Energy System Of Human - Chakras Therapy

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Chakras are the most important energy centers in the human body, the places where energy channels are most interconnected. The main 7 chakras are located along the spine. 7 chakras are traditionally numbered from bottom to top.


[1] Root Chakra

It is located at the bottom of the spine and is the foundation of all other chakras. Through the root chakra we receive vital energy of the earth. She is responsible for the survival instincts, basic human needs, group identity and belonging to the "genius" - the family we were born for and the social groups we are becoming members through our lives. A well-functioning root chakra provides vital strength, endurance, self-confidence, a sense of well-being and security, and enhances the connection with nature. In the weak functioning of this chakra, a person can become selfish, lazy, unsure of himself, and feel unsafe.

Health The root chakra has thick and rectum, bones and legs. If this chakra is functioning poorly, the ailments of the mentioned organs, over-eating, anorexia, and buttocks pain may occur.

The red chakra is associated with the root chakra, and red and black stones like garnets, hematite, red jasper, onyx, agate are used to harmonize it.

[2] Sacral chakra

She is located at the back of the spine, with about three fingers below the umbilicus, and is responsible for the joy and joy of life with the surrounding, financial independence, lust, pleasure, sexuality, reproduction and creativity. Chakra's disorder is manifested as anxious behavior, the disregard of ethical and moral norms in relationships, excessive desire for pleasure, jealousy, guilt and shame, fear of losing power and control, sexual problems and blocked creativity, and financial difficulties.

Health This chakra affects the genitals and the bladder, kidneys, small intestine and other organs located on the lower abdomen. Poor activity in this chakra can lead to ailments of the aforementioned organs, abdominal pain or back pain, loss of sexual desire, potency and fertility problems.

The sacral chakra corresponds to an orange color, and the stones of this color are used to harmonize it: carnelian, tiger eyes, lunar stone, coral, yellow jasper, orange calcite, citric.

[3] Solar Tufts Chakra

This chakra is slightly higher than the stomach. It is a personal strength, individuality and self-expression center. The solar tufa chakra is related to human will, self-confidence, self-esteem and charisma. A well-functioning chakra helps to reveal personality, achieve success, and combine strength with sensitivity. In the event of a disruption of solar tufts, aggression, insecurity, lack of self-esteem, excessive sensitivity to critics and people around, power and control are evident. The excess energy of this chakra is destroyed all around, as well as through this chakra, energy vampires can be "stolen" from us.

Health The solar chakra controls the organs in the upper abdomen, the digestive system, the muscles, and the vegetative nervous system. If this chakra is functioning improperly, gastrointestinal upset, chronic fatigue, hypertension.

The yellow chakras are yellow in color, and the stones of this color are used to harmonize it: amber, gold topaz, tiger eyes, and citrine.

[4] Heart Chakra

This chakra is located behind the sternum and is responsible for emotions and emotional development. In the center between the lower and upper chakras, it maintains an internal balance between matter and spirituality, the activity of the lower and upper chakras. The heart chakra manifests itself through such human qualities as the ability to love and be loved, tolerated, reborn, and the ability to cure. In the absence of this chakra's activity, a person may lose internal and external balance, become jealous, cold, angry, unable to love, fearing loneliness or reluctant to commit. In addition, in the event of a disturbance in the activity of the heart chakra, one may attack extremes such as complete restraint and loneliness or excessive attachment, as well as confrontation with another person.

Health This chakra is responsible for the heart, lungs, blood circulation, the immune system, hands and skin. Disruption of this chakra can occur through the aforementioned organ damage such as asthma and other forms of lung disease.

The heart chakra corresponds to green and pink color, and the stones of the following colors are used to harmonize it: nephritis, tourmaline, emerald, malachite, avanturine, green fluorite, pink quartz, rhodonite, indicrous chrysotile, chrysocolla.

[5] Throat Chakra
This chakra is found in the neck and is between the mind and the heart; it is responsible for the ability to make decisions, communicate and express your thoughts and truths. It also relates to the ability to assume responsibility for their words, actions and reactions to surrounding events. If the chakra is not enough or too active, one can emphasize intelligence, be intolerant, condemning or failing to express his thoughts, be shy and complex.

