MY DAY WITH @liondani - A DREAM CAME TRUE - @annadeda

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello to all my friends of Steemit.


Yesterday was a very special day for me. One of my wishes was to get to know in person Steemit Best Witness (in my opinion) @liondani and yesterday finally my dream came true. I @annadeda , my sister @mariaentela and my friend @otsouvalas drove to Loutraki in the morning, feeling a happiness and a cheerfulness that overwhelmed us. Arriving there, apart from the Steemit Witness @liondani, we had another big surprise awaiting us. The sweetest @kerkyra was waiting for us too, with the most gorgeous smile. We had some coffee in a beautiful place called Perla bar, talking and having fun for hours. I am very happy because @liondani is just the same I had imagined him to be, so sweet, so gentle, so gorgeous and such a direct and dynamic person. Needless to talk about the beautiful and sweet @kerkyra. She is one of the most pretty and gentle women I have ever met in my life. When I talked to her I felt as if I knew her all my life. She made me feel at home and her eyes and beautiful smile was so warm I felt really lucky to get to know her too. Inside me I was thinking all the time how generous God is with some people, given them all goods, be it beauty sweetness and gentle souls. After finishing with our coffees we went to a wonderful restaurant by the seaside and ate and drink to our hearts content. I was so thrilled that I didn't understand how the time went by so fast. Our photographer @otsouvalas captured this special moment for me with his camera and I will treasure these photos for the rest of my life. As the evening was approaching we were really sad to have to say our goodbyes to our friends. My only consolation at that moment was the big hug and the kiss I got from my sweet @liondani and the promise to meet again soon.

This was one of the best days of my life and I wanted to share it with all of you.

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Μεγάλη τιμή για εμάς που σε γνωρίσαμε Άννα!!!!

Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την αγάπη σας. Σας περιμένουμε εμείς τώρα λίαν συντόμως. Σας φιλώ My dear @kerkyra and @liondani!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Πάντα τέτοιες χαρές να έχεις Άννα . Δυστυχώς εγώ δεν έχω γνωρίσει ακόμη κανέναν απο όλους εσάς του υπέροχους ανθρώπους και κάποιες φορές σας ζηλεύω που λόγω νησιού δε γίνεται να το κάνω όταν το θέλω..
Εύχομαι σε όλους σας @annadeda, @mariaentela, @otsouvalas, @liondani and @kerkyra ό,τι καλύτερο !

Μπράβο @annadeda γιατί καταφέρνεις και πραγματοποιείς τα όνειρά σου !!! Βρέθηκες ανάμεσα σε καταπληκτικούς ανθρώπους!!! Tους θερμούς χαιρετισμούς μου σε όλους!!!

My sweety @Anna. Your words can be nothing more than a promise for us to reunite and claim more beautiful moments.

This was one of my best moments. I feel honoured not only because I met one of the best witness and one of the most powerful and inner will person, but because I had the honour to be the only person who had to capture this moment.

@annadeda and @liondani in one frame.

I know there were not only you and @liondani.
@kerkyra won me with just a handshake.

For me, the handshake, and how powerful is reveals the inner of the person who welcomes you.

I cannot tell any words about @liondani, because he is a person who will not speak much, but he will show what he wants to tell with his eyes.

Both of them welcomes us so harm and friendly. They won my respect from the first time.

Thank you very much botho of you and of course I would not forget @annadeda and @mariaentela for their gift. To let me live this moment.


My dear @otsouvalas! I'm the one to thank you, because it was you who drove the car up there and without you all this would not have been possible. I thank you from the bottom of my heart

I did nothing. I was just a piece of this puzzle.
You know, a ship can travel without wind, but it cannot without capten.

Do not be afraid. The voices yelling to you "ai ai captain"

It looks like your friendship is good. I also chose liondani as a witness

Thank you dear! Also I chose him as witness. Because he is fantastic.

We mustcnot chose a witness because he is good person but we must chose wisely so our votes confess the person who can lead the pack.

For me @liondani worth to be a leader. My opinion, my thought my believes.

I choose anyone, I think it's very good. my customer can choose it., thanks all friends

yes i think it's a very nice person

I think the best treasure in this life to have friends who make you feel happy and being loved and cared..

This is true

Wow so not only are you raking in awards in the field, now you realizing your other dreams lol. Am so glad to have read this post, because am also a fan of @liondani and meeting him must have been really great. Am happy for you dear :D

Knowing @liondani up close was a formidable experience and he was exactly like I imagined a formidable person With a big heart and also with the sweetest smile I ever met in a person.

