<center>WHAT IS ASPERGER SYNDROME ?:</center>

in life •  7 years ago 


It is a very frequent disorder of brain development (from 3 to 7 per 1,000 children from 7 to 16 years old), which has a higher incidence in boys than girls. Which has been recently recognized by the scientific community (Statistical Manual of Diagnosis of Mental Disorders in its fourth edition in 1994 of the American Psychiatric Association [DSM-4: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual]), The syndrome is unknown among the general population and even by many professionals.

The person presenting it has a normal appearance, normal intelligence capacity, frequently, special abilities in restricted areas,
but has problems relating to others and sometimes they show inappropriate behavior
The person Asperger presents a different thinking. His thinking is logical, concrete and hyper-realistic. Your disability is not obvious,
it only manifests itself at the level of inadequate social behaviors by providing them and their family members with

They fight tirelessly, hoping to get a kinder future where they can understand
the complex world of human beings and be accepted as they are.


Some of the characteristics that these children present, each child expresses them in a different way. If some of them adapt to your child, a family member or acquaintance, it is advisable to be seen by a professional (child psychiatrist) who can establish the appropriate diagnosis.


It is better related to adults than to children of the same age.
He does not normally enjoy social contact.
He has problems playing with other children.
He wants to impose his own rules when playing with his peers.
Do not understand the implicit rules of the game.
He always wants to win when he plays.
It costs to leave the house.
He prefers to play only.
The school is a source of conflicts with classmates.
He does not like to go to school.
He is not interested in playing team sports.
It is easy object of ridicule and / or abuses by their peers, who usually refuse to include it in their teams.
Difficulty participating in competitive sports.
When he wants something, he wants it immediately.
He has difficulty understanding the intentions of others.
It is not interested in the latest fashion toys, stickers, TV series or clothing.
Has little tolerance for frustration.
He has difficulty identifying his feelings and has disproportionate emotional reactions.
Cry easily for small reasons.
When he enjoys, he tends to get excited: jumping, screaming and clapping.
He has more tantrums than normal for his age when he does not get something.
Lacks empathy: intuitively understanding the feelings of another person.
You can make offensive comments to other people without realizing it, for example: "that fat."
Does not understand the appropriate levels of emotional expression according to different people and situations:
can kiss a stranger, jump into a church, etc.
He has no malice and he is sincere.
He is socially innocent, he does not know how to act in a situation. Sometimes their behavior is inappropriate and may seem challenging.
He has no malice and he is sincere.
He is socially innocent, he does not know how to act in a situation. Sometimes their behavior is inappropriate and may seem challenging.


He does not usually look you in the eye when he speaks to you.
Interpret literally phrases like: "bad fleas".
You believe what you are told even if it is crazy.
He does not understand ironies (You do not like ice creams), double meanings, or sarcasms.
He speaks in a high and peculiar tone: as if he were a foreigner, singsong or monotonous like a robot.
It has a pedantic, hyper-formal or hyper-correct language, with an extensive vocabulary.
Invent idiosyncratic words or expressions.
Sometimes he seems to be absent (as in the moon), absorbed in his thoughts.
He talks a lot.
Little is interested in what others say.
He has difficulty understanding a long conversation.
Change subject when confused


He has a hard time understanding the statement of a problem with several sentences and needs help explaining it in different parts.
He has difficulty in understanding a complex question and is slow to respond.
He often does not understand why he is scolded, criticized or punished.
It has an exceptional memory to remember data, for example: dates of birthdays, events and events.
He learned to read alone or with little help at an early age.
Its symbolic game is scarce (plays little with dolls)
In general it shows little imagination and creativity.
It is original when approaching a problem or giving a solution.
He has a peculiar sense of humor.
It is difficult for him to understand how he should behave in a given social situation.
They have attention problems.


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