- Foundational Teaching #9 - In order to do the work of the LORD... you must spend time alone... with the LORD of the work.

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)
  • Foundational Teaching #9 - In order to do the work of the LORD... you must spend time alone... with the LORD of the work.
    It doesn't have to... but this usually comes after an event (tragic or sorrowful) in your life... that causes you to turn to Him.
    Matthew 10... Luke 9-10... Luke 4... Isaiah 1-7... Isaiah 61.
    Many people forget the Lord all day... then ask Him to remember them at night.
    God ain't GOT to talk to you.
    There were 400 years of SILENCE... between Malachi and Matthew.
    Most people have got a firm grip... on an empty bag.

In the beginning... God put man in the perfect environment.
With Jesus Christ... God put the perfect environment... in man.
One is from the outside... in.
The other is from the inside... out. FGFTR (FT#17).

God is not mocked... don't be expecting to LEARN and then.... NOT DO what you learned... just because you don't LIKE or DON'T agree with ... what you learned.
But... you can take that up... with Father.
You cannot say you were not told.
Remember.... man without God... malfunctions.

As always... see comments after videos. Suggested Study always listed in last comment.

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  • ---- The LAST thing in the WORLD you want... is for God... to be SILENT to you.
    Man without God... malfunctions.
    He don't know what to do. God in man has complete victory.
    He always knows what to do.

    When you know and understand the principle... you will be able to recognize the variation/ opportunity when it is presented to you.
    THEN... what you DO... is completely up to you.
    The wise will grasp it.... and hold on.
    God will reveal to you what works and what does not... and better yet... WHY.
    That way you do not have to waste 5 years, or worse 20... trying this and that, tossed like the waves of the ocean.

    The Word will cause you to be changed... into your RIGHT mind.
    The Word says, "When they saw him DRESSED and in his RIGHT mind... they were afraid."
    They were more concerned about the loss of their PIGS... than the freed man and they asked... no they begged, THE WORD OF GOD... to PLEASE LEAVE.
    What did Christ do?... He got in his boat and left.
    The man begged to go with Jesus too.
    He said, "Don't leave me here with these crazy people." :-)

    Don't be double-minded like the cowboy who jumped on his horse... and rode off in all different directions.
    You can also KNOW... and still not DO.

    Christ said, "There was man who had two sons. He told one son, go work in my vineyard. He said I will, but he didn't.
    He told the other son...go work in my vineyard. He said I ain't doin' that crap... but later, he changed his mine and went (repented). Which of the two sons, do you reckon pleased the Father?"
    He also said, "A man found treasure in a field. He quickly covered it up and went and sold all he had... and bought that field."

    God walked and talked with Adam.
    This does not guarantee victory in your life.
    You gotta APPLY... what you are told.

    Knowledge without application.... is hallucination. :-)

    Adam was told, "Don't eat from My tree. That is MY tree. In the day you eat it, you die."
    satan said, "You will not die."
    Instead he chose to listen to someone else over God... to believe someone else over God.
    Don't Let This... Be You.

    So now they got to die, and that's bad enough... but now they also... have to GET OUT.
    God does not share His plan with those who are not interested in His Word... or to those who do not take the time to study.

    In the first 7 chapters of Isaiah or so, somewhere he says, "Behold , I am a man of unclean lips... ANNDD I live in among a people with unclean lips."
    When you get in the presence of God... He FIRST lets you know who YOU are... and then lets you see who the people AROUND you ARE.
    Christ told them the same thing in Matt.13 - Mark 4 - and Luke 8, that Isaiah did in Isaiah 6.

    If we are to do things like Jesus... we have 7 anointings. In Luke 4, they are:

    1. Preach the good news to the poor. The best thing you can do for the poor, is teach them how NOT to be... poor.
    2. Proclaim freedom/ liberty... NOT slavery, for the captives/ prisoners.
    3. Open the eyes of the blind. He told the P's and S's, "You can see, but you still can't SEE."
    4. Release the oppressed.
    5. Proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.

    Isaiah 61 adds two more:

    1. Heal the broken hearted.
    2. Proclaim the day of vengeance of our God.

    Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh.
    When Jesus said, "Follow Me."... this is what He meant.
    This is what "following Christ" means... "following" the Word of God.

