What I wish I did in my 20s that would have benefitted me today

in life •  7 years ago 

Groan... The regret. 

Originally answered here on Quora.

I quit my job and started writing full-time on my own. I launched my blog then.

That was 2011. I was 26.

It’s been 6 years. It has been an incredible journey of the highest highs and the lowest of lows.

You know what was the saddest part?

From 20–26, I did fuck all. I attended college, graduated, took up a sales job for a bit and got into a bunch of relationships.

I didn’t write at all.

From 14–20, as a teen, I literally wrote more because of school. I also had more time to read fiction.

Every time I feel like I am struggling today with my business, I think to myself, “Ah! If only I started way earlier back then with tiny, little baby steps.”

I wish I wrote everyday back then for the love of it.

I wish I let my passion and art flow naturally.

I wish I partook in the advent of social media by sharing what could have been my writing which essentially could have been me learning how to market myself.

I wish then from there I’d experiment and try to sell something, hence creating a real business.

Instead, I started like the average dude: Learning straight-up how to make money online only and expected things to happen fast.

That is a myth.

Fast is bullshit. Shortcuts only hold you back.

What should you do in your 20s?

Start small. Today. Now. No excuses.

Create art because you love it. Let it flow naturally into marketing as you experiment sharing your work on social medial. Let it then flow naturally only venturing in the realm of money as you sell your art.

Let it all flow.

And it doesn’t have to be as hard or daunting as it seems.

Just start today.

Write one article.

Write a poem.

Make a video.

Sing a song.

Upload a pic on Instagram.

Share. See what happens.

Learn. Be consistent then. Be patient and have fun.

Trust me, it will do many great things for you in the long run.

Pretty soon, your baby steps would forge the path of giants.

Hope this helps.

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It took me 15 years to fall in love with learning again, after school laid waste to my curiosity.
Such a tremendous waste.

I know right? Wish we could have just done what we wanted without letting life get in the way

The amount of money and time I've wasted on useless things is enough to buy a house and probably build a few.. I wish I was smarter when younger.


Though, no regrets. Lessons learned and experienced gained during those “lost years” that provides fuel for the fire and makes what content you create from hereon in what it is - all part of the developmental process.

And based on the quality of this output, I’d say you’re on the right track at this point. :-)

Thank you!

Yeah trying to be grateful for all the struggle. It's tough to swallow, but I guess it's for a good reason.