in life •  9 years ago 

Do Not Trust These People.

Ok, I'm guilty of a few of the pizza ones from time to time. How about you? Which did you think was the most awful? 

Courtesy of BuzzFeed. Obviously. Shameless share.  

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Its videos like these, and posts like these, that somehow make me lose brain cells. I feel 0.05% dumber then when I walked in. I guess that's the point?

Yeah they're just kind of silly. You know, why would someone eat a kit-kat like that? I laughed at that so I figured I'd share. If you're looking to feel enlightened, then buzzfeed probably isn't gonna do it! ;) I'll try to post something under the mathematics page soon.

Man, I feel like a total sell out now for posting this vid. I'm going to stick to original content from now on.