Hey there Steemit Community, I am back and as I promised, I will post a lot of valuable content in the next few weeks. So let's start right away!
Why do you need a Mentor ?
Well they can help to avoid a lot of mistakes on your success journey. It's being said that 200 - 500 books would make a good mentor. You probably heard this advice from other people like Tai Lopez, good old Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates.
So what qualifies me to give you advice on mentorship, well not only do I have my own mentor but I am also a daily mentor to a lot of people (and you're probably too).
A lot of people ask me to be their "mentor" just because I created my own small business in the web design and seo niche, but I am probably just an advanced beginner in this field, I surely wouldn't prefer my advice than the advice from a real mentor, so what are the necessary steps to find your mentor ?
Would you trade places with