I'm a very late bloomer. Took me until my early 40's to finally take charge of my life, to take responsibility, and recognize my own complicity in the many chaotic and painful advents of my life, at least from then on.
This is not to say that everyone's life takes the same course, or that children with no say should feel responsible for the traumas many of them endure. I also had my share, and so did you. Some so much worse than my own, but I have read, and a few times personally heard, testimonials of many who endured childhood traumas beyond anything I endured, and they survived and finally thrived. They became my teachers.
No matter what you might be experiencing right now, and I have been there and I understand, remember, you are the only entity that can be in charge of your life, you are your greatest true love, even when you are most hating yourself. If you are hating yourself, that comes from voices outside yourself trying to shame you, but they are not you.
Only you can acknowledge how special and unique you are, and then an entire new life experience follows. It's called personal freedom to be, and then you become brave and free.