A person who burned himself as a sign of social and economic depression, No words.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

A little sign in the middle of the streets of Tel Aviv


At this point on July 14, 2012, Moshe Silman burned himself
out of blessed memory
As a sign of protest against the social slump in which the poor are in Israel
This signal is a reminder to all citizens of the State of Israel to continue to aspire to a reality in which every person will have a full opportunity to live with dignity
Health, and under the roof

וְכִי-יָמוּךְ אָחִיךָ, וּמָטָה יָדוֹ עִמָּךְ--וְהֶחֱזַקְתָּ בּוֹ, גֵּר וְתוֹשָׁב וָחַי עִמָּךְ.

(Leviticus chapter 25 Verse 35)

The verse literally means that if one of your brothers is at a low point, you will help him. You have to hold him like a wounded soldier.

I stood in the rain for five minutes who felt like a moment, looking and could not utter a word or think.
When I saw the sign, I felt the solitude, the helplessness, felt the person who felt transparent.
I could not speak, I could not think.
I did not feel it was raining, I took the picture only after I understood what happened to me at that moment and wanted to share, because there is a strong message here.

Moshe may have given a sign, Moshe is no longer transparent.
How many transparent people do not have a sign on the street?

I remembered that next to this sign was a homeless person sitting next to one of the most prestigious and considered places in Israel, next to one of the malls in Tel Aviv. I remember he asked me to come in and buy him a McDonald dish because he cannot enter to the mall because he looks very neglected.

I went back to the same place to take a bus back home.

It was very strong rain!
And suddenly I see that homeless guy, the homeless talking to someone else and asking him to buy him food, I was very surprised that after three years I see the same guy in the same place apparently asking for the same dish from McDonald's.
But I had a little joy in my heart, it seems that the homeless is really in a difficult situation that he does not want or can help himself.
But there was someone who stopped in the pouring rain to ask what that homeless needed. It was an eighteen-year-old boy(approximately). He bent down and sat on the wet floor talking to the homeless and asking him what he needed and why he was laying in the rain and not at least under a roof.

I remember trying to arrange for the Homeless work three years ago when I met him, but I realized that he was deep in hard drugs (Heroin) and that he must first get out of the vortex before he could start rehabilitation.


Why was I little happy in my heart?
I saw that our people care about each other.
Maybe the authorities do not always do everything perfectly.
I was happy that three years ago I gave this Homeless something to eat in the middle of the street and now there's an eighteen-year-old boy sitting on the wet sidewalk and wanting to help. I felt I was not alone, that I would not be transparent. Maybe Moshe did change something.

What do you think?

לוגו מאריאנארט.png

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פוסט מרגש נעם, יש לך לב עצום - לנסות לסדר לו עבודה?! אין הרבה אנשים שהיו אפילו מסתכלים לכיוונו.

הסיפור של משה סילמן זעזע פה מדינה שלמה, ככה שבהחלט יתכן שזה עשה מספיק גלים כדי להשפיע, גם אם במעט, על הסולידריות האנושית בין האנשים בארץ הזו. עצם זה שנער בן 18, בגיל שבד"כ הוא כ"כ לא איכפתי, טורח ביום גשום לשבת עם אדם נזקק ולדבר איתו - זה מרשים מאוד, הוא היה יכול לזרוק לו כמה שקלים, וזה שהוא אשכרה דיבר איתו מראה שבאמת אכפת לו - בחור מיוחד.
זו נקודה שמעניינת אותי - במידה ואדם נמצא ללא קורת גג, אבל הוא כן מעוניין להשתקם ולא נמצא במצב בלתי אפשרי כמו התמכרות לסמים - האם הרשויות מסייעות בצורה מספקת כדי שהאדם יוכל להגיע לאיזו רמה מינימלית של חיים בכבוד? שאלה שמצריכה בירור.

@amiramnoan This posts touched the fabric of my entirety. This posts isn't just about an individual's benevolence act, but a shared sense of altruism. Sadly we livein a society where some are really found themselves in a deep abyss, with a hovering negative weight over their heads in forms of horrible circumstances and despicable addictions. We blame them for what they are and have become and in our sense of self-righteousness convinced ourselves that we would never have fallen into such states no matter what.

Motivation and success philosophies on rampage teaches us that everybody should be accountable for themselves and we are whatever we choose to become.

At some extreme it is true.

But everyone does not have the strength of Joyce Meyer to have survived sexual abuse from her father.

