- Foundational Teaching #10 - There Are Five Areas Of Life (FAOL).

in life •  8 years ago 
  • Foundational Teaching #10 - There are five areas of life (FAOL).
    They are relational... mental... emotional... physical... and financial. (Described in comments section)

They all come from the Spirit. (See photo - Five Areas Of Life in Photos below)
If you are hurting in one area... you are hurting in all areas.
If you are hurting in one area... you are not hurting in that area.
You are hurting in the Spirit.
It is a spiritual problem.
It is an indication to you... a signpost that you have overlooked or disobeyed... an instruction.

When I am asked to go teach... this is one of the the first places I start.
The vertical alignment is as follows:
(1) God, The Father, Abba
(2) Jesus Christ, The Son of God, The Word of God made flesh
(3) The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth
(4) The five areas of life (FAOL)
(see 2nd Foundational Photo in my Photos Album linked below).

As always... see comment section after video. Suggested Study always listed in last comment.

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  • Version 2 - How The Money Is Made - The Numbers And Potential - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgzJQvsczs8

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---- The five areas of life are:

  1. Relational – How we relate one to another... whether we love each other or hate each other... whether we uplift and encourage one another... or we discourage and put each other down.
    The Ten Commandments deal mostly with this area... but includes all 5 areas.
    Jesus summed them up in two...
    The FIRST and greatest is:
    Love The Lord your God with everything you have and are... with all your heart... mind... soul... and strength.
    The second is like it - Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
    (Matthew 22:35-40... Mark 12:28-34... Luke 10:25-37).

  2. Emotional - How we feel. Most people are run by these, instead of the Word. Is your God the God of your feelings... or the God of the Bible?

  3. Mental - How we think. Accurate knowledge APPLIED = Wisdom.

  4. Physical - The things that are physical, like our bodies. Things that we can see or touch.

  5. Financial - Money/cash... This is an area that is specifically avoided in schools because of several reasons.
    One is, people cannot teach what they do not know.
    How can a person making $35,000/year BEFORE taxes... teach you how to make $100,000 clear... AFTER taxes?
    This is discussed a little bit below and will be in great detail, in later lessons.
    (2nd Foundational Photo)

The first three in the vertical alignment work in perfect unity.
However, through a godless system... we are taught to compete instead of cooperate.
If you try to cooperate in school... they call that cheating, and you get punished... but it is what we, as Christians, are called to do (Exodus... John 17).

If I wouldn't have had a couple of AWESOME Friends in high school who "cooperated" with me on the tests (and they know who they are)... I would have flunked Advanced Math and Chemistry.
I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed.
I still owe y'all by the way... and I am looking to settle up any day. 😊

I teach my brother... let the world compete.
YOU... teach your people to cooperate.
If you compete, you have a win/ lose situation.
If you cooperate, you have a win/ win situation.

We, as a nation.... have to repent. That begins individually.
That Greek word for REPENT.... does NOT mean go to the altar and boohoohoo.
It does not mean to say you're sorry.
It means to change... to think differently... so we will act differently... from NOW ON.

If what you have been doing has gotten you where you are at... what makes you think doing more of it... will make it any better??

This is the question Christ essentially asked the pharisees and the sadducees.
Then He told them that doing the same thing... produces more of the same results.
So Christ shouted the same thing that John the Baptist shouted... "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near/at hand."
What He did was shout, "CHANGE!!"
But then comes the question... "How do we change? What do we change?"

That, my friends... is where TEACHING comes in, and that is what Christ did.
He went around TEACHING and doing good... healing the sick in ALL five areas of life and preaching the Kingdom of God.
The one area that is killing our people is the SPIRITUAL... because all FAOL's come from the SPIRIT.

We are not taught by the Word how to achieve in the financial area.
This ONE area is killing the other four... and is what the majority of people are lacking... because they cannot do what they do not know.
This is done... ON PURPOSE.
( See 2nd youtube video - Failure or Success... Choose Wisely)

  • Come Together - Third Day

---- Most people are 60-120 days... from bankruptcy.
We are to prosper in ALL 5 areas... or we are a loser in that area.
This in turn, affects all the other areas.
But, instead of being proud of our financial success... and helping others to achieve the same if they want to... I've heard many people say crazy crap like, "I'm not focused on material things. I focus on the things that REALLY matter." ...
OR.... "It's the little things that matter, not the material things."

They ARE. LYING. TO. YOU... and to themselves.
This always comes from delusional people... who are in their comfort zone... and don't want to leave it.
In reality.... they are just plain scared... LAZY and selfish.

