Why Swap Complaining For Expressing Gratitude

in life •  4 years ago 

When you think about it, the two words swap complaining for expressing gratitude are actually pretty simple. It is when we complain that we lose our focus and end up expressing gratitude instead.

For example, if you're stuck in traffic on your way to work, then you could complain about it. Or you could be grateful that you have a vehicle to drive to work and you will make sure that you arrive on time. But what if you have not arrived on time, or even if you do show up on time, you're still not very pleased with how your day went?

Instead of complaining about it, you can start to use positive words to express your gratitude. When you use these words, you are actually changing the way that your mind works. When you begin to complain about something, it causes you to focus on the negative side of it instead of focusing on the positive aspects of it. When you begin to use positive words to express your gratitude for things that happen, you will focus on the positive aspects instead.

If you are stuck in traffic and you want to complain about it, but you want to express your gratitude, instead of complaining you can be thankful that you have a vehicle to drive to work. You might also want to wish a happy hour, or a snack on the way home.

By using positive thoughts, you are able to turn your negative words into positive ones. So instead of saying; I am stuck in traffic and I wish I could complain about it, you can say; When I am stuck in traffic and I am thankful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, I will make sure that I arrive on time for my job.

By using these positive words, you are actually changing your focus from complaining to appreciating. So instead of saying; When I am stuck in traffic and I am grateful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, I will wish that I arrive on time for my job.

This will cause the positive words you use to be known to your subconscious mind and you will be able to get some good news. When your mind thinks that you're lucky, you are then able to take action. Instead of complaining, you can take steps to improve your situation.

By swapping your complaining for expressing gratitude, you are actually replacing complaining to appreciate. your surroundings and your life.
Now instead of saying; I am stuck in traffic and I am thankful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, you can say; When I am stuck in traffic and I am thankful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, I will make sure I arrive on time for my job. - you can also use the following: When I am stuck in traffic and I am grateful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, I will make sure that I arrive on time for my job.

Your mind will immediately be filled with the idea that you are grateful for everything that is in your life. You will be thankful for the opportunities and the joys in your life. Be aware of how you are feeling when you are complaining. What is going through your mind and what are you thinking?

When you start to think that you are complaining, you might need to remind yourself about all of the things that you are grateful for. Instead of complaining, try thinking that instead of complaining, you can say; When I am stuck in traffic and I am grateful that I have a vehicle to drive to work, I will make sure that I arrive on time for my job.

When you replace the words complaining with the words you are thankful for, you will notice that you will be focusing more on the things that make you happy, instead of the things that make you complain. By focusing more on the happy things that happen, you will have more energy to deal with the negative thoughts that are holding you back. when you start to realize that you are grateful, it will cause your mind to move from negative to positive.

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