How to get rich with no money in your pocket?

in life •  8 years ago 

As the proverb: "The best gift - a book." And what if the book you love to re-read from cover to cover, in itself is not ordinary.
Imagine your favorite book can have a price exceeding the millions.
For example, my favorite book in destve was "What is good, what is bad?" Mayakovsky in 1925.

The price is now $ 5385.1
Just imagine how many books are on our shelves that can cost big money.
Another example of my mother have collections of books, "Quiet Flows the Don", Mikhail Sholokhov. Bk. 1-4. Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House, the years 1929-1940.

Price 3846.5 $
I would now be sold uxx, but I can not. Because the same memory. And my mother is against it.
Or give an example of foreign literature:
"O histoire du petit souriceau (Tale of a stupid little mouse).", S. Marchak (Samuil Marshak). Leningrad, Mejdounarodnaia Kniga, 1925 (Leningrad, the International Book, 1925.).

Price $ 538.51
Or very modern book
"Dar Gubar" P.V.Gubar. 2006
Price: $ 230.79

I urge you to people before you pass all the books that big pile lie on your attics, basements, or zahlomlyayut closets, cabinets, in waste paper, see if the wealth themselves in the trash Do not throw away.

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