Excuses are not reasons

in life •  7 years ago 

 That’s my fucked up shoulder before practice.

Saying you’re tired is not a reason. You should have slept more. You’re also not going to die from if you had to sleep a couple of hours less. Just drink some coffee and stop whining like a little bitch.

Saying there’s always a traffic jam on the roads is not a reason. Find a better route or drive at a earlier time to beat the traffic. Unless there’s a nationwide catastrophe where all roads get jammed, there’s no reason to be late.

Saying you’re broke and poor isn’t a reason. You’re probably exaggerating. Manage your finances better and stop buying useless shit.

Saying you’re drunk is not a reason. If you can’t handle your alcohol, then don’t fucking drink so much. It still takes a certain level of consciousness to do what you do even when you’re drunk. You can’t blame it on the drinks when you make a jackass out of yourself.

Saying you feel depressed, have anger issues or have a type of label attached to you isn’t a reason. Unless a real doctor can vouch that you truly are suffering that way, maybe you should dig deep and realize you can handle your emotions better.

Saying your boyfriend or girlfriend is cause of all your problems isn’t a reason. It takes two hands to clap, and your hand has been in the air. If you’re that unhappy, then just leave. The onus is always on you.

Saying you always suffer from bad luck isn’t a reason. Take charge of your own life already. Fuck the universe.

Saying you overslept isn’t a reason. Set five fucking alarms then.

Saying you’re too busy all the time isn’t a reason. If something or someone means anything to you, you’ll make that time.

Saying you’re fat because it’s too hard or that you’ve bad genes isn’t a reason. It’s input and output. Get up and run. Eat less garbage.

Saying your life sucks isn’t a reason. You’re just bored. Somebody out there has it worse than you and would kill to be you.

Saying nobody likes you because you think you don’t look isn’t a reason. Anybody can look if they put in the effort.

Saying your parents are the cause of your shitty life isn’t a reason. They’re trying the best they can. At the end of the day, you’re 100% responsible for your own life, regardless of whether they were indeed shitty parents or not.

Saying you can’t do work because the internet is down isn’t a reason. Fuck. Go to a cafe.

It’s all on you baby. No excuses.   


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Nice post.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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