The Delusion of Self Esteem is a famous book written by James Rotton and includes some interesting insights into the mind and the problem of low self esteem. Many people have different views about this particular book. Some people have said that it's a useless book. However, others have said that this is an excellent book and you must read it. This article intends to discuss why this book is useful and what it has to offer you.
To begin with, this is a book that talks about how self esteem is affected by various circumstances. These situations relate to bad personal experiences that a person might have had in his/her life. For example, if you were made fun of in a playground as a child, you may have a terrible self image about yourself. If you were laughed at in a movie for being stupid, or if you were refused a date by a girl, you may have a very low opinion of yourself. All these things can affect your self esteem.
To help you gain some insight into why people's opinions about you can affect your self esteem, James Woolfling gives you some examples. He talks about how people with poor parents will tend to be more negative than people with good parents. People who have been abused will also tend to have a low self esteem. The people who have been famous for being clever but are bankrupt will also have low self esteem. It's because of these things that self esteem should be taken seriously.
In addition, James Woolfling talks about how self esteem can be affected by the way you think. Some people have a very optimistic view of themselves, and they think they're smart, interesting, witty etc. whereas other people have a very pessimistic view of themselves, and they think that they're worthless, stupid, useless etc. The way your mind pictures yourself can have a direct impact on your self esteem.
So how can you boost your self esteem? Well the first step is to change the way you think about yourself. By changing your view about yourself, you need to accept yourself for who you are. To do that you need to make sure that you make yourself happy, laugh, smile and have confidence. Once you've done that, you will then start to believe that you can achieve anything.
And finally, you need to be confident. If you're not confident, then how can you ever achieve anything worthwhile. You might as well be stating the obvious! The more you believe that you are capable of achieving great things, and the more you believe that you are in control of your destiny, the better you will feel about yourself and your self esteem. Once you manage to get that right, people will begin to admire you and your work.