Usury! the age old problem and the enslavement of humanity! is the penny dropping with the younger generation?

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

 photo charlemagne_and_jewish_usury_by_brit_nationalist-d7ptmgk_zpskegba50a.png
The younger generation do not want any of the above as they know it makes not one jot of difference, and they are absolutely correct.
You see the people that really run the show are never put up for selection to be made in to prime ministers, presidents, mp's, governments etc, as they would be uncloaked and vulnerable and easy to spot as a conflict of interest.
Usury is an old word and you will see it mentioned throughout thousands of years of historical writings, from books to ancient scripts etc, and simply that is the system that has enslaved the people time and time again for the majority of the periods through out history.
There have been periods when humanity has broken free from this, the dark ages is one such period, and why these money changers and their puppet administrators have called it the dark ages, yes indeed, very much for them! but not the people.
Alfred the Great brought about peace among its warring tribes of Vikings, Saxons, Britons, and Celts with hes common law in 871 AD, all bound within the spirit of Christianity, and real Christians were forbidden to take part in any usury actions.
Today's and now known Zionist Christians are not real Christians, this was a fabricated indoctrination by the money changers who have been behind usury all the time. In England this was introduced at the same time at its last conquest by a foreign people and their Norman leader William the bastard in 1066, who brought the money changers over with him. ah i hear the academical's say! but they banished them 150 years later? no, they wrote the practice in to English law through Edward 1st with the statute of merchants in 1285 AD, you now know this as the modern day mortgage, where they can legally steal your land from under your feet anytime they want for even as little as owing a one penny charge of usury debt, and they can do so when and where ever interest is charged with there money making usury scheme.
Everything has interest added to it, in fact, every thing you think you are buying and mistakenly own, the truth is you don't own anything in their system and never will because you refuse to see the elephant in the room, that elephant is interest! and who issues it? the usury powers to keep all humanity enslaved under them! the youth have not quite grasped it yet but they are waking up to the complete bull shit of the system, crypto currency, bitcoins, block chains, can it and will it free us all from the powers that be's interest and usury? who knows? i most definitely hope so! time will tell.

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Thank you ironpoteroo very much appreciated