Sleep Sleep Sleep - so good for you ......

in life •  7 years ago 

Sleep is the best healing at the end of the day. It does not cost anything, you just have to close your eyes and go to sleep. Lying down in a soft comfy bed is my preference. Even though food and water is a must for us to live, sleep wins hands down in the department of wellness. A good night sleep has the power of making everything look a bit brighter the next day.

Deepak Chopra stresses the importance of sleep, he says it produces a much needed homeostatic state in us.

I looked up homeostasis on the trust Google, definitions help explain words and particularly this one. So easy to search Google isn't it?

The tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.

Unfortunately there are all sorts of reasons why sleep does not happen so well. For example, conditions like insomnia, stress, busy minds, and emotional distress go against any good night sleep. I also hear of friends who have bad nights sleep just before a full moon. My reading tells me that this has to do with the magnetic forces in the universe interfering with the magnetic energy in us. I also know that disruptive sleep patterns is dependent on the level of an individual's of consciousness and vibration frequencies. Does this sound weird? It is very true for my spiritual friends.

In order for a good night sleep, it is suggested that one:

  • Eat dinner a couple of hours before going to bed - this allows your body to digest the food.
  • Finish your work on the computer if you can - the light on the screens stimulates the brain - not conducive to sleeping.
  • Does not sleep with the computer or smartphone in your bedroom.
  • Is aware of the impact of dramatic violent movies, TV shows and play station games on your brain - they are very stimulating and can prevent sleep.

Makes sense doesn't it? Take care of yourself - get a good night sleep. It is magic!




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lol yes Ma'am sleep would be great, I mean enough sleep would be.
I just stay up until I'm exhausted, otherwise I can't sleep worth
a darn! tried drugs for awhile but that was too easy.
here's hoping you get a wonderful night sleep!

I do thanks @janton. Sorry to hear that you have difficulties with sleep.

lol yes Ma'am sleep would be great, I mean enough sleep would be.
I just stay up until I'm exhausted, otherwise I can't sleep worth
a darn! tried drugs for awhile but that was too easy.
here's hoping you get a wonderful night sleep!

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