Earth Citizenship

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

I haven't posted for a while,

Anyhow with the advent of globally distributed crypto-currencies and global social platforms like Steemit it has occured to me the stage is being set for the next level: Global Citizenship.

I haven't thought through the details, only the concept.

With global currencies at our disposition for trade and commerce , war mongering government and central banksterism are no longer necessary to the equation of healthy life and healthy planet earth, just the opposite, me thinks!

There is way more than enough to go around if wasn't for the greed and voracious appetites of the very few.

With the advent of the crypto paradigm, we also have the opportunity to evolve an entirely new social and cultural paradigm, based on respect for our mother "the Earth" and consuming only what we need.

I suspect some bright someone will come up with the earth citizen token.
Suddenly humanity and the earth, our mother has an option to materialism, greed, and warmongering banksters.

This would all be part of the non-aggression principle.

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