Some people think that birthday celebrations are only on the day you were born.
They have not yet realized that birthday is the day when you grew up and became who you are, the birth of the best person that exists in each and every one of us.
There are many people who do not get this holiday, do not get to celebrate their birthday with joy.
And maybe that's why they're disappointed on this day.Maybe because they were expecting dozens of balloons!
Or they expected everyone to remember that it was their birthday, but almost everyone forgot.
"How did everyone forget the day my mother brought me into the world?"
Whoever did what he did not expect to succeed on this day did what he did instead of everyone expected him to give up!
On this holiday, which is called a birthday, he will never be disappointed
There are many people who have done it for him all the years he has lived
He is so proud of himself that he does not need or need the comfort of the environment.
This is not a date on an identity card or any place.
It is a date that is so special that the person himself dictates it for his own.
And today a year ago this is my holiday.
Today I was born a year ago. (?)
And just like a baby coming out of a familiar place, quiet and natural
With a painful pull and a squeezing click, he jumps into an unfamiliar world, sometimes also hard and alienated in a language he does not know.
The initial response is constant crying that resonates in all directions.
The crying stops only when Mother's hand embraces as if to say," Here I am, you are not alone."
And almost like this baby, a year ago the crying was uncontrollable. To begin to know the new world alone, to change years of habits and to remove the mask of shame.
And wait, wait for someone to come in, lay down his hand and say, "You're not alone, I'm here."
And in this year, at least in the second half of the year, each day ended with a painful sigh of "That's worse than it can not be"
And guess what? The next day fate showed how tough he might be.
One more small thing and I fall without standing.
And every day things are repeated when I can not believe how fate can be cruel ??
How much can you bear?
So almost every day.
A year ago, the body stood in front of the mirror and told me it was impossible to continue like this,
Give up. Everyone gave up on you - give up too.
I tried to give up.
And from this low place the soul rose and cried out
fight! You know how to fight, you've been doing it for years.
I decided to fight.
This is the difference between trying to decide, between ability and will.
And today, after a year, the body and the soul stand in front of the mirror and say:
You have a fan,
And she's right here in front of you.
I won.
So thanks to all those who left and those who were added
And especially to all those who remained-without you and without me I would not have been reborn.
Happy Birthday!
I don't have birthday lol , read the title...
It's a girl that I know.
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Sometimes the comments became entertainment ... lol
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I dreamed last night, @yoo1900 visited my post, the dream was very sweet...
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I would like to convey here, everytime you had a post a post my comment there so that you would someday visit my profile and vote. Didn't happen till, one thing I understood that if people like you happen to be there, there is always a hope.
I have generated 27 steem in last six months that too by winning two contests of about 15 SBD.
If you will vote my post it will be equal to 1 year of my steemit journey.
Will leave a comment here too. Regards from my side.
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Very tolerant with the community, you really deserve to be a great witnes, many people who like small fish., Good work @yoo1900
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@yoo1900 you very nice person heart to others, within 24 hours you choose 5 people you like, I was amazing to you. As I was last night dreaming to you that you visit my post whether it is real or not.
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@yoo1900 do I get a gift from you for my son's birthday.I will be happy if you see me in this happy day.
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Ha ha.
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That feel when you only read the title, jump to conclusions and get called out by the author, that is the exact reason why I don't write anything if I have nothing to say.
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how wise words!
every day we pass we reborn - it has touched me, it's really so, we have a new mini-life every day and new chances, dozens of them, life is not routine and the days are all different, we just need to notice it
you're right about bday feelings. I was the person was was disappointed in my bdays some years ago, I was waiting for smth special amd despite my close people tried to make it bright, it wasn't enough for me, so egoistic and I understood it soon...
I am alive, my family is close, the sun is warm, the sky is bleu and it's my day, my time for new conclusions and a new page in life - great and it's enough to be happy!
hope you're happy too)
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Nice ..
But who celebrates a lost year of his life
Who celebrates who learns from his past and who is grateful for God's opportunities in his life
Thanks for sharing
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I would say everyone has different point of view and different way of looking at things.
So some take its literral meanings while other doesn't.
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this is veery good postHappiness and sadness go side by side but the point is how much satisfied life we are enjoying ?
P.S: Wording is consisted upon the logic of truth and fact & i loved it's every single word ( The Young Al-Pacino
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very emotional post @amiramnoam. We should be thankful to our mothers on our birthdays.
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ืื ืื ืืื ืืืืืืช ืฉืื ื ืืื ื ืขื? ื ืจืื ืื ืืืื ืื ืฉืื ืื ืงืืื ืืช ืืขื ืืื ืฉืืชื ืืฆืื ืืฉืื ืืืืื ืฉืืืฉืื ืืืจืช ืืชืื ืืงืฉืจ ืืืื ืืืืืช ืืืืืื ืืืืฉ ืืื ืืื ืขื ืืื ืื ืืขืฆืืืช ืฉืื ื.
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ืืื, ืืขืืชื ืคืืกื - ืชืฆืืฅ ๐
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A touchy post it is.
Happy ReBorn, my friend.
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Owk really this is one of the best birthday wishing I too have ever seen. She gave the birthday wish a twist and made me rethink what birthday really means. We should live each day that passes like it is our last. We should learn to celebrate each day and make it coundbwith everyone we hold dear to our hearts...Nice one from her.
Is today you birthday @amiramnoam?
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Amen! (: <3
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happy birthday bro ๐
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You thought great.I read it from the beginning and read it from scratch.I am very impressed...Happy birthday @amiramnoam ! I am very happy to know you, and I will always follow you.....
