in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

Life has many clandestine facets that are not quite easy to unearth, but those who seek more out of life become truly happy when they stumble upon the solution to these secrets.

However, some utilize their recovery positively to the help of other humans, while others who care less keep theirs to themselves.

Taking a microscopic analysis of life, the lives and times of successful people, their secrets and challenges, I discover that there is an unambiguous commonality among them. This common denominator has eluded so many, and as a repercussion, many have been trapped for so on the downside of life.

Let's seat tight as we dive deep into one of these secretsshort-Uplifting-Quotes-min.jpg

One of the top secrets of successes in life is the secret of GIFTING...Yes! Gifting!

Here we go! Gifting in simple term is an act of transferring or letting go of one's possession into another person's hands, in order to help meet up the need/demand of this other person.

Here "gifting" and "giving " will be used interchangeably...
Gifts come in different dimensions, and the major determinant is the one in need. While some gifts come in physical form, there are also others that are intangible in nature (can't be seen and felt) . In that same manner, some gifts have immediate effects while others have long lasting effects that survives beyond the heat of the moment.

The time given out to impact into other people's lives may not be tangible, but the resounding effects of this on the person will surely stand the taste of time.

It is worthy of note that at times , we need to give out what we have and let it act as a point of contact to achieve what we desire. But then, some people make big mistakes by expecting the rewards of their good deeds from the people they are helping. This rarely happens!

Some rewards are immediate, whereas some take time to manifest. But the rewards are sure to come. Successful people give out expecting nothing, because they know that nature never cheats. The reward is on its way, no matter how long it takes to get to them.

Now the question is: have you impacted into another person's life by giving? If yes, when was the last time?

Take your time out and be a blessing to another human being, and nature will never fail to reward you. .

                                     ...Appointed-time Dick
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