Summer Mania (Summer Challenges and their Remedies)

in life •  6 years ago 


With the end of winters, the cold season has taken back all its delights and once again we are under pressure of heavy wet sweat and wild thirst because the icy breeze has converted into hot puffs. Having fork in one hand and knife in other, summer has tucked up its sleeves to eat us!
Summer is another name of heavy sweat and thirst that makes you mad but on the other hand it is a key to the door of many delicious vegetables, fruits etc that gives us energy and helps us fight well with the scorching heat of summer.
Many businesses are running only on the mercy of summer season such as textile fabrics, water parks, gardens etc. All in all summer is a complete package of fun and excitement because in winters we use to keep ourselves inside houses and near fire woods to keep ourselves warm but in this season we are just free to go any where any time.
No doubt summer is a key to the door of fun but it’s also a doorway to welcome many diseases. If we don’t take proper care of our health then it can affect us. So if you want to enjoy summer season in a healthy manner then you should do and avoid some practices that cause harm to your health, with the start of summer people are entangled into some seasonally problems that are as follows:

  1. Dry skin and hair:
    The scorching heat can certainly make your skin and hair dry, so be sure to buy those conditioners to moisturize, nourish and protect your hair and skin from sun and do oiling twice in a week, it will keep your hair healthy, wealthy and full of volume and do wear caps when ever you play or go out, cover your heads from mud and sunlight.
  2. Pimples:
    The most irritating thing during summer season for girls are pimples. The summer heat may make your skin dry or oily, prompting the eruption of pimples. Don't apply heavy makeup to lessen the chances of having pimples that may ruin your summer look. Also, use facial products that treat acne like facial washes, creams and toners.
  3. Avoid dark colors:
    There are lots of people who love dark colors but please avoid wearing dark colors like black, navy blue, dark green etc in summer season because dark colors absorb heat more so you will feel extra hot under those dark shades.
  4. Thick and heavy fabrics:
    Girls are crazy for heavy fabrics. Summer is very hot and hottest so for your comfort please avoid wearing heavy and thick fabric. For boys also don’t wear heavy design shirts, wear like and comfortable stuff.
  5. Say farewell to long sleeves and turtle necks:
    Summer is the season where you can show off your skin and body, not only because it's fashionable, but more importantly, because it's comfortable. So refrain from wearing long sleeves and turtle necks that will only make you feel hotter and not look hotter! Save these clothes for winter.
  6. Bathing

People become lazy in summers. Put your laziness aside and go to take a bath. Take bath two times in a day by giving suitable interval between them that is in the morning before 8.00 am and in the evening 5.00pm by giving 8-9hours gap and this will prevent to you from cold attack.

  1. Use sun blocks:
    You are only allowed to go out or play as much as you can, if you will use proper sun blocks. Now days a number of sunscreen lotions are available in market but do ask your physician for the best one that will suits your skin.
  2. Drink plenty of water:
    Water is the most importing need of your body. It contains all the necessary and immediate minerals that are important for body. Drink 6 to 8 glass of water a day. It will keep you hydrated and your skin glowing and charming. For example: flowers or vegetables all become dull but if we sprinkle water on it, it again turns fresh and charming.
    Along with the dos and don’ts there are many vegetables and fruits that summer brings for us that keep us active and fresh in summer season:
  3. Mint
    It contains iron, phosphorus, sculpture and chlorine. It has cooling and cleansing properties which are most evident when the mint leaves are eaten raw. The beneficial properties of mint are known not only to the Indians but also to the Chinese and ancient Romans. Fresh mint is full of enzymes which serve as an excellent digestive
  4. Onion:
    These pungent smelling veggies are particularly good for people suffering from (or at risk of developing) osteoporosis. That’s because onions are loaded with a peptide called GPCS which scientists believe slows your body’s loss of calcium. Onions may also be useful in the fight against heart disease and diabetes because they’re loaded with vitamin C and in summers do keep raw onions with you, it will fight with the scorching heat of sunlight.
  5. Tomatoes:
    Tomatoes are technically a fruit and often served as a vegetable. It is full of lycopene; these beautiful red orbs (and all tomato-based products) are renowned for their cancer-fighting capabilities. Not only are they chock full of vitamin goodness (from vitamins A to K), they also keep our blood pressure in check and help to reduce the number of free radicals in our bodies. Use tomatoes in your food during summer season.
  6. Be Cool – as a Cucumber:
    Choose fruits and vegetables with high water content such as cucumbers. Keep a slice of cucumber of your eyes; it will give you a soothing sensation. Cucumber juice is also good for skin and use as a cleansing agent.
    These were the vegetables now it’s time for fruits:
  7. Watermelons :
    Watermelons are mostly water so they are low in calories and an excellent source of vitamin C, potassium and high in pectin. Watermelon has dark green skin and bright red colored flesh. Uncut fruit should be stored in a cool place, while cut watermelon should always be tightly wrapped, refrigerated and used within a day or so.
  8. Apricots:
    Apricots are rich in potassium, magnesium supplying stamina. They contain vitamin C, iron and beta carotene. They are fairly firm with bright orange color. To be had when ripe. Unripe fruit can be stored for up to 2 days or so at room temperature before eating. Keeping them in the fridge will make them last a bit longer. Rinse and wash apricots before eating.
  9. Strawberries
    Buy sweet smelling strawberries that are red in color without any white or green spots. Strawberries are full of vitamin C, potassium, sodium and iron as well as being low in calories. Strawberries can be frozen up to twelve months whole or sliced, with or without sugar. Do not remove the stem of fruit while storing it in the fridge. Before eating, rinse gently under cold running water.
  10. Mangoes:
    Mango is the king of all fruits. Majority people around the world wait for summer season only to eat mangoes.
  11. Stay in Good Humor:
    Ice cream may temporarily cool you down, but, sadly, it will leave you feeling like a summer slug. Instead, try frozen banana slices or frozen red grapes. And don’t roll your eyes until you try them, they’re really good.
    Following were the dos and don’ts, vegetables and fruits that one should take in summer season in order to keep the body hydrated, skin fresh and mind active. There are many fun things to do in the summer. Sitting outside under a tree with a good book is especially fun to do in the summer. In the car, on a plane, on a train, in the house, at the park, in the dark (with a flashlight), in a tent, where else can you think of that would be fun to read.
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