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Happy Birthday to you my dear friend @amiramnoam
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Happy birthday @amiramnoam, good longevity, and continue to share in steemit,
Good luck..
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happy birthday...lovely post....hope that everybody like amazing....keep it up
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@ amiramnoam..happy birthday
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@ amiramnoam..happy birthday
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@ amiramnoam..happy birthday
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It's very deep and emotional..I don't even know what to say..May All of us be happy with what we have and be content with that
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happy birthday too you mem @amiramnoam
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every birthday reminds me of the love my mother showered on me !
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@ amiramnoam..happy birthday,,,Greatest content my dear friend.
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Happy birthday, thanks for sharing
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Is it crazy? or are things just hazy?
How are my mistake coming alive?
Is it dummy? Or is it just rummy?
Yeah Everything's Just a joke! - Reborn!
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@ amiramnoam..happy birthday..Love for you, target pink, I'm in the heart of thousands of people in my heart.
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happy birthday.god bless you.
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happy birthday
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amazing post. how to play steemit like you to increase power in steam. thanks
@ bram17
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Happy birthday, youre the best. Dont forget upvote back, thanks
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Happy birthday to you @amiramnoam. Wish you all the best. ๐ Happy Birthday!
๐ฅ ๐ฅ ๐ฅ
๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐ ๐
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Greatest content my dear friend.... Nice to see your article.... Keep going on... Best of luck ๐
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Many happy returns for the day!
--- @superstar2018
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Happy birthday, may your wishes be fulfilled ...
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Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing! @journeyfreedom
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This is what we call the "Life is a stage and we all are actors, everyone is performing his/her own character"
Happiness and sadness go side by side but the point is how much satisfied life we are enjoying ?
P.S: Wording is consisted upon the logic of truth and fact & i loved it's every single word ( The Young Al-Pacino ;)
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Hope your day is a special one.. Happy Birthday
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Happy Birthday....
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Amazing post by you.
Wishing you a very happy birthday. May God fulfil all your dreams and show his blessings on you.
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What a great way to give your insights on the importance and deeper meaning of what a birthday all about. Birthday for me is about LOVE of our mother that they nourish us in their womb its really meaningful :) Thanks @amiramnoam for sharing your thoughts on this.
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Happy birth day sir ๐๐
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the day we discover what we're meant to do here on earth is also as important as your birthday, thanks for the reminder.
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Happy birthday โค
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Is it written by that girl or by you ?
I never thought of it this way as well. I always remember everyone's b'day and other people forget mine.
But celebrating every day is indeed important and beautiful.
We do need to realize the value of every single day, and this can change our life.
Amazing Noam. This post is life changing for me :)
And is it your birthday today ?
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happy birthday to all my friends,love what you do men,great post ,great words ,looking more from you man,and i wanna be a fan of all ur post. i say again happy birthday .
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Bang joni
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I like your post, happy birthday, good longevity.
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Every day when we face life we reborn. Life is giving you all sorts of experiences for you to explore different avenues and to find something new within you. Every day you die and every day you reborn.
Beautiful words my friend.
Btw I am a little confused, is it your bday today?
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Just like butterflies...
Happy Birthday!
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A word that has a very deep meaning @amiramnoam. The birthday is very much missed by many people, because that day is the most special day in our life. And can remember the journey of life that we experienced from the past. As you said about "They have not yet realized that birthday is the day when you grew up and became who you are, the birth of the best person that exists in each and every one of us." I agree with your opinion. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a wonderful day
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happy birthday...thanks for your post...l really like it...great job
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I think you're right, all needs patience
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Birthdays can be seen as Valentine day. We should not wait for 365days to celebrate our life nor our love. Like you mentioned everyday we passed is one to celebrate for we become reborn.
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Wishing you the happiest birthday! In my Christian faith, we celebrate two birthdays, your physical one and the day your were born into Christ on your baptism. During Baptism your parents were given a baptismal candle to mark the day. At least thats what my faith practices and could vary depending on the denomination. Happy birthday!
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The best relationship between Mother and Child is that there is no mother anywhere. The love of this mother is the best love of all. So everyone of us should love mother. Never give me trouble. Mother Earth. All happiness is in the mother's lap. I love you mother. I miss you mother
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The best relationship between Mother and Child is that there is no mother anywhere. The love of this mother is the best love of all. So everyone of us should love mother. Never give me trouble. Mother Earth. All happiness is in the mother's lap. Happy birthday
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Love for you, target pink, I'm in the heart of thousands of people in my heart. happy Birthday !
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Happy birthday to my friends
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beautifull happy birthday
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Congratulations @amiramnoam, this post is the sixth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 50 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $3994.47. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.
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Excelente post, me encanto. Gracias por compartir.
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Good luck long and healthy always and more successful again
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Honestly, I don't celebrate my birthday. On the eve to my birthday, I try to evaluate what I have set for myself to what I have done in the current year because I know I am not getting any younger and responsibilities increases everyday. After evaluation I try to make corrections on anything deviating from my goal and also set new targets.
On the 21 september (my birthday), I spend it with people that have contributed to my life. We discuss about life, have fun and sometime we challenge ourselves to brainstorm on any idea.
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Birthday is not the day we were born, it's the day we discover purpose, I couldn't agree more with the popular saying. When we start living purpose, irrespective of purpose, that's when we've truly live.
Happy birthday @amiramnoam, wishing you longlife, sound health and prosperity.
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