Everybody does not have the strength of Oprah Winfrey to have survived the sexual torture from her blood relatives

And so on...

While we hold the truth that people are responsible for their lives, yet a nobler, greater truth we can uphold is to feel responsible, through the act of benevolence, that we can help others alter the course of their conditions and circumstances from bad to good again.

If we all move out in love and show some love to the oppressed, addicted, suppressed, and abused, life will be better.

That is why people like me gets happy when i see another do what i know should be done.

Thanks @amiramnoam for this piece, I love you!

tnx for upvote

The Importance of EQ

The Importance of EQ

We should help others in difficult situation whether other people misuse your help or can't take advantage of help. Helping others and charitable giving has a profound rippling effect. You never know, your single act of kindness could change lives in more ways than you possibly fathomed. Because generosity and charitable gift giving promotes longevity. You are very generous as you show humanity towards that guy because most people in this world don't care.

I agree... We should always try to help no matter how insignificant our help may seem.It is good to know that in this difficult world, there are still good people out there.

It's all about education. if his parents educated him to always give and help people, he will do it, if they didn't educate him like that, he won't do it.

Its is very comforting to think there is a clear reason. I am sorry to say that sometimes it is not all up to us

Sometimes I see homeless beggars as actually working quite hard, forcing us to question society and testing to see how we react. That’s not to say we need to give them something but I always try to give them a smile and if they look like they are notntrying to take advantage, I do trycto give what I can.

Great post but a very sad story :(
I am new on Steemit so I'd really love to make some friends here! If you want for us to support each other, please show me some love on my account and I will make sure I keep reading your lovely articles! :)

Your title got me running to your post. its a tough world out there, but we should take out a little part of us to offer help to those who cannot help themselves. Thanks for helping him that day, but how do you think we can help those who have buried themselves in heavy drug abuse. If we just offer them meals and leave, he will still remain in the same mess.

This a good heart from you, how i wish we could all stand up for each other in our daily life. Just take a look that hero who happens to die just to make the government understand the mistreatment on his dear citizens. What a great hero, i hope we learn from people of this kind. I would stop without saying u have done a good job, keep it on.

Your title made them rushed to your post. its an intense world out there, however we should take out a little piece of us to offer assistance to the individuals who can't help themselves. A debt of gratitude is in order for helping him that day, however how would you figure we can enable the individuals who to have covered themselves in overwhelming medication manhandle. In the event that we simply offer them suppers and leave, he will at present stay in a similar wreckage. @keylinart mem thanks for shareing this post


This is sad. It also reminds me of the Dimitris Christoulas' story. This only goes to prove that neoliberal destruction knows no borders.
And it sends shivers down my spine to think how many stories like these two went (and keep going) by unnoticed and unwritten.

this story touched me

I wish there are still a lot of Moshe in the world who sacrifice himself just to be able to send his message. Of course not a Moshe who will end up his life to make a difference and hope to make a change but someone who is willing to help especially the poor.

In this post, I admired the 18 yo boy also who expressed his concern to someone who obviously doesn't have a house to live.

If only people especially the rich will help those who are in dire need, there will be no one who will die of hunger or die because he/she was not able to endure the coldness outside.

there are many who can send message to people by sacrificing their own life but the problem is talks alway remain such ....no one comes in front when it is about justice...people keep thinking it is their problem they dont take it for the whole humanity...

I'm feeling bad for @MosheSilman, it's a very sad story for the poor guy.😢😢
You are really good person, I think it's dignified job for homeless people and drug addicted people to send them to rehabilitation also...

Actually, all of us must do something for homeless and helpless people around the world..

Brother this is real soul touching. It's the way we should treat every one. Give them respect and love they are worthy off. Nobody deserves to be this away from social belonging and happy strata of life. All deserve homes be it small but all deserve. We just need to show little bit care and affection to people. Thus us utmost satisfaction

Great post @amiramnoam. Helping others brings inside happiness.

בסוף למרות כל המוסדות והמנגנונים, מדובר באנשים. מדובר בלב ובערכים. אני מודה לך על העבודה שאתה עושה, העבודה שכולנו עושים וצריכים להמשיך בה. בעולם הזה באנו לעשות טוב וזאת עבודה מתמשכת

wow idea DQmcFx2yfQ8NC6RzhUWFJD5ShcTa6wrDK8Hn5XBvici31Pa.gif It could be a way to better incentivize the creation of content with long-term quality.

wow very nice steemit post

A sad post but thank you. I wish everyone is as sensitive as you are. Upvote and resteemed.

wish i have those hands & keep upvoting such as this creative funny post!!
Thanks for sharing this..

its all about sharing and caring to make a happy and smiling world.....GOD bless all.

