Everyone is Getting Rich... Except Them

in life •  7 years ago 

This is definitively good news for us... but them?

Maaaaaaany people I know and I met before. People from my past, relatives, friends, ex girlfriends, people I just met. These are "Them".

Since the very first day I been in Steemit I've been surrounded by AMAZING people that helped me to get further and further... I found a lot of support and a lot of possibilities in this social platform and the truth is that I I always wanted to share this with my friends and relatives.

So this is why I have shown them how much money you can make here in Steemit, with cryptos and how cool an investment here around would be.


Until now, absolutely ZERO people followed my advice.

I am not sure about the why, but the truth is that they are missing a lot of opportunities. Mostly because other monster social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. use the people like if they were pieces of meat going straight to the slaughterhouse.

I remember all these people or most of them that haven't started or even tried here around yet. And they just keep posting their stuff, sometimes good, sometimes stupid and senseless. But they are giving their content, ideas,
images, pictures, information, presence and views/likes for free to a company that makes money from all this.

Of course I am not saying that Steemit doesn't make money from it, but it gives something back, and not only something, but I believe it's really generous.

So why Them never tried? Why Them keep losing the opportunity to get money?

I talked about this in a previous post, a pretty good one I must say. And it's because people don't trust.

Exactly, people don't trust themselves, they don't trust others but more importantly...

...They don't trust the system.


I am talking about the same system that leaves the people without any opportunity to grow (for example, In whole Latin America... the place where I come from. You can't grow up any further because they will take you down).

The same goes for the works and employees. They have gained a lot of authority (not leadership) and they make use and abuse of it, treating people like numbers and leaving them on the streets.

Not to say that lately with the globalization we all lost values and the meaning and importance of the honor. Betraying friends and colleagues in one or more ways. Becoming hedonist and absolutely egocentric, because this is what the media without limits does to us.

All these things plus many more (dysfunctional families... such as mine. Bad economic strategies, ignorance and poorly designed school education, etc) collaborate all together to make people scared, to make them feel fear, to not be certain about anything. Just one thing: that they are not strong and good enough.

So they just give up. Before even starting.

Still, we did it. We ARE here. We saw the possibility and we didn't let it go. I am happy for you, my fellow steemian, for you and for me. Because we saw it together and even if maybe we were scared, we came all together in this and make this possible.

Thank you for being there. Thank you for not being like all those others, Them. Thank you for trusting in this system and for making it awesome all together.

Thanks a lot for your support and I see you in the next one!

(All the images are my own creation and so I own the rights of them)


I always try to listen to the ideas of my fellow followers to improve my posts and to give something back to the community... therefor: What would you like the next posts to be about? What should I talk about? What kind of painting? Would you like some tutorials about arts, about cooking? Maybe some fresh gaming broadcast? I would love to know!


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I can relate to this so much, @anritco! Growing in a autoritarian county (Russia), in dysfunctional family, I found this cryptofield as a way to go out of this, a tunnel to the better future. I started to post on Steemit regularly about a month ago, and the amount of money that can be made here shocked me. Like when I got 10$ for a post it was amazing, like I mean in Russia most people earn this per day, or even less than 10$ per day. Of course I suggested to take my friends/relatives into Steemit. And what do you think? Only my brother made it and registered. I think there is not much sense in trying to grab others as they won't get on board anyways. Also I very much appreciate your rise as I maybe have I better sense of what it feels like to live in a poor and dysfunctional country than americans do. I wish you good luck bro, and thank you for the upvote through minnowproject! cheers

I wish you all the best buddy. I honestly hope you will rise and earn each time more. The possibilities from here and other cryptos and project is just limitless. I will try to help you because I know how it is to come from a completely fucked up place and have no one to give you the right answer... "how to get the hell out of here and change my fate?".

If it makes you feel better, a person from Venezuela earns 20USD... Monthly.

Yeah, I also feel that this thing right here, right now, in 2018 can make as millionaires, if we work hard of course. :) how to get the hell out of here and change my fate? that's exactly what I feel, buddy. You must have felt exactly the same when you were not making money.. Also did you go to US or suggested to continue living in (Venezuela, I suggest?). If yes, our regimes are quite like each other I think. Human rights violations, HUGE corruption, and so on. Even our presidents, Putin and Maduro, are quite like each other. Thank you for the upvote, I appreciate it!

