Shopping Centres Know How To Get The Children In...

in life •  7 years ago 

It is raining a lot during this school holidays. So no more children building amazing creative sand sculptures to show my fellow Steemians. The beach has been most unfriendly - windblown grey and wet. Disappointing for children and parents! And for the walkers with cameras like me.

However, all is not lost. I went grocery shopping to my usual very big shopping centre that has all the big grocery shops, bakers and fruit shop etc all under the one roof and voila it was full of children. Oh my goodness, now I know where the children hang out!

Check out this set-up - drawing materials on little tables for little ones and their parents and grandparents!

What great entrepreneurs are shopping centres! They charge of course. Last week Peter Rabbit was the drawcard theme.

This week The Hungry Caterpillar was proudly up on display to attract the children. Not only is there an art section organised there is also an entertainment performance part for little ones. I am sorry that I did not get to see a big Hungry Caterpillar walking around.

What fun for little ones. However, there is another thriving business enterprise attracting the crowds of parents and children set up for the holidays in the middle of the walkways.

Check this out - It is a soft toy making experience for a child. There is an initial cost of $18 to buy empty soft toy and then there are more costs to make it. It was popular and I could see why.

I reckon that the older kids and teenagers were busy with playstation and going to the movies. It is an expensive time for parents during school holidays.

Have a happy day.

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oh cool angiemitchell did you build yourself a bear? lol. I see that you have Adi's in there, Woolworths! I didn't know they were still around, the Reject Shop that's my place.
hey I think the beaches would be perfect being cold and wet weather, no obnoxious kids around!

Hah no bear @janton. Still have 3 of our children's bears. This is why we shop at this Centre called Kawana, everything is conveniently located. The beach is glorious right now and have great photos.

oh ok. well anyway we'll have some wonderful beach photos yay!