Why You Need To Embrace Your Inner Antihero, Demon, Shadow, Devil Or Evil Within You

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Over here I wrote about my disappointed with the Venom trailer and then I expanded upon how it didn't even scratch the surface of what it is to become an antihero.

I feel like I can write more about it.

Let me reiterate from that post:

This is a lecture by Jordan Peterson on the importance of embracing your shadow; your dark side.

An excerpt:

"We also like to go watch stories about horrible psychopathic thugs and hopefully we're learning not to be like them although there are additional advantages in that.

Some say that someone who is incapable of cruelty is a higher moral being than someone who is capable of cruelty and I would say, this follows Jung as well that that's incorrect and it's dangerously incorrect because if you're not capable of cruelty, you're absolutely a victim to anyone who is.

Part of the reason that people go watch antiheroes and villains is there's a part of them crying out for the incorporation of the monster within them which is what gives them strength of character and self-respect because it's impossible to respect yourself until you growth teeth. 

And if you grow teeth then you realize that you're somewhat dangerous or maybe somewhat seriously dangerous and then you might be more willing to demand that you treat yourself with respect and other people do the same thing. 

And so that doesn't mean that being cruel is not better than being cruel. What it means is that being able to be cruel and then not being cruel is better than not being able to be cruel because in the second case you're nothing but weak and naive. But in the first case you've have it under control."

See how deep the dark hole goes?

Basic morals on the spectrum of good and evil is easy enough to know and act upon. On a common level, we don't want to do bad things because it's just not nice. It also won't bode well on us as it'd land us in the hands of the law.

But the problem arises when the good in us overwhelm the bad in us.

And this happens way more common than one might think. No, it's not like a creature like the Venom symbiote is going to take over you or your Mr. Hyde surfaces without you knowing.

Instead, we deny, repress and forget our capability of being cruel which ultimately works against us.

"What it means is that being able to be cruel and then not being cruel is better than not being able to be cruel because in the second case you're nothing but weak and naive. But in the first case you've have it under control."

How then, can you know that you're capable of overcoming the evil in front of you when you have yet to tame the one within?

It may sound a little dramatic, but I say that we can start making small, practical steps in our everyday lives to know that we can be that much more fully in control:

  • Say 'no' when you want to, even though it'll not benefit the other party.
  • End the relationship although you know it'll hurt your partner badly.
  • Tell them that you're angry or upset when you really do feel so.
  • Tell them the truth even though it hurts.
  • Embrace the fact that you don't need to feel that bad when you are in the right.
  • Walk away from friendships whom you know don't serve you anymore. You do not need to do this in an arrogant way. It's more so about being honest with yourself and the people you've been hanging out with.
  • Disagree when you actually don't agree.
  • Learn how to fight in a controlled environment from a master. This will allow you to practice the physical movements. Then you'll learn how martial arts is all about discipline, inner peace and emotional control rather than aiming to simply attack and win.
  • Talk about your feelings. I cannot stress this enough. You need to get your feelings validated because you have your own perception to it. You need to know that you get to talk about it.
  • Find like-minded people who actually care about you. They may or may not disagree with you. Some will and that is why you need to do this because need to know that there are people out there who are like you. Some will not and you need to do this because you need to know that there are people who don't agree with you, yet can have a peaceful relationship with you.

Notice that I bolded the last two points.

That's how essential it is to simply talk and relate to others. You can take action and do all sorts of things others tell you to, but it it talking that unleashes the evil within the most.

It is the evil that comes out of our mouths that makes us think that is evil when really, it's not. It's merely and expression of who we are.

And talking about it with someone is perfectly fine.

The way to embrace the evil within is to let it out and not keep it in. You do not have to hurt others during the process.

It's not that difficult.

And when you do it for a while, people will respect you and love you for who you are, a human being, not a dog who has been conditioned to do the bidding of others.

Good luck.

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I like this man, I have been talking about this for over a decade and have to help a lot of people with it because in this day in age most everyone is broken as a child and trained to be tame like a pet dog.
Good job man.

I like that man, pet dog. I'm gonna add that in!Thanks for commenting!

Yea man, like I said I have been into this for over a decade.
Glad I can contribute something to the narrative~*~