If you would have the possibility to give more love to your partner, should you do it?
If you would have the possibility to earn more money, should you do it?
If you would have the possibility to eat more healthy, should you do it?
There is always room for expansion in your life. Try to grow every day more active than passive. One thing is for sure, your time is running out and it is in your hands creating the environment you want to be in.
With your own creativity, passion, self esteem and imagintion, do what really makes you happy and fulfills you.
At the end all the hard work you put into a job you don't like just to keep you alife...is what i call surviving, not living.
Safety is an illusion. By wandering on the paths of others, you will come just as far as them.
Being the exeption is certainly harder than being a sheep. You will deal with lack of understanding and disbelief even from your closest ones. But by showing passion and strength, someday, you will prove them wrong.
The same counts for love. By loving someone, you give them the power to hurt you, trusting them not to do so.
If you hold back in fear, you will be damned to fail in every relationship.
You fall, you stand up, just to get punched down again to find yourself on the floor. Grin, get the f*ck up and say: "Thank's for the lesson".
Thanks for the lesson.