I have told way too many people to join recently and they always have an excuse.. yet these same people are obsessed with other websites and posting and liking for free! If you are going to be spending your time on a website at least be able to find valuable content there AND be rewarded for your time spent on there! It's a win/win for both the content producers and those who view it. They say they don't understand crypto, but I didn't understand it at first either.. but thats where you take time to learn! It is not that hard of a concept really.

Absolutely! It is sad, but they are just way too comfortable on their spots. They think it is all a scam because (their words) "money can't come up from nowhere". Yet here we are and we are slowly rising and earning more and more. We force ourselves to develop better content and just get better at everything what we do. So I don't really see where is the scam.

People are uncomfortable with change, plus where they are now they're a big fish. Here they'd have to start from scratch.

Plus, if you look at it, not everyone is cut out for Steemit. Everyone here is a rebel. It takes a certain mindset, a certain constitution...

I get the argument about how money just doesn't come from nothing, too, to which I reply the US dollar does! It's no longer backed by gold. It's a worthless piece of paper we give worth to because we choose to under lies and false pretenses.

Well said! @arbitrarykitten

Absolutely! Your argument is totally valid

People seem to think everything is a scam. Also, it is not hard for anyone to post on here! I don't even see what the big deal is. Nobody is asking for your money to join here either.

I think it's a reaaally big series of events. Damn, it would be way too long conversation. Another day, here or there. I invite the beers.

Exactly, it's free, what else can you ask for? It's clear that you have to make a little initial effort to have some profits but you're already doing that in other places where nobody shares any profit, the problem is the trust / distrust that you generated by so many online scams that many people catalog all the same sites and put all in the same bag thinking that everything is a scam hahaha.

Absolutely, It took me some time to start earning some considerable amount of money here. The thing is that you have to talk to people, to offer something unique and good quality. I guess I am lucky since I have my art and this kinda speaks for me, but may people have other skills and talents.

I think it's just matter of finding the right people and make the right contacts, which only happens by trying and not giving up =)

This is just new as social media, so they are now test this, obviously they will got this

I hear you. Its tough watching people fall behind. I am constantly getting friends and family into crypto or steemit. The barrier of entry in crypto is SO difficult right now and getting even harder. I know everyone is not as diligent as I am, so I try to make it as easy as possible. I never want anyone left behind.

Absolutely, I feel the same. It always been hard as far as I know... I remember a year and some months ago bitcoin was 600 usd and people were saying "i will never invest in this sht... what if i lose my money". And now they are even more hyped than back then.

Anyway, I am not even saying to them to put money here, but just to get started. For instance, I am not proud of it, but I've never put a cent from fiat in Cryptos, yet I made a lot already.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I don't understand why no one I know will try this platform. I was able to have one family member sign up for Steemit, but other than that, my advice falls on deaf ears.

I think they are just afraid to try. But I completely feel you man... it is so annoying. The worst part is when you open yourself and you say how much you earned, and they reply "GOD DAMN I AM MAKING MY STEEMIT ACCOUNT TOMORROW"... Two weeks after and they haven't moved a finger.

yess very true

Yes my friend, I know what you mean. Out of the hundreds of people I have told about Steemit only 2 of them have joined, and one of them I basically had to sit down with him and make him sign up.

Of course I tell people about the rewards, but to me the thing I preach the most is the absolutely amazing sense of community. There is so much value here beyond financial gain. This is by far the best platform I have ever been involved in
I'm not saying Steemit doesn't have issues, but I feel confident that most of those issues are simply because the platform is still in its infant stage.

This platform has so much subatance and value compared to all the others. I'm constantly in a state of excitement about where this can lead for all of us.

This place has the potential to support dreams.

