- Foundational Teaching #12 - There are 4 types of people.
Matthew 13.... Mark 4... Luke 8... John 15.
1/4 Will.... 3/4 Will Not.
Don't be begging your 75... and miss your 25. 😊
They are divided into two categories.
One is wheat... the other is chaff.
One produces... the other does not.
Wise and fools. FGFTR (FT #17).
Each hangs out with... and produces after its own kind.
Everything duplicates.... even nothing.
If you plant nothing, all you get is weeds... or what's left over.
I hope... you choose wisely.
What are we made out of??
The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8...).
Where do you plant seed?... In dirt.
Where do you plant GOOD seed?... In GOOD dirt.
Make sure you plant... what you want to eat.
If you want a 100 acre harvest.... don't plant a 10 acre field.
Plant 4... 100 acre fields.
Many today... need to be praying for crop failure.
The soil is equally as important as the seed... because... no amount of seed will make the soil good... IF it cannot get in.
As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always at the end of last comment.
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Radway - Version 2 - How The Money Is Made - The Numbers And Potential - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgzJQvsczs8
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---- Now... your people CAN fool you because when you plant seed... it does not come up right away.
Therefore you can think you have a hard head... but after a growing season... they turn out to be good ground.
Likewise... with the shallow person.
They shoot up fast... and you may think you have found some good ground... but then they die/ fall away.
The growing season is up to the individual... 4 months... 4 years... 40 years... or NEVER.
Remember... Seed... Time... Harvest.
The FIRST type of soil/ person... is the hard head.
They are called the path, or to bring it up to 2016... the highway.
If you plant corn on Interstate 95... what kinda harvest would you get?
The Seed/ Word cannot even get in them... but at least the birds get fed.
They know everything about everything... so you can teach them NOTHING about NO.... THING.
These are easy to spot.
They growl at you... huff and bluff, are always unhappy... and try to make you feel stupid or guilty... for telling them the TRUTH.
This is because they feel this way... about themselves.
They are mockers... and scorners.
They are usually mad at everything and everyone... because they are mad at themselves.
I love hard heads... cause I don't have to do anything.
God pounds on them.
IGNORE THEM... unless you want to incur some abuse.
That is what you do to the (IGNOR)ant... if they do not want to learn.
Dave Severn says it like this:
You can't teach a pig how to sing.
First of all... they don't know how.
Secondly... they don't want to learn.
And finally..... if you persist in trying to teach them... you'll irritate the pig. :-)Christ says it like this:
DO NOT cast your pearls before pigs.
They will trample them, then turn and tear you to pieces. If they will not listen to you... shake the dust off your feet and keep on movin'.
What happens to them... WILL NOT be pretty.I say it like this:
Do not waste words... on those... who deserve your silence.
The SECOND... is the rocky or shallow soil.
These are shallow people.
They are easily offended.
They only care about themselves.
They hear the Word... get all fired up... run around, slobber and shake.
They "speak in tongues", saying things like "ooogabooga-jimba".
They fall down... hurt other people, and tell you, "I'm WITH you!!!
You couldn't cut me out... with a chainsaw!"
OR, "I've been looking for this my WHOOLLLE life!"... and next week or month... you can't find'em.
They have no root in themselves (unhealthy self-image - can't take the heat).
They come up fast... and wither the same way.
I call'em..."roller-coasters".
They're up and down... highly emotional... but NO WISDOM, foundation... or understanding.
Babies, double-minded.
No commitment.
They range from ages 5-125.
The THIRD... are thorns.
The second type... is inside a person.
The third type... is outside.
They let OUTSIDE things and people distract them... and pull them away.
If you sow seed (THE WORD) into thorns... they grow up and choke what you planted.
They always got something else to do and like thorns... want to drag you into doing it too.
They, like thorns... are weeds.
This type also let's the deceitfulness of riches.... make them unfruitful.
This means they will never be wealthy doing what they are doing... but they keep doing it anyway.
And then they go get themselves a second job... like if the first job doesn't cut it, what makes them think the second one is gonna make it any better?
They are deceived.