Zihrono levracha :(

אחלה פוסט
כול הכבוד לך מאוד חשוב לשמור את הדברים האלה בתודעה של כולם

a very useful post I really like to read your writing, easy to understand

This is a cruel world we are living in.
It is totally not fair

great..... nice one..... your writing skill was very different....... thanks for shear this amazing post..... :)

yaah that if one of your brothers is at a low point, you will help him. You have to hold him like a wounded soldier! help people for no return ! life can be changes through struggling and keep working hard!

its a great spot of sorrow:(

The post is very good, I like your post, something that happened is not possible to happen again, we must learn from experience. Thanks for sharing @amiramnoam

Thank you for Information abaut Moshe Silman

Yes Borther. We all should help others who need help as our first priority.

very sad news....

thanks for sharing the post..very few think like this today...same story happening many place in the world..everyone needs to think like this

Valentine’s Day is here. And I wish it wasn’t about the commercialization of romance. I wish it wasn’t about romance at all but about love in general, including self-love. And I wish suicide rates would not always peak around this time of the year.

Your title got me running to your post. its a tough world out there, but we should take out a little part of us to offer help to those who cannot help themselves. Thanks for helping him that day, but how do you think we can help those who have buried themselves in heavy drug abuse. If we just offer them meals and leave, he will still remain in the same mess.I wish there are still a lot of Moshe in the world who sacrifice himself just to be able to send his message. Of course not a Moshe who will end up his life to make a difference and hope to make a change but someone who is willing to help especially the poor.

the lines are moving ...seeing that homeless kid breaks my heart

This blog is great and some language is very difficult to understand sir but its very heart touching sir


This is really bad news, similar incident of burning himself also happened in India also which is not good for socety.

It's a sad story,
You are great, you did a good job for homeless people.DQmUSf5ioiYsraS9rbVfXKqaB1NQ7u6uNJa6F6sB7Tynq3U.png


This is a heart moving story. Thank you for sharing a piece of local social struggle and how one life became the spark to ignite hearts through that great land. This was no way for God's people to be treated. Now after more than five years I am so glad that you see hope and a ray of light. It doesn't take far to look before we find someone who desperately needs help. For me it is a few kids in our public schools. They get brushed off saying they have "family problems" but when we visit we see they are in a rich country but don't have the food they need as growing kids. I'm looking for new ways to help them.

upvote and resteemd...I always see your post. And follow you..

After reading this i remember my blog yesterday.About a beggar i encountered the day before yesterday.There are 2 types of beggar one who fully needed someone to help him up and another one is a beggar who is too lazy to work to survive the day and depend himself from others.Really heartbreaking

Just wonderful post sir, thanks for sharing with us your blog sir :)


I'm wondering if you'll take the value of this post and give it to the homeless guy considering you will have profitted from his plight.

I do give upvotes to others but myself lol

חייבת לחזור לזה!...

Israel tem a tendencia de ajudar o proximo sem reservas , nunca imaginei que uma postagem falaria o contrario do que isso me deixa sem palavras de alguma forma , eu sou brasileiro e israel sempre sera uma nação exemplo pra minha vida , sempre ouvi historias do povo de israel , uma nação forte e inabalável protegida por um Deus vivo , o Deus de Abraão Issac e jaco , Moises , Davi , salomão e JESUS ,AP. Pedro AP. Paulo e ente outros ... mas creio que sempre terá UM com princípios em israel, que não vai desamparar o próximo , por isso israel é considerado a nação mais forte do mundo ! e NUNCA deixara de ser !

Israel has a tendency to help the next one without reservations, I never imagined that a post would speak the opposite of what it leaves me speechless in some way, I am Brazilian and Israel will always be an example nation for my life, I always heard stories of the people of Israel, a strong and unshakable nation protected by a living God, the God of Abraham Issac and Jaco, Moses, David, Solomon and JESUS, AP. Pedro AP. Paul and others ... but I believe that there will always be ONE with principles in Israel that will not forsake the next, so Israel is considered the strongest nation in the world! and it would NEVER cease to be!

Otima postagem! PT BR

When i was reading this i remember a quote that actions louder then words.

Uhmmmm so touching

This post is very helpful .. Thanks Dear @amiramnoam