    The difference is, in the O.T. ... He TOLD us.
    In the N.T. He told us... annnddd He SHOWED us.
    Audio is great, but audio and visual is better.
    I ask this question a lot, "Would you rather me tell you, or would you rather me TELL you AND SHOW you?"
    Most say, "Tell me and show me."
    This is why I use many visuals when I am teaching.
    The Word is God's foundation to judge... if you are serious about following Him.

    What you are unwilling to pursue.... you are unqualified to possess.
    Who likes to be ignored?
    Mike Murdock says, "God does not respond to need, He responds to pursuit. Christ taught the multitudes. He trained the twelve. But He TAUNTED the scorners."

    (A)sk... and you shall receive.
    (S)eek... and you will find.
    (K)nock... and the door will be opened to you.

    If anybody NEEDED Jesus, it was the P's and S's and TOL's... but they did not pursue Him to learn, only to scorn... and try to trick Him in His words.

    He exposed them, used them as examples of what NOT to do... and they hated Him for it, sought to kill Him for it.
    They said, "Mannn... this dude is messin' up our good thing we got goin' here.
    We got to shut Him up."
    But just like with Abel... they couldn't.
    They just changed the place He was teaching FROM.
    God told cain, "Your brother's blood SPEAKS... from the ground."

    When you enter true ministry, you are IMMEDIATELY... marked for death.
    Christ did not hang out with people who wanted to kill Him... or put Him down.
    He only stayed around those who discerned His worth... His value.
    Who are you hanging out with??
    When I know this... I know your future.

    Jesus healed those who were brought to Him.
    He dined at Zacchaeus' house after he climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus.
    The blind man cried out to Jesus.
    The crowd told him to be quiet... but he yelled louder and Jesus called to him and healed him.
    The woman with the issue of blood said to herself, "If I can just touch the hem of His robe... I'll be healed."

    I never read one time... where He had to heal one of the 12... or Jesus was in bed that day... with the flu. :-)

    However, he entrusted the PLAN to His disciples.
    Those who sat at His feet. Those who followed Him and had relationship with Him.
    His "in" crowd. Those who stayed behind after everyone else had gone home.
    They asked Him questions.
    Everybody heard. Not everybody understood.
    Some understood, they just didn't BELIEVE it... didn't LIKE it... or they got mad.

    I tell my people, "I either want to get you EXCITED... or make yuh angry.
    If I get you excited... it still has to make sense TOMORROW after the initial excitement wears off.
    If I make yuh angry... you'll have to think about what I said, and try and prove me wrong. Either way... I still love yuh."

    After everyone else had deserted Him, and said... "This is TOO hard"... Christ asked the 12, around John 666, "Do you want to leave me too?"... and Peter said, "Where we gonna go? You have the Words of ETERNAL life."
    Admit, submit, commit.

    I am still amazed sometimes at those who will follow pharoah around... and do what he tells them... when he tells them, how and how long he tells them... a lot of times AGAINST the Word... for a paycheck they can't even make a living on... but will not come under Christ's yoke and learn... so they can be FREE.

    Christ leaves no room... for closet Christians.
    Life is very temporary.
    Lay up treasures in heaven.
    How ya gonna do that? Gotta study. (FT#4)
    It will be revealed to you... if you ask.

    Recognize God's ways.
    Recognize the difference between religion and the Word... between church and God.
    Learn from the MASTER Teacher.
    He will tell you who to call, what to do... who can teach you and who cannot.

    Then you got a choice to make... OBEY or DISOBEY.
    It is completely up to you.
    Life is short.
    I hope... you choose wisely.
    Just as with Adam and Christ.... each has its own rewards.
    Love y'all... Radway

    Suggested Study:

    • Genesis 1-4... Matthew - Mark - Luke & John - 3 Rotations ALOUD over the next 3-6 months - NIV or NKJV - I call it, "Christ on the microphone." :-)
    • 25 Foundational Teachings - 1 per day ALOUD & SLLOOWWWLLYY
    • Foundational Photos under my Photos tab
      — Movies
    • Facing The Giants...
    • Pay It Forward...
    • The Matrix - Trilogy (3 times each)

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