Beautiful words @art-mess! I believe many people could just find the support here to follow their goals and not even worry about incoming. Just make their dreams come true, as you well said, and stop worrying about the constant treat of not having what to eat at the end of the day.


we are pioneers

Bien dicho hermano @networker5 !

like i said before keep up with the talent, am not sure if these whole family and friends transition thing is about trust, i would that rather view it as a difficulty in making that transition because they are used to the system . i love your drawing make a gorvemen conspiracy article

Thanks buddy, for real! I will try to keep fresh ;)

Almost always they are skeptical, told some friends about SteemIt but they wouldn't believe you could actually earn some money by just posting and liking stuff. They do however tried to sign up, grow tired of waiting for that confirmation link, so maybe that's also one of the reason why they just stopped.

Honestly I haven't heard about problems of that kind lately... I think they pretty much solved these issues, but I may be wrong.

x-girlfriends lol...I be like

"Hey girl! ;]"


You are making it happen!

It's great to see your success here. I talked to my brother, who is an artist, about Steemit. I can tell he has near zero interest in doing anything on Steemit. He has his plan and he's going with that.

I have talked with other people who have opened accounts and written some posts. The more "techy" a person is, the more likely they are to be interested in Steemit and crypto-currency. That's been my experience. However, I know some very "techy" people who are not interested in it all.

You took action and it has certainly paid off well for you. I'm glad I also took action and got started about six months ago.

Honestly I think I am a weird kind of artist, because I like to make projects come true and make good profit from them. I am always thinking about the benefit vs. the cost even in other aspects of my life. Most artists I met don't have this... they are more "bohemian" and they just care about little things, living life daily.

I don't know if I described your brother well or bad, but this may be the reason, he just don't care about giving a step forward in terms of money and development.

And here in Steemit, I can assure you that techy people have way more chances than me to earn money, you just have to follow these skills with a good writing skills and social ones as well and try to establish contact with whales and curators =)

I saw your wallet and you are doing fine, you will see that the more you got, the easier it will be for you =)

Fear of failure used to cripple me from taking any chances when I was younger. Of course, if you never try, you have already failed. I have been singing Steemit's praises since I started here, but no one seems to want to take the opportunity.

Very inspiring post with a great message. Your a great role-model for other Steemians.

Thank you so much @hglucky13 ! And it s exactly how you describe it... we need to fail in order to learn. We don't learn from successes because we don't know what when right: things are too complex to say "this is right! and this is the right way!". We just learn "this wasn't that bad but this little part from here failed, so I'll shall try something different next time".

At least this was my path as artist and every other profession I heard of =)

your drawings as always do not cease to amaze me they are impressive, you have a unique style, they remind me so much of the style of Alfonso Azpiri (key figure of video games in Spain)https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfonso_Azpiri

Oh thanks man! I am honestly a piece of crap regarding to drawing itself, but I am slowly getting better (or better said: not-that-shitty). It's an honor to remind you such a legend!

If the truth is that this man was a true legend, I did not know very well if you knew his art but I see that if or what I think, very popular especially here in Spain and especially in the decade of the 80s and 90s the golden age of video games in that country, I got to buy videogames that attracted me only for the cover then the game could be quite bad but only the cover was worth that purchase.
and I'm telling you very seriously you're very good at drawing, I do not say it to say, your style is very similar so I encourage you to continue with the drawing because that genius has already passed away and the world needs more geniuses as well and you are one of they.

I would like one day to buy a video game and have an impressive cover that is painted by you, someone has to replace that lost art there are not too many good artists because there are loose.

Oh thanks man, currently there is one being developed...

It is called BattleBlox and it seems it's gonna be really cool! Probably in the future there will be more games designed by me so let's be patient :P

vaya no sabia que estabas ya en ello, muy bien, estare atento entonces ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good post. I know all about it. I'm a graphic designer in Colombia, the professional field is saturated and underpaid. I have a lot of friend with more graphics quality than me but no one wants to hear anything about the internet. This is the future and here you can find someone who likes your work and want to support it.

Absolutely hermano. This is our great opportunity for people like us to get what we really believe we deserve. See, I've been working already for Warner Bros, and they don't even pay close to what I get in here. This is just amazing.

Intresting blog@anritco

Thank you buddy


Excellent, same goes for me... They can't keep us down though. Tu tienes mi sosten hermano 🤙🏽

Upvote for u my friend.