Top 10 Reasons You Can't Get A Girlfriend

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

1. You're physically unattractive. Although just because you're ugly doesn't mean you can't get a girlfriend. But chances are if you're in your 20s or younger, looks matter a lot. You can make up for being ugly by having a big heart or a big bank account which leads me to my next one.

2. You have crappy social skills around women. There's a ton of guys competing for one girls attention and why the hell would she choose YOU if you can't even talk to her correctly. This one goes along with being ugly. If you're ugly AND have terrible social skills, you're screwed. If you're attractive, you can get away with this a little bit more.

3. You're trying to go for the wrong type of women. If you're only trying to attract the very attractive preppy girls who obviously have more of a social life then you, and meanwhile you're a walking trash can hanging out in your moms basement all day, then of course it's not going to work out. The more attractive a girl is, usually the more picky she becomes.

4. You're too shy and passive. Are you the type of guy who never initiates conversations with women and hope that your dream girl comes talking to you someday showing signs she's interested? This is what you're doing wrong, you're never talking to the girl you like. Who knows, she could have actually liked you but your low confidence in yourself is the reason you can't get her. Meanwhile your less shy guy friends are getting with the women of their dreams while all you can do is fantasize about being with your crush only to be hurt when another guy comes along and takes her from you. Screw that guy! I feel that hate you have, but let it motivate you to talk to the next girl you have the hots for before Prince Charming comes along.

5. You are the ultimate FREELOADER You're 26 years old and still live with your parents, don't have a license, live off of SSI, unemployed or have a shitty minimum wage job only working 10 hours a week. As you get older, this gets more important to women. Obviously if you're in your teens or early 20s, this won't matter. If any of this applies to you, especially the unemployed and no license part, then go get a job and get a license! The more money you make, the more you will appeal to women.

6. You're terrible at flirting and don't understand it.

7. Your clothes selection and personal hygiene are absolute shit! Maybe if you take the time to comb your hair, brush your teeth, shave, trim your nose hair, clean your ears, wear nice fitting non baggy clothes, lose/gain some weight, workout and run, you will look more appealable to the opposite sex.

8. You come off as a creeper. Maybe one day you decide to break out of your nerves and talk to that pretty girl who works at your company. You awkwardly walk up to her and strike up a conversation only to get labelled as a creeper because you look and talk strange. Don't worry buddy you're not alone. Or maybe you're that type of guy who thinks dirty lines and pickup jokes work. (They almost always don't) If you're this type of guy, please go shoot yourself in the face with a nerf gun.

9.You just don't give a shit about women at all. And this isn't actually a bad thing. You're either one of the chosen lucky few who don't really care about girls at all or you're tired of being rejected by women all the time so you just accept the fact you're going to be virgin 4 life because you are the definition of chick repellent so you don't even try anymore. This is me when I say honestly, you DONT need a girlfriend but it is our stupid human nature to want to find someone. Human nature is a bitch sometimes, you know that? The sooner you find inner peace with your virgin self, the better in life you will be because you won't be tied down to a woman of whether she likes you back or not.

10. Your memes arne't dank enough 

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A great post for those, who really have problems finding a girlfriend. I like the way you write👍👍👍

This is pretty straight forward and I'm hoping this gets the attention of young men who are otherwise lazy and entitled. Great job!