Single parents at Christmas time

in life •  7 years ago 

Hey guys tonight I wanted to write a piece about Christmas I mean unless you're a millionaire I think Christmas is tight for everyone But what I wanted to talk about was expectations of single parents from their kids at Christmas.

I myself am a single parent and I've got to say this Christmas I'm really feeling it I have three children 8,7 and 4 and my eldest is at that age where hes in school and at friends houses and he sees everything his friends have I.e phones Xbox ones mini motor bikes balance boards I mean my sons xmas list read more like a wish list of things I would never be able to afford!

  1. Balance board
  2. New bike
  3. A puppy
  4. A Samsung s7
  5. A 40 inch tv for his room

Now if I didn't have 3 kids I could probably stretch to a new bike maybe even a puppy but there's no way I can afford all of this I literally sat in my living room and cried thinking about how devestated he would be if he didn't get any of these things.... but I quickly reassured myself that he's 8 and he'll probably be more than happy with anything he gets ..... I hope! But I was thinking about it n I thought I wonder how many other single mums and dads sit and worry themselves sick that they're kids are going to be dissapointed on xmas morning and like I said at the beginning of this I know xmas is tight for everyone single or in a relationship but at least in a relationship there's someone else there to reassure you to tell you that your doing ur best and the kids are going to be happy and you're not failing them!

Don't get me wrong I'm not a charity case and my kids have some really great presents this year I mean are they going to have what they're friends have .. no that won't but I think they'll all be pretty chuffed with what they get which is what all parents Wish for at xmas just to see your kids faces light up that's what makes all the stress and worrying truly worth it.
So this post is really just a shout out to all the single mums and dads out there trying they're best at Christmas to let you know you're not the only one struggling you're not the only one who feels inferior or like a let down and just that no matter what kids are kids they may want the world but as long as you do your best and give them what you can afford you should never feel inferior or like a dissapointment because in life we can only do our best :)

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