Health This chakra affects breathing, hearing, voice, neck and neck. If this chakra works badly, it often hurts your throat and neck, and has hearing and hearing problems from stuttering.

This chakra meets the blue color, and the stones of this color are used to harmonize it: turquoise, blue quartz or agate, kyanite, lazurite.

[6] Third Eye Chakra
The place of this chakra is easy to imagine, it is located above the nose, between the eyebrows. This chakra is responsible not only for physical vision, but also for imagination, intuition, wisdom, openness to new ideas. This chakra relies on the ability to move away from the situation, look at it from the outside, see the general picture, and recognize the truth. When a third eye chakra is impaired, it becomes difficult for a person to control his thoughts, concentrate, mania and phobia, tend to live in fantasies, to judge and condemn, to be precise and fanatical, to the truth.

Health The third eye chakra is responsible for hormonal and nervous systems and the eyes. Failure of this chakra activity can lead to learning disabilities, headache, vision problems, stroke, and nervous system disorders.

This chakra corresponds to the dark blue or indigo color, and the stones of this color are used to harmonize it: amethyst, sapphire, apatite, lazurite, sodalitum, dumortierite.

[7] Crown Chakras

This chakra is located at the very top of the head and connects us with higher forces, through which we receive energy from above. The crown chakra is responsible for our relationship with the universe and God, the perception of good and evil and our mission on earth, the feeling of unity with everything, being here and now, wisdom, spirituality and mystical experience. In the event of a malfunction, this activity may include spiritual depression, sensation of futility and fatigue, feeling alien to all and everything. There is also a tendency toward black magic and running from yourself and the real world.

Health This chakra is associated with the brain and the central nervous system. If a chakra works poorly, someone can cope with depression.

This chakra meets transparent white light and uses stones such as clear quartz, diamond, harkimer diamond, optical calcite, danburite to harmonize it.

Now that we have become acquainted with the positions of the main energy centers, color associations and stones, in further topics we will examine the balancing of human energy with the help of color meditation and crystals.

Chakra Therapy

It is very important that the chakras are sufficiently open, and their activities are harmonious so that we can enjoy optimal health and feel happy.

Chakras have energy centers located vertically from the backbone to the top of the head. Its transformers seem to receive energy and information from the subtle spiritual world and express it on the physical level and vice versa. Each chakra spends energy of different quality (vibrational frequency, subtlety) through itself and is related to different body regions, organs, levels of consciousness and functions.

It must be understood that the energy system is not static, it is "moving" and adapting to the circumstances - depending on the situation in the situation and the environment, what activities we are doing, we may need more or less of one or another of the chakras, sometimes it is necessary to open some chakras more and to receive more energy And new information, it is sometimes necessary to close it so as to protect ourselves from negative energy and information. The Healthy Chakras system is capable of free adaptation, without becoming trapped, through which vital energy flows freely. When all energy centers work in harmony with each other, the human body, mind and soul are in harmony, it is healthy and can fully realize itself.

Unfortunately this is not always (more precisely, quite rarely). Some chakras may not be sufficiently open or too open, function too weak or too strong, jammed in one position. This leads to internal distress - the disorders and functions of the areas responsible for chakras, and diseases of the body's systems or organs that are controlled by it. In addition, one chakra is compensated by another chakra and one chakra is disrupted, with the whole system coming out of balance.

It's hard to avoid chakra disturbances. Life reminiscent of walking along the rope, the balance is not static, we move and constantly lose it and restart it. Faced with a traumatic situation or just changes, but whatever leads us outside of our comfort zone, we choose the way to deal with it according to your current awareness, but if we do not have the knowledge and skills to constantly restart old energy, emotions and ideas, and let new ones enter, A decision made once and the response to the situation remains to be recorded as a behavioral and response template and is repeated in all similar situations. We can call it a block.

Many experts in holistic medicine think that everything is happening: we experience some kind of stress or trauma, and so we are in a hurry to feel better, to escape from the negative emotions that the emotional center of the brain (limbicle) determines where to help the energy of that emotion until we are ready to deal with it. Every emotion and thought has its own vibrational frequency and all human experience, all emotions are recorded in our body at the cellular and genetic level and may even be transmitted from generation to generation.

