Here's my story, born in 1997 and lived with my mother for a few years then moved in with my uncle and his wife. I was too young then therefore I cannot remember much from that time. I later on move in with my grandparents and yes it felt more like home. There's a reason we have "parents" in "grandparent" and the word "grand" certainly means they are the best parents anyone could ever ask for.
After high school I had to move back with my uncle. Well treated by himself and his wife but the house never felt like home. Unless I'm home alone.
I sometimes visited my parents and over there it felt so much like home, no matter who's there. My mother's house was my real home. I could feel it. My point here is to get the message over to you guys. Even if they give you the master bedroom and treated like a King/Queen. You can never feel at home unless you really are at home.