Learning not to accede.

in life •  last year 


As life exceeds, we learn more to not accede, we don't pay attention anymore to the labels in the store, or the warnings about alcohol and tobacco, or the warnings that my dog must have only three milk bones a day, and not one more. I give him as many as he wants, and he takes it outside, then heads down the lawn for a romp, a smile on his face, a wagging tail, even as his hind legs are frail and will one day fail.

Don't pay attention to the vaccines he and I need, those that are meant to keep us alive until we finally succumb and recede.

Nope, one of the gifts of aging, as he and I are doing together, is not paying much attention to anything, including the weather. The talking heads have little influence anymore, mostly all just about making money anyway, so in our little ways, we even the score.

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