Almost 100 percent of our convictions system is formed up to 8 years of age. Naturally, in the process of growing, gaining more experience and opportunities, it is necessary to periodically update these programs; otherwise, life-long behavior will be guided by childhood patterns of behavior. It is necessary to release the energy of accumulated emotions so that both the physical body and our psychological state can return to the state of balance and harmony and consciously react to what is happening here and now and not automatically repeat the same reactions as the jammed plaque.

Our body sends a lot of signals if the chakra does not function as it should. If you feel sad, scarce, constantly lacking in energy, or even attacking depression, it is very likely that your chakras' normal functioning is hampered by negative energy. If you are constantly disturbed, unable to fulfill your goals and goals, you live with the feeling "It can not be my life, I do not remember that I would have signed it". Most likely, your potential is limited by past traumas and stuck emotions, convictions that you do not really use and make Energy blocks. On the other hand, a balanced and healthy energy system gives you a sense of peace, harmony and harmony, it is easier to cope with the stresses and stresses of everyday life, to realize yourself and enjoy life.

The recognition of the problem and the decision to change something is the first step, but it is not enough to release the emotions of the body into energy, to change habits of behavior and behavior that have already begun. It is necessary to consciously understand the whole template, who initiates it and why. It is a mental aspect. The reception and the thrill of each emotion, until they simply press the sea waves, will not allow their energy to get stuck in the body. It is also important to understand the lesson from this experience, to exploit the opportunity open up to conflict or to raise awareness, which is a spiritual aspect of the decision. And finally, in order to change automatic reactions, it is necessary to access the body's cellular memory in order to change the behavior of the behavior and to change the information recorded there.

credits: @allabout

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Useful post thanx for sharing

You always wellcome!

Metafisica, esoterismo tema complejo

thank You!

Really chackra is for real it exist. How chackra differ to yin - yang?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ying and Yang are philosophical theory based on the unity of the notion of evil and goodness. According to her: Yin and Yang are dependent on each other and can not exist without the other. Yin is dark, evil, and so on. Yang - light, good and etc..
Chakras reveals the unique level of human evolutionary development from primitive existence to spiritual perfection, which is in ours kundalini - it is the first-born, transforming, treating energy that maintains an optimal human condition. It supports us 24 hours a day and knows everything we do, say, think or feel. It promotes our purification and spiritual growth..

I never knew chakra therapy does exist! Thanks a lot for the digest

Yes it is :) Chakras is possible to heal using by different methodologies or mixing it together: It is therapeutic essential oils, crystals, vibrating medical tools or using ''Reiki'' technology :)

Power up this, man. Don't mess up. Squirrels are here to help.

Many thanks for your energy @oldtimer, i really appreciate your support. It's inspiring and encouraging me what everything is possible. I am very glad that there are people from different parts of the world , which helping to create a positive energy for others, cheers!

No borders here. Thanks.


Nice post, sir! Thanks for sharing.

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

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Really nice effort! If the pictures are from pixabay or any free resource please state towards the end of the post the source, so that upvoters will not fret at upvoting. If it is not from a free resource, don't forget to put source and credit to source URL

Hello @surpassinggoogle , thanks for the advice how to specify a picture sources, i'm going to fix it. Here is a first social platform where i trying to let some content for users inside here and every day i found out something new about it. So this first month was like a learning to be here :) By the way i very thankfull for advice in your last post, its very usefull tips and information about creating quality of content and much more :)
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Thanks again for your comment . King regards!

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ty, will try this link :)

great content... yoga is good for health...after doing yoga and meditation daily we can awake our 7 chakras ...

Yoga, however, is actually the creation of a body balance, developing strength and flexibility together. This is done with the help of poses, each with a specific physical benefit. Poses can be done quickly, causing heat in the body (Vinja's Yoga style) or slowly, increasing stamina and perfect posture alignment.

great information and 100% upvote and resteem.


nice post

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Thanks for sharing @allabout :D

Thanks for sharing @allabout :D

Thanks for sharing @allabout :D