- Foundational Teaching #14 - Income / Money is either residual... or it is active.
Active... also called temporary income... means we have to actively continue to do something to make the money.
Residual income... also called passive or ETERNAL income... means we do the work once, like planting a crop... without getting paid immediately (called delayed gratification).
When it matures... we keep getting paid... forever... if we take care of it.
Multiplied... and duplicatable. - Genesis 1:27-28
I need my visuals for this. Click the links to watch the videos below and in the comment sections. They are easier to see on youtube.... fullscreen... instead of here on Facebook.
Take your time over the next couple of weeks and go through all of them.
RESIDUALLY... is how God operates (example - plant the pecan tree and we continually get pecans at harvest time).
Creation testifies... of the Creator.
If you want to learn about how to make money residually... I highly encourage you to watch the linked video a few times... as well as the others on my youtube channel.
Then purchase your business license here:
(http://www.amway.com/RJI/about-amway/business-opportunity )... and go to work.
Help others to get free... then you will become free.
Or not...
It is completely up to you. :-)
Any serious questions... just ask.
I AM here to serve and help.... but I got NO time... for NONSENSE.
You can't just be delivered FROM.... you have to be delivered TO. We have the solution.
As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always at the end of the last comment.
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We look forward to serving you... either way. 😊Videos with great visual aids @ - www.youtube.com/user/anthonyradway/videos
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Radway - Version 2 - How The Money Is Made - The Numbers And Potential - www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgzJQvsczs8
How The Money Is Made - Version 1 - The Numbers and Potential - www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfQyiwutPOM
Failure Or Success... Choose Wisely - Study 3x at least
O Come To The Altar - Elevation Worship - Live -
Comment 1 - - Jason A - Everyone is Silent When it Comes to This... (2017-2018) -
---- Residually, is how God operates (example - plant the pecan tree and we continually get pecans).
The difference is: God's harvest is always people.
It ain't apples, oranges and bananas.
We all will live forever.... SOMEWHERE (residual). :-)
How many classes did they teach you anything... about God in school?
How many classes did they teach you anything... about making any money?
How can you do what you do not know (FT #4)?
We as a people are only taught... the LEFT hand side of the quadrant in the godless school system.
This method... is called ACTIVE income.
Study the youtube video listed above 3 times over the next couple of weeks.
It describes in detail... and my Different Posts under my Notes tab -
Take notes... pause and rewind.
I call it... "Trading hours for dollars".
You trade hours for dollars... YOU DIE BROKE.
You only got 24 per day... to trade. Limited.
We serve a God... Who is Unlimited.
It IS ALL about the vehicle we are using... to achieve / receive money.
We as a nation are not taught... how to have money under our feet (be its master)... by the time we leave high school.
I call it, "Graduating high school... and RETIRING... on the same day."
We are not taught how to go ahead and get money out of the way... so we can be free... unhindered to do His will, our assignment.
This leaves us captive.
The reason for this is we are taught by a godless school system... AND we are taught by slaves... not millionaires.
(FT #11 ...and 1st uploaded youtube teaching video - - Good Ground... Or Not - study this three times at least).
This is CRUEL.... an extreme disservice to our kids (Matt.18 & Mark 9).
Money is a result... not the cause.
It is a seed... and a harvest.
It is called sowing and reaping. It comes from helping others make money.
The more people you help make money... the more money you make.
If you help them residually... you will be rewarded residually.
If you help them temporarily... you will be helped temporarily.
It also comes back multiplied from money... that you have sown into good ground teaching of the Word.
Feel free to PM me to tithe to my ministry. I will set up a time and place.
You will be rewarded 100 fold.
In Malachi 3 the hebrew word for storehouse means... storehouse.
It does not mean church.
It is the place... where they kept grain.
It means the place from where you are getting FED... and I don't mean getting fed a bunch of Bullshit either.
Many today are getting fed what their "itching ears want to hear", what "sounds good" ... and they WILL NOT put up with sound doctrine (teaching).
I call it, "emotional frustration".
Getcha all jacked up and you're frustrated.... til the next time they getcha all jacked up.
This is why they are not reaping anything in their lives... but weeds.
If you plant corn on interstate 95... what kinda harvest would you get?
Hosea says they sow the wind... and reap the whirlwind.
When God speaks... the wise listen and obey.
Fools hang out with, listen to and make more fools (Proverbs). Multiplied. FGFTR.
Money is also a reward for a service rendered, a problem solved (example - work a week, get a paycheck).
If the paycheck is small... it must mean... the service rendered is small.
This is called... "active income".
The majority of people... use this method.
They REFUSE to go help others... and love their neighbor as their self.
They just want to BE helped.
The average American spends 110% of their income every month... and people feel uncomfortable talking about a subject that... they KNOW little or have been taught little about.
This area of life is where many people are hurting today... because of DISOBEDIENCE to the Word.
The reason many people do not want to discuss money... is because they do not have any... or they think they already "KNOW".... what works... and what does not.
Joshua Enyart calls this... "The ILLUSION of knowledge".
Many are also ashamed or embarrassed.
Instead of admitting that they do not KNOW and submitting to learn from someone WHO DOES.... and in order to take the spotlight/ heat off themselves... they laugh at and scorn those who offer to help them.
In my best Forrest Gump voice, "I... WOULDN'T... DOOO... THAAAT."
Things tend to get progressively worse on these people... and instead of a solution... all they have left is the problem.... because the SOLUTION... will leave.
Rejection before inspection.... is a good way to lose what you got.
The Truth is... we are either money's master... or it is our master.