In order to get out of the hole... you first got to put down the shovel.
This type deceives, confuses.... lures aways, causes to sin.
The FOURTH soil, however... is GOOD ground.
They hear the Word.
They understand the Word.
They retain the Word.
They have a noble... and GOOD heart.
Through PERSEVERANCE... they produce a GOOD crop, 30, 60, or 100 times what was sown... because that's what good soil does.
They duplicate themselves.
And the truth is... everyone duplicates. FGFTR.
What are we made out of?
We are made out of dirt.
Where do you plant seed??
In dirt.
Where do you plant GOOD seed?
In GOOD dirt.
1 out of 4 will.
3 out of 4 will not produce anything... but weeds.
They may be extremely busy... but are totally unproductive for the Kingdom of God.
Activity/ busy-ness... has NOTHING to do with productivity.
However... you DO scatter your seed on all 4... because you don't know who is what... until you do.
I say it like this, "Everybody gets the same set of circles drawn... but don't be begging your 75 and miss your 25."
The cream... will rise to the top.
What are you producing?
Good trees... produce good fruit.
Bad trees produce bad fruit.... Recognize quickly in your life.
A good tree cannot produce bad fruit... and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.
Everyone DOES... duplicate.
Even nothin' duplicates.
0 x 0 = Nothing productive. FGFTR.
Luke 19... Matthew 25...
Christ praised the ones who doubled their investment... cursed the one who didn't...and gave his to the one who had ten.... ANNNDDD threw him OUT.
Sound familiar??
If they want to learn... they will change (repent) and contact you.
That is what I did.
This is the road for a lot of my generation... and the generations that are following.
I honestly admit that I was one of the first three for many years of my life... and until I started studying about 18 years ago... had no idea that I was.
God really pounded on me.
It was the birth of my son that God used to get my attention.
I had to teach him somethin'... and I didn't have a clue... like a goose inna hurricane.
We grew up together.
I thank God... cause I coulda zippiddy doodaah'ed my way right on through life.
My question to you is... which type are you??
Which type do you want to be?
You ARE... one of the four.
God does not lie.
People lie.
God is TRUTH.
- Ed Sheeran - Perfect - Lyrics
---- Religion has screwed up a lot of people over the decades... and made them think that they are gonna have huge mansions... and all these other benefits.
But Christ said THAT to His disciples... those that did... as He did.... those that walked with Him daily.
Christ did not tell us to go... and save anyone.
He told us to go and MAKE DISCIPLES (students)... to teach them about how the Kingdom ALREADY operates.... it's laws and ways.
To baptize (soak) them in the character... authority... and knowledge (the meaning in the Greek for Name) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Sadly, this is not what is happening.
We baptize them in water. That was John's baptism.
Christ baptizes with fire (hell - weeds/chaff).... or the Holy Spirit (the barn - wheat).
Fire either purifies.... or it destroys.
If you are a real student of Christ... you will learn so you can teach... because the best teacher was always first.... the best student.
It is also the Great Commission.
Christ learned from His Father and said, " I do, what I see my Father do."
He told them in John 8, "You are of your father... the devil and want to carry out his desires.
He who belongs to God... hears what God says... THEN OBEYS what God says. The reason you do not hear... is that you do not belong to God."
In other words... FGFTR.
When you have been fed a lie for sooo looong and the Truth shows up... be careful, or you will call the Truth a lie... and call a lie, the Truth.
That is what the pharisees... the sadducees... and a majority of the people did.
But, if you will intently and consistently study the Word... you will be able to perceive the difference between Truth and error... AND when you are being told/ fed each one.
They come... from two different sources.
If you do not... Good Luck.... cause you're sure gonna need it.
Love y'all... Anthony
- Suggested Study:
Books: - As A Man Thinketh - by James Allen
- Leadership Gold - by John Maxwell
- Leadership Secrets of Jesus - by Mike Murdock
- Proverbs = 1 chapter per day
- Exodus 18 & Deuteronomy 1
- Matthew 13 - Mark 4 - Luke 8 - John 15 - ALOUD & SLOOWWLLY