Your Attitude, Your Altitude

in life •  7 years ago 

attitude.pngHello folks, how is it going.
I felt like sharing this words of advice given to me by my final year supervisor.
He said to me one day, Mark do you know what keeps the aircraft in position as it flies, I thought about it but couldn't give a good answer, then he said it's it attitude (roll, yaw, pitch), if the aircraft's attitude is not in sequence, it won't be able to fly or maintain it's altitude.
Then he said it is easy for a man to get to the top but staying at the top is dependent upon his attitude.
If your attitude is not in sequence with your position your altitude will change. The aircraft remain at an altitude because they maintain the attitude that is required for that position. Yaw_Axis_Corrected.svg.png
Check your attitude today if you want to maintain that altitude.

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