'Into The Mist'...The Sadness of Farewell...

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

The wonderful photograph that I selected to feature here, was taken by one of our Steemit denizens of note @svemirac which sparked a quiet sense of melancholy within me.

Photo by @svemirac 

I once wrote a poem entitled 'Into the Mist' based upon the impending loss of a dear friend, who would soon be passing over to another place in time and space...forever - gone...

My friend...??? She was not human...she was a beautifully, loving canine companion...of many years.

'Angel' and I would go out on many nights for long walks along the deserted, City streets, enjoying the peaceful quiet of evenings together. Just to have her happily prancing along my side, or jutting out in front of me with a joyously, wagging tail and slobbering, hung, panting tongue, delivered a smile to my face, every time.

Those evening strolls prior to her leaving, filled my heart with a growing sadness...an almost overwhelming sense of grief; especially watching her slowed, painful steps. The long walks had become shorter in distance, not shorter in time though...and there was actually one night, when I had to lift her up, into my arms to complete her last walk home with me...

Angel just slowed to a stop that evening...she went into a sitting position...looked happily up at me, then laid down in a painful expression of exhaustion.

It was our last walk together...and I remember the 'mist'... It is a mist that I sometimes envision her running out from, to greet me once again. Sometimes I see a vision of her sitting there in the distance...watching me...patiently waiting for that day, when the mist she vanished into...beckons me in as well...

There are times in our lives that we must bid farewell to a dear friend or family member, watching them go off into the mist...leaving the gate slightly ajar, like in the picture above...and...as in the picture...perhaps, it is best we leave that gate open, to welcome them home.


@AngryMan - May 21, 2019 on Steemit.com

Image Credit

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This is probably the best, and saddest thing I've ever read.

the best, and saddest thing I've ever read.

Thank you very much @alliski for such a valued, complimentary comment. Coming from a talented writer like you, makes it special to my heart.

"My friend...??? She was not human...she was a beautifully, loving canine companion...of many years."

I lost a dog to age a few months ago. It really is some shit man.

Yes...it really tugs at the heart to see them go, and it may take years to have it not hurt so much inside.


We will all enter the mist sometime.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes...then we'll be home once again :>)