A lot of these people who say these things are the SAME ones... who are grumbling during the week about how hard they are having to work... or when they are laying in bed at night...they are thinking how they need to make some more money.
They are only deluding themselves.
Let them lose their job... or car and see what they all of a sudden become focused on.
How bout having some spares... some options.

The material things matter too. So quit saying they don't.
Give them equal billing in the five areas.
And quit trying to make others feel guilty for wanting more... just because you don't... or CAN'T.
Our God made a lot of material things... and He made them for us.

You cannot have in abundance... what you repeatedly speak against.
The Word says God will bless us and we WILL BE... a blessing.
How can you BLESS others... if you are not FIRST... blessed?
How can you give what you AIN'T got?
When people don't know a lot about a subject... or have not been taught on it... there is always major confusion in that area.

It seems accurate thinking... is not at a premium these days.

Accurate thought always leads... to accurate choices.
Confusion is not of God.
It is of satan.... and many out there are confused today.
It is one of the curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 28).

People may call you materialistic for wanting more.
They may call you greedy.
They are only talking about themselves... because they do not really KNOW you.
DO NOT listen to them... UNLESS... you want to be like them.
Make all the money and acquire all the "material" things your heart desires.

But realize, if you have to cheat or lie or steal to get them... they will not make you happy and you will have to answer for doing that.
But... if they are given to you... or you acquired them by the Word... CARE LESS what others think and use those things to help others achieve the same.
This is called, "laying up treasures in heaven" ... and LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.
(1st youtube video - Good Ground... Or Not).

And THEN, if you STILL think that you are guilty.... greedy... ashamed or materialistic after you have achieved them... cause you've been listening to satan's crowd....THEN GIVE THEM ALL TO ME.
I'LL TAKE 'EM. I need 'em.... to build more orphanages and schoolhouses that will teach God's children, God's Word.... so they can do God's will.
I will sure put 'em to good use.
Just send me a private message.... and I will set up a time and place for you to send/ give them to me. :-)

I suggest you get about following His Word... if you want some rewards and don't want to be broke in heaven.

I call it.... "After We're Saved... What Then?"

Thank God for HIM.
Thank God for my relationships.
Thank God for my sound mind.
Thank God for my emotions.
AND THANK GOD for material things.
They sure take a lot of the pressure off.

God is the One who put them here and He did it for us... to have a lil glimpse of heaven and how life was in the garden... before they had to GET OUT and DIE.
I do not understand why people want to live well in heaven... but then put you down for wanting to live well here?
But like I said.... ACCURATE thinking... is not at a PREMIUM these days.

Don't let any MORON make you feel guilty or ungodly for wanting to have more... OR for HAVING an abundance of all that you desire.
Matter of fact... offer to help them have the same... and give them a vehicle that will allow them to... cause jobs are not designed to make the slave... I mean, the employee, wealthy or free (FT#11).
I will teach you specifically how to do that... by THE WORD.

God didn't make the diamonds and gold for satan's crowd. :-)
He made them for us... to enjoy.

If you need to know how to further answer these people... check out my Foundational Teachings.
And as always, for further teaching, feel free to contact me.
We have not been taught how to prosper in the FAOL.... especially the relational and money side of it.
This is what satan knows and uses the most.

They are two that overflow onto... and mess up your mental, emotional, and physical.
You'll wind up being unfruitful... and have no impact on the Kingdom, except negatively.
There has to be a solution given.
That solution is to Repent (Change)... in those areas.
I have been listing several books and I HIGHLY recommend all that are on my Photos and Info page.
Love y'all.... Anthony

  • Ohh yeah.... so you'll know how to recognize them.....
    ----- Definition of a Moron ---- Someone who needs to know MORE ON the subject... before they start participating in the conversation.

Quit listening to IGNORANT people... who mistakenly quote the Word... and say stupid CRAP... like, "Money is the root of all evil."
Money... is NEUTRAL.
You can do good... or bad with it.
Money is NOT... the root of all evil.
Paul says in one of his "letters"... "The LOVE of money... is the root of all evil."
I say in mine... "The LACK of money... is ALSO the root of all evil."

Mike Murdock says, "If money would make you backslide away from God... why doesn't satan double your salary every month?"
Robert Kiyosaki says, "Money may not be the most important thing in life... but money touches everything that IS important in life."

  • Suggested Study:
  • Foundational Photos under my Photos tab
  • Books:
    1, Business School (2nd Edition)
  1. Cashflow Quadrant - both by Robert Kiyosaki
  2. Personality Plus by Florence Littauer
  • The Afters - Light Up The Sky
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