What happened in this day (asyura) ???

in life •  7 years ago 

Steemian, do you know about Ashura? Ashura is a historic day not only for Muslims, but also for Jews. Many important events in history occurred on Ashura.
Some important events on Ashura, the Messenger of Allah mentioned in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah ra:

"Narrated from Abi Hurairah ra, the Messenger of Allah said; Allah is obliging upon the nation of Israel fasting one day a year that is on Ashura. Ashura is the tenth day of Muharram, fasting on that day and multiplying nafaqah against your family on that day. Because anyone who multiply gives nafaqah to his family on that day then Allah will extend (salary) on the missed year. So fasting!! because that day is the day God accepted the repentance of the Prophet Adam so that Prophet Adam became clean, and Allah raised Prophet Idris as high places, Allah issued Prophet Noah as from the ship, Allah released Prophet Abraham from fire, Allah sent the Torah to the Prophet Moses, Allah reveals the Prophet Yusuf from prison, Allah restores the view of the Prophet Ya`qub, Allah heal the sickness of the Prophet Ayyub, Allah takes the Prophet Jonah from the belly of the fish, Allah splits the sea for Prophet Moses and the Children of Israel, God forgives the sin of David, God gave the kingdom to Solomon, God forgive for the Prophet Muhammad all the foregoing and later, Ashura Day is the day of the beginning to be the world, Ashura Day is the day of the beginning of the rain, Ashura is the day of the beginning of the grace to the earth begins. So whoever fasts on the day of Ashura as if he fasted a year, while the fasting of the year is the fasting of the Prophets. Whoever animates the night of Ashura by worshiping it as if he has worshiped Allah as the worship of the seven heaven, whoever prays on the night of four rak'ahs, he reads on every raked Alhamdulillah (Surat al-Fatihah) one time, qul huwallahu ahad (Surat al-Ikhlash) 51 one time then God will forgive the sin of fifty years. Whoever gives a drink on the day of Ashura will Allah give him to drink on a day of great thirst with a drink which will not make him thirst after it. And as if he had never acted in the eyes of God for an instant, whoever bersadaqah on the day of Ashura, as if he never rejected the people who begged. Whoever bathe and purifies on Ashura day then he will not be sick in that year except for the sickness of death, whoever wipes the head of the orphan or does good to them then as if he has done good to all orphans of Adam's son. Whoever visits the sick on that day is as if he has visited all the sick children of Adam. Ashura Day is the day Allah created the Throne, Lauh and Qalam and the angel Gabriel and Allah lift the Prophet Isa to the high place and the day of Ashura is the day of the doomsday.

From the hadith it can be understood that on the day of Ashura there are some important events for Muslims are:

  1. Allah forgave Adam's sin.
    2.Allah raised Prophet Idris to a high place.
    3.Allah issued Prophet Noah as from the ship.
    4.Allah releases Abraham from fire.
    5.Allah sent the book of the Law to Moses
    6.Allah brought the Prophet Joseph out of prison.
    7.Allah restores the view of the Prophet Ya`qub.
    8.Allah healed the pain of Ayyub
    9.Allah took the Prophet Jonah from the belly of the fish.
    10.Allah split the sea for Prophet Musa and the Children of Israel.
    11.Allah forgave the sin of David.
    12.Allah gave the kingdom to Solomon
    13.Ashura's Day is the Day of God's adoption of Prophet Isa (as)
    14.Allah forgive for the Prophet Muhammad all the foregoing and later.
    15.Ashura Day is the beginning of the world
    16.Ashura Day is the day of the beginning of the rain
    17.Ashura Day is the day of the beginning of the grace to earth.
    18.Ashura is the day of the creation of the Throne, Lauh and Qalam and the angel Gabriel
    19.Ashura's Day is the Day of Judgment.
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Nice post I really enjoyed reading this blog. A lot has happened on this day. Also, a lot is foretold to happen on the day of Ashura.

thank you for your attention :)

Pada hari Asyura Rasul berpuasa tp kata Rasul , untuk membedakan kita dengan Yahudi kita puasa Tasu'a juga pada tahun depan, Rasul belum sempat berpuasa tasu'a karena ajal lebih dulu menjemput beliau..bagus tulisannya, pencerahan yang luar biasa..terima kasih..