Money makes... an excellent servant.
Money makes... a horrible taskmaster.
The Truth IS.... we all want to be well off financially.
Money just makes you more... of what you already are.
It magnifies what you are... just like education does.
If you are a JERK/ ASS... money/ education will just make you a rich/ educated.... JERK/ ASS.
If you are giving... money will make you more giving.
Comment 2 - - Fail To Plan... Plan To Fail -
----- The main reason 97% of the people are broke financially... is because they are broke spiritually (2nd Foundational Photo).
There is no way to teach a poor spirit... how to become rich.
They do not know what the Word says about how to make money... so they are automatically disobedient... because of ignorance to the Word.
Only by introducing poverty by religion... could they make people accept that BS.
The next problem is.... when someone shows them THE WAY by the Word.... because they do not KNOW the Word... and because they have been fed a lie repeatedly for so long by the world.... many say, "That WON'T work"... not realizing all the while... that they are the PERFECT EXAMPLE of what.... DON'T work.
I know.... because I was one of them for a long time.
I do not speak from a position of theory.
That.... is the schools' job.
I've asked many people, "When you take God out of something... what do you have left?"
Many people say... "NOTHING!!!".
When they do, I say, "Well..... there's your school system then. NOTHIN'!!"
And, while I can understand the spirit... their reaction is error.
When you take God out of something... what you have left, by default... is satan.
When you take God out... you take His ways of doing things out. It will fall. It will fail. It's just a matter of time.
The only way you have left.... is satan's.
God COMMANDS us to teach His children, His Word, so they can do His will (Deuteronomy 1-8).
It is NOT a suggestion.
The punishment for causing His kids to stumble is found in Matthew 18, Mark 9 and Luke 17.
A millstone weighed somewhere between 1000-2000 pounds, depending on its size.
Try swimming with one of those things... wrapped around your neck and see what happens.
The school system, being a godless system does this.
It teaches us how to be slaves.... because that is the first thing God does to a person or nation for disobedience... after warning them (Judges 1-6).
Most of the O.T. reads like this:
- They disobey,
- God sends His prophets to warn them.
- God allows their enemies to enslave them (they get their butts kicked),
- They call out to God, "Oh God please help/ save us",
- God rescues them, they disobey, God warns them, and the cycle begins again.
He says, "Okay, you don't want to do it My WAY.... let's see how you like pharaoh whippin' yuh then."
If your way worked... we'd be doing it that way.
The only thing a godless system can teach you... is how to be GODLESS.
This teaching is only the tip of the iceberg.
This teaching is only for those of you the LORD has chosen to receive it... as are all of them.
There are those of you who have been asking and praying over and over again, "Please help me, Father.
I don't know WHAT to do. PLEASE HELP ME. I will obey."
Here ya go.
That's when God sends the people to me... or sends me to them.
Gotta know what the problem is first... in order to recognize the solution.
The SOLUTION looks like... the EXACT opposite... of the problem.
The rest get to die in egypt or the desert... and they get to answer for that, unless they repent (change). I need my visuals for this.
If they do not repent... God will take their CHILDREN into the promised land... or at least give them the chance to go in.
Those who don't want to... get to die in the desert.... or egypt.
In Exodus... the first group didn't make it. This is written for our learning.
Only Joshua's and Caleb's crowd did... along with the children of the other 10 families. Different spirit.
This is what has happened... to much of my generation.
They are causing their children to have to grow up in slavery... because they are not teaching them anything about God... or how to attain wealth.
Matter o' fact they put money down... while they CHASE it 60 - 80 hours a week (ahhahhahaa)... and you can never have in abundance, what you habitually talk against.
They never thought money was bad when they were kids.
This is learned behavior... from people who are so-called... "spiritual".
They will have to answer for that (Matthew 18 - Mark 9 - Luke 17). The main cause of this is, they were not taught either and they cannot do what they do not know. It is called, "eating their own children, or causing them to pass through the fire". Exodus 1-23.... Numbers 10-14.
Remember.... God COMMANDS us.
It ain't a suggestion.
Kinda like the tree in the garden - You eat it... you DIE.
There are many "fatherless" today with daddy still living in the house.
The son always does... what he sees the father do.
That... in the majority of cases... is the PROBLEM right there.
Many need to quit looking at daddy... and start looking at THE FATHER. The attitude I have met with that is most prevalent goes something like this:
- "You better be glad you got a job! I had to walk to school... uphill both ways, in the snow, 2 miles, barefooted. Bullllshit...
- I don't know, do the best you can, that's what I had to do."
What kinda CRAP is that?!!
We don't tell'em that... when they are learning how to walk or eat.
When they fall, we don't say, "Get up, you dummy! What's the matter with you, can'tchu walk?"
NO.... We say, "Coochy coochy coo! Come on... you can do it. Walk to Dada."
We pick them up.... or most do, guide them and teach them step by step.
The Word says, in Proverbs 13:22....
A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children... but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
How are you gonna do that? ... ANNND...
How's that been workin' out for you... so far??
More later.
Love y'all.... Radway
- Suggested Study: Exodus - Numbers - Deuteronomy - Joshua - Aloud and Slowly
- Books:
- Who Stole The American Dream
- Can't Steal Second With Your Foot On First
- Copycat Marketing 101 - all 3 books by Burke Hedges
- http://www.amway.com/RJI/about-amway/business-opportunity
- www.vk.com/anthonyradway
- http://www.twitter.com/anthonyradway
- Videos:
- Failure Or Success.. Choose Wisely -