Today we will visit: The Metropolitan Park "El Tunal" ...steemCreated with Sketch.

in life •  6 years ago 

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Good morning my tourists welcome to a new post of "Virtual Kitchen 2.0" today we start with a bit of sightseeing around the city, in a nearby park where I live, the wonderful "El Tunal Metropolitan Park". But first let's see what our Wikipedia says about this park:

_It is an urban park located in the geographic southeast of Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, near the Portal del Tunal of the Transmilenio system. It is the most important park in the south of the city.

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Opening Date: 1970

Capacity: 50,000 people

Size of the area: 0.58 km²

Address: Calle 48B Sur N ° 22A-07

For more technical data, contact:

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The first day I arrived in Bogotá, I had to go through that park, at first I thought it was a golf course, but when they told me it was a park, I was surprised to see it because in Venezuela I did not know a park that big, at least not in the capital.

A few days later, starting to have the need of internet and no money to spend in a cyber cafe I was encouraged to go to the park as I needed to publish and Walter told me that the time we passed through the park I detect a free Wifi.
When approaching the park was that I started to see all the different areas that were available, the Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Softball courts, even a track of Bicicrós (I still do not feel encouraged to go with my bike because it is not in conditions).
As I went further into the park I was able to visualize the library, I went in to see how it was and was quite complete, areas for the children, a free computer room, events and readings for the third age ...

I did not decide to stay in the computer room because at that time I did not know it was free (and that later I would find out that inside the library would be a free Wifi as well). I went out and kept walking until I got some kiosks with a free Wi-Fi zone with a limit of 1 hour; in the city there are many such, but the time varies, in the Tunal portal of the Transmilenio there is a 10 minute limit.

That day it started to rain and I had to invent to cover my laptop and not get wet, thank God a lady from a kiosk offered me a chair to sit under the roof and not get wet. That day I made my second publication of the trip.

A few days later I decided to go to the park to use the Wifi in the library, it was a Sunday if I'm not mistaken and I've never seen so many people in a park. Most people flew kites, played sports or walked the cycle track. This park has a lot of activity on Saturdays and Sundays, in the week if it is empty, only the students go to the library or exercise in the green areas.

Currently I'm still visiting the park, not only for the Wifi clarification, it's a very entertaining place and you can always do something, it's a pity that you do not have a zoo or greenhouse area to see the flowers, but the library is the most beautiful I've seen the park with respect to architecture, design and use of space.
I hope you like the photo session, I missed two areas of the park, but with the material that you capture in the photos you will have an idea of ​​how it is.


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Park entrance: a nice way to start the day with a rainbow in the background.

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Map of the park with its respective areas.

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Large Soccer Field.

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Synthetic Football Fields.

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Rules poster: as there is one in each park court.

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Exercise machines area.

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Exhibition area: the truth is that there is no idea in that mural ...

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Athletics areas and Soccer Stadium.

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Softball court: it shows that they use it for that ...

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Asphalt courts: to leave the knees stuck to the ground hahahaha.

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Volleyball court.

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Practice area for Tennis.

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Tennis courts.

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Sports Coliseum: where events are held behind closed doors, such as martial arts among others ...

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One of the entries to the Public Library.

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Christian Rap Event.

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Roofed gym.

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Pet park.

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Park for children.

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Recreational parks.

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Skating Rink.

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Bicicross track.

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Basketball courts.

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Beautiful lakes in the park.

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Park kiosks: quite cheap and assorted.

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Free Wi-Fi zone of one hour, with chargers.

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Event area, there was a great concert the day before.

I hope you liked this post, I plan to visit the National Museum but I doubt they let me take pictures hahaha, I will have to see what places I visit the beautiful capital of Colombia. For now my posts will be tourism and video games, I still can not make recipes but I promise that soon I will start to taste them with them ...

Take care of my followers and do not forget that:

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