I will start to believe that you never smiled in front of your mirror :)


Καλημέρα, χαίρομαι Αννούλα που κατάφερες και πραγματοποίησες ένα μεγάλο όνειρο.
Συνάντησες υπέροχους ανθρώπους γεμάτο καλοσύνη και αγάπη...
Μακάρι η ζωή σου εκτός απο νίκες να είναι με αγάπη και χαρά!

I thank you from the bottom of my heart dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a beautiful day! Yes they are truly beautiful people @liondani and @kerkyra

You're absolutely right my dear.😊 both were sweet and also wonderful people.❤ I feel very fortunate to have their friendship @liondani and @kerkyra

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Very nice and great meeting.
You all must have had a lovely time together.
I wish to meet with great minds like you all some days.

Thank you so much! 🙂

An extraordinary meeting, maybe even what many people @annadeda, I also really wanted to meet directly with her legend @liondani. But it all was a dream for me, probably will never meet in person with her @annadeda as experienced at the time. One of which I am also a loyal blog visitors to @liondani, and it is such a precious thing that is so remarkable that such experienced mis @annadeda. If I was reunited with the legend @liondani I really can't express the pleasure that I experienced.

Meetings were deeply moving and Super outstanding @annadeda and @liondani.

Η τιμή είναι πραγματικά δική μας που μας αξίωσε Θεός να σας γνωρίσουμε. Ο χρόνος πέρασε τόσο γρήγορα κοντα σας... απολαύσαμε κάθε λεπτό. Οπωσδήποτε να το επαναλάβουμε λίαν σύντομος!

Είχα ακριβώς την ίδια αίσθηση @liondani. Όταν γυρίσαμε το βράδυ στην Αθήνα ήμασταν και οι τρεις πολύ χαρούμενη και ταυτοχρόνως μελαγχολικοί γιατί θέλαμε και άλλο να μείνουμε μαζί σας. Ο χρόνος δεν φτάνει ποτέ οταν περνάει ευχάριστα. Σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά για την ζεστασιά σας και την αγάπη σας. Ο Θεός να σας έχει καλά :)

I don't understand your language, but i really wish to know you more sir.
It will be a dream come through for me.
Getting to chat with you, I never knew you were a steemit witness, I really want you to win it.
I will do my best to make my friends and other people vote you.
You are a very wonderful man.
God bless you so much sir.

Awwn so Cute.. 😍💏

If I was as Cute as Her..

Would have strived for a Date With you Sir @liondani

Imagining a Day with you sir would really be a Dream come true.🎆🎉

είναι η τιμή να δοθεί ο θεός στους καλούς ανθρώπους, ένας από τους οποίους σας διαλέγω ως μάρτυρα, νομίζω ότι είστε ο καλύτερος

steemit family
best wishes for all dear ♥

Thanks a lot!😊

I wish I was As cute as You @annadeda

Maybe Sir @liondani would Consider Going on a Date with me.😂😂.

Lovely Post Dear

A very interesting photo mis @annadeda.
In every photo also definitely have myriads of meaning for himself, and in every color photos also has myriads of beauty for in pandangi.
As well as lived life mis @annadeda now this very special, also unusual, her spirit is so hot. And we hope the mis @annadeda also masi always given the length and health and continues to still high-spirited in realizing the dreams in impikannya.

As in previous days, when also met directly with the legend @liondani, also in the form of a dream come true. We also sincerely hope can meet directly with @liondani, mis @annadeda are grateful to have the opportunity to meet in such a way. Truly a very poignant encounter mis @annadeda.

I am amazed with you mis @annadeda, keep the spirit and success always for you mis @annadeda

I follow you

Just a heads up while you can still edit the post; you seemed to have mispelled @liondani's name twice as @linondani.

great @liondani !

enjoy the days with your friends. it is your day of joy

we wish your family always get along

Great Meetup. He looks exactly all these things you wrote about!I hope you had a good time @annadeda

i voted for you and you should also vote for me.

Dream come true indeed.Love to meet you sir @liondani.You are a passionate man

I am very happy when you know @ liondani.bisa you mention the liondani photographed itu.saya want mengenalnya.I very happy when know him

Πολύ όμορφες φωτογραφίες, εύχομαι σε όλους ότι καλύτερο!!!

your very excellent this post have a good day, ,thanks for sharing.