When a day finally goes your way!!!!

in life •  7 years ago 

##My day##

Start of the day

Have you ever seen whenever you decide to be a more positive person life always seems to throw things at you that make you feel like giving in and going on a rampage, well ever since I decided on this plan, I've had more than a few of these encounters with life and trust me they are not fun!!, well the start of my day felt like it would be one of these encounters, this is because today was inter house athletics and I've never enjoy sitting in the sun and singing the entire day, well as luck would have it my mom said that if we wanted to come home early we could, I thought," Yes this is my chance I can finally duck school and enjoy the day." But as usual my cousin had different plans, and decided to sign up to help with the discus and as usual I somehow get dragged into fray and end up working as well.


Things Finally get fun

So I started the work, at first I thought that it was going to a drag just running and fetching a disc and running back, but soon we started to see all the funny and stupid things people like to try, soon it became a game for us to try see if you could dodge the disc right at the last moment, I am almost positive I could've died more than four times, but we had a good time, though something to remember when you know your going to be in the sun for more than 5 hours put SUNBLOCK ON!!! I was the twit and forgot and found a new equation (sun + running x 6 hours = tomato face)


**End of day **

When we finally got home, I was ready to faceplant on my bed and sleep the entire afternoon, but as I've seen life wanted to spice things up and we had my cousin come over for an hour or so and all I could think about was that today was leg day, but to my amazement he decided to cut me some slack because of all my hard work and we decided to have a swim instead and so that is how I finally had a day that was full of aches and pains, but full of fun and achievement.


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XD XD XD, Wow, well you enjoyed it didn’t you?? XD XD