Why in Europe, reduce working time

in life •  8 years ago 

Many Swedish employers impose a six-hour day now without waiting for the law, writes The Independent. 30-hour working week, moving the company from technology industry and nursing homes, hospitals, and workshops for car repairs. The purpose of innovation is to give employees the possibility to do the necessary work, and to obtain more time for personal life.

One of the pioneers of the reduction of working time was "Toyota center" in Gothenburg, the second largest Swedish city. Six-hour working day here was established 13 years ago, and the company has never regretted its decision. "We have dramatically decreased the turnover and the profit increased by 25% due to more effective use of machines and reducing capital costs," — says managing Director David Crouch.

"I am convinced that the eight-hour day is not as effective as usually think, — said the Director of the Stockholm company Filimundus Linus, felt. — Stay focused on the task for eight hours is very difficult, and we still have to pause to make the working day more bearable. At the same time, we are left with too little time for personal life outside of work ".

Filimundus went on a six-hour day a year ago, and, as noted, felt, will never return to the former eight hours. "Our company is engaged in development of mobile applications, and a six-hour working day allows workers to maintain the care and creativity which are very important for this job," he explains. — Besides reduced working hours employees are not distracted by social networks and other conversations — they now have plenty of time for that outside of work. But in the office they are fully focused on their duties." In the end, happy with yourself and the employer and employee.

Moreover, the wins and the economy as a whole, by reducing medical expenses. Respected medical journal The Lancet in July published an article summarizing the data of 25 studies of health more than 600 000 people from USA, Europe and Australia for 8.5 years. Data analysis clearly shows that people, who work 55 hours per week, the risk of stroke by one third higher than people working 35 to 40 hours a week. In addition, they have 13% higher risk of coronary heart disease. And the work week longer than 48 hours leads to a weakening of mental health, especially in women.
It is not surprising that the idea of reducing the working week is quickly gaining popularity in developed countries. The other day the leader of the British labour party's Jeremy Corbyn said he would advocate for the reduction of the working day to six hours and in the UK. This was reported by The Independent.

"I don't know if I could make my work just six hours a day, but we will offer the transition to six-hour working day in our program "workplace in 2020," said Corbin. And this is the most important event in the history of employment law in the UK".

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