Who raises our children?

in life •  6 years ago 

Hello, friends, strangers, and random guests. I have to say I am pretty overwhelmed and concerned about certain aspects of life. My daughter is six and a half, and this age has proven to have its own challenges for me as a parent who DOESN'T WANT TO give her child up and completely submerge her into the social world of horrific, brainwashing influences which come from all directions - from her school teachers and classmates to TV screen, stupid videos on YouTube, music, and the human social world in general.

Many people say "just let it be." Many people even believe that parents have to put their children in as many classes, camps, and activities as possible so that children stay out of the house pretty much all day and come back just to sleep, having a 10 minutes snuggle with mom or dad and a 5 minute book read before bed. The rest of their life they supposedly should be given to other people, other influences, other activities, and electronic devices.


No, I can't just "let it be." If I just let it be, the rest of the world WILL NOT. If I just let my child "be", her school teacher, her dance teacher, her classmates, her TV shows, advertising on the streets, music from the radio, and many other people and things WILL NOT let her be. They will have her completely. They will influence her. They will teach her and shape her the way this SYSTEM needs all the little ones to be shaped. Like a conveyor.

Remember - if you let your child be, the rest of this human world will not, and do you want your children to be raised by the System, or do you want them to learn about the world from you as well?

I guess it all comes down to how important our children are to us and how we perceive them - as living, learning beings who should be FREE, or as another bunch of cloned slaves, or a commodity.

I say none of us should give their children up.

What is "giving them up"?

  • When we, adults, stop developing and growing, we give them up
  • When we don't teach by example (tell them what to do but ourselves do differently) we give them up
  • When we take them to other people for the entire day because we are too busy or to tired we give them up
  • When we let them do things that are harmful to them (like playing computer games for hours at a time) we give them up
  • When we don't listen to them genuinely we give them up

And many many more...

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Not for everyone, and not as easy to do in some of the liberal states, but I home schooled my son after the 5th grade. He received his GED while 17 and completed his tech program at the local college 3 weeks after his 18th birthday. He is a successful young man now, one I am proud of.

Best of luck in determining how you will proceed.

I’m thinking about homeschooling when she turns 10 or 11. I can’t imagine her at public school during her young teenage years. I’ve been there and seen how things go... and I definitely think that public school every day from 8 am to almost 3 pm is not the best place to spend the next 10 years of her life :(

I agree! I get parents want the best for their kids but that can sometimes be a misguided principle the best isn’t the case of access to the intent and all external influences!

The best is giving your child options, they are a human being and you’re equipping them with all the tools they need to make constructive decisions.

By outsourcing their stimulation you put them into simulations they’re brains become hard wired to without fully understanding and it’s really a great disservice to the child

I see so many parents just letting their kid have the iPad because they want time alone and I’m like that short term gain for you will have long term implications for the child

But then naturally since I have no kids my opinion is declared null and void lol! What do I know right?

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