpired outside of the Beltway.

The next project would “green the desert” with a desalination project in Saudi Arabia utilizing the new Graphine membrane that has revolutionized the industry. The solar array started at 30 mega-watts and is planned for further expansion after 5 years of operation. Water is everywhere! The farm community grows a wide variety of crops and houses 600 workers in a luxury Air Conditioned environment with swimming pools, restaurants, a gym and a movie theater along with a whole host of first class amenities, and lots of fountains. The ultimate goal is to make Saudi Arabia self sufficient in its own food production and of course fresh drinking water. The fresh water production has changed the entire country! This is starting to get very interesting.

Making a world turn about here, back to the North American continent, finds the fifth project for Full Sail Construction in Homer, Alaska where tourism has begun to flourish from spring to fall. This small project incorporates homes for the employees, other locals, and lodging for the guests in an environment that seems to disappear into the surroundings. The charter fishing brings in a constant delight of fish for the farm’s chefs.

This project put an end to the overgrowth sprawl that was starting to “ruin” the local scene, and most do say that this out of control growth, with no planning would have had negative effects on tourism.

The design included allowing parts of the town to be incorporated into the community, and allow for new business areas and housing that took into account the natural environment and the terrain. The transformation is truly a marvel.

The growing season in Alaska, created some challenges for the self sufficient aspect of this type of community. A new type of greenhouse was developed where the structure was sunk in around four feet into the ground and into a hillside at about a 45 degree angle and facing south. Solar panels don’t work too well this far north, but combined with wind power, they still manage to supply about half of the demand for the community. Natural gas is used to increase the growing season within these greenhouses and supplement electrical production. I look forward to my visit to Homer!

Apple was the next company to jump on board the “Live, Work, Play” bandwagon with an icloud server and operations facility with some R&D thrown in for flavor.

An area southwest of Tulsa, Oklahoma was chosen for this “Live, Work, Play” model and solar panel farm. Some of the techies decided that a music recording studio would be a good addition to the model and so became a reborn Apple studios, or officially known as Apple OK Studios. Keeping things hopping in an otherwise doldrum of whirring servers, the music aspect of this project has taken over the culture at Apple OK Farm. Amid the landscape of solar electric panels, corn stalks, and underground structures hiding behind blackjack oaks, lies part of the soul of Silicon Valley. And yes, they have some apple trees.

One can say that steel mills, farming and green energy don’t necessarily fit well together but what do we know? With the resurgence of American Steel production around 2019, a group of investors thought they would reinvent the run down areas around the old foundries in Pittsburgh, PA. The old housing area were torn down, leveled and some of the soil re-mediated. That is when Full Sail Construction moved into place and started to terrace the landscaping. Lots of new dirt was brought in. The locals started seeing a giant arch being built over the old foundry buildings. Before you know it, the dome/arch was complete and then came the steel and concrete. In short order, the dome was completely covered with dirt and within 3 weeks was a grass hillside instead of an old set of ugly foundry buildings. The capstone for the dome is an huge amazing looking skylight, along with lots of greenery, accents this serene new look for Pittsburgh and gives an eloquent lighting effect to the Pittsburgh skyline at night..

The homes were built within a year and a half, and within the following year, the entire landscape was transformed, the foundry was in full operation and all of the workers were moved in and getting used to the new lifestyle.

A heat recovery system was put into place to recover the heat produced to melt the steel. This system provides steam for energy production and for heat in the winter. The heat recovery steam turbine provides all heat requirements and about 40% of the Farm’s electrical energy needs with photovoltaics providing the rest. Clean burning Natural gas is used as the primary fuel for the steel mill.

So far, this project has received rave reviews and probably was the cause for Jennaue Yachts to start to look into this type of community for their upcoming needs. They called “Full Sail Construction” and the design team had finalized a plan, and broke ground within six months of the initial contact.

Jennaue Yachts and Full Sail Construction. Kind of goes together!

South Carolina
Outside of Columbia, South Carolina, 920 acres was purchased for a brand new facility for Yacht construction and for the Farm and housing. An eleven hundred linear feet by one hundred and twenty feet wide plant was constructed in the traditional Full Sail Construction “roman arch”. A full length skylight was designed for natural lighting and the structure was earth berm with two feet of covering for insulation. A ventilation tunnel was installed under the length of the structure. Air would be captured at the ceiling level and then run through a carbon pellet filtration system to remove fiberglass vapor and odors and completely eliminate the smell and vapors of the factory. This massive fan ventilation system is all powered by the 2 megawatt solar electric plant along with most of the community.

The Farm has set their goal to specialize in everything peach and pecan. They have huge amounts of acreage under peach and pecan plantings. The grain fields, herb gardens and vegetable raised beds are up and producing an abundance of food. The locals living nearby, all come to the market every Saturday and are thrilled with their new neighbors and the fresh produce.

Eight to date

Well that is the eight communities to date. It is my mission to visit all eight and report to you every month as I journey around the world. I am starting at the genesis of all of this here in central Colorado, and will proceed to each of these locations to study this phenomenon completely.

In recent developments, the original “Full Sail Farms” has recently decided to build a full dedicated campus for the College, which will also incorporate new areas for the K-12 programs that have achieved such recent world acclaim. An additional 180 acres has been purchased for the expansion.

Oh, by the way, Here at Full Sail Farms today , I rode the entire full world class mountain biking course and was duly impressed watching the kids do their thing. The transplanted forest into the foothills that hides this course, is amazing in how successful and vibrant this forest on the plains has become in such a short time.

As for me, I don’t bounce anymore. I took the detours around the jumps. What an incredible course!

The property is teeming with life this spring. The quail area has expanded and uses a new type of netted fencing and string canopy to keep the birds from leaving the area. You do not sense the confinement. In keeping with my newly assigned rejuvenation diet, I had a salad for lunch today with quail eggs, walnuts & goat cheese, all from the Farm and wonderful!

I might as well now tell you the real reason I am starting here at Full Sail Farms. I have decided, that before starting my world tour of Full Sail Construction projects, I will experience a “30-day life recharge package” offered by “Full Sail Farms” Wellness & Medical Center.

The package includes:
• 30-day accommodations. The tiny-home underground “cylinder” lodging provides a standard and very economical, adequate room, for sleep and hygiene. There are plenty of upgrades from this spartan lodging starting point, but this is all I need. There are more than enough cool places to hang out around here than inside one’s sleeping quarters.
• A full medical examination including a full blood-work analysis, Ph levels, heavy metal testing, hormone testing, etc. analyzed all right from their own lab, on property.
• All meals, healthy drinks and snacks are included and all planned for you. The diet assigned to you is subject to the tests results and a complete examination. There are further considerations that may be relative to any desires for weight loss, or other objectives.
• Any medications or any herb therapy deemed necessary are included.
• Any specialty juicing prescribed
• Daily physical exercise coaching
• Bi-Weekly massage
• Bi-Weekly Physical Therapy
• Weekly Colonic
• Bi-Weekly Chiropractic Therapy
• Weekly Hyperbolic Chamber Therapy
• Mineral Rejuvenation Therapy
• Full access to the gym, sauna and steam-room
• Full access to any ongoing Public Conferences, Tedx Talks and Music Concerts
• Farm work discounts. Anyone involved in this program, may work on the Farm to accrue credits and discounts to their stay if credit work is available at the time of their stay.

The medical center at “Full Sail Farms” is a complete miniature hospital and has a full staff of qualified AMA certified surgeons and nursing staff to handle just about any emergency medical situation including trauma. They also offer plastic and cosmetic surgery.

The natural medicine side of the center focuses on preventative medicine and good health, offering treatment to those who want an alternative to traditional medicine. The natural center also offers programs such as the “30-day life recharge” package that I am participating in, and also offers treatment of disease, weight loss programs of up to 120 days, hormone therapy, organ cleansing, nutritional counseling and life counseling. This place is jumping with activity and results!

This facility is phenomenal and has gained a word of mouth reputation throughout the world as evidenced by the activity and languages spoken around here. The Farm offers the perfect setting for healing and offers plenty to do without being connected to the web. Web usage is encouraged to be limited, although web use is everywhere. Oh, and there are no Wi-Fi broadcasts or 5G broadcasts on or near the property, none. All internet connections are done via old fashion ethernet cables. Forget your iPad. They do have lots of laptops for anyone to use. There is also a great library on the Farm with real live books!

Well, I am about to be late for a 2-mile horseback ride, so until the next post, keep the questions and comments coming! I will report on my stay here in next months publication and then it’s off to visit all eight of the Full Sail Constructions completed projects!

Time travel over. Back to today

Well, I hope you enjoyed this expansive adventure potential for this type of community. Attempting to transfer our vision of “Full Sail Farms” is sometimes difficult without all of the 3D tools and without having a professional business plan or the architectural drawings yet completed. We are still defining the parameters. These exercises in first person are the best manner to express the possibilities.

We are still using our full resources to initiate contact with funding sources and are making some initial positive inroads in this area and are spreading the word in the world of Community Development. I want to give a special shout out to our new support team members in Atlanta and Denver. We will be seeing you all soon and thanks to all, in support of this project. Website is coming soon!

We appreciate your interest and time spent. Comments appreciated.


Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks.
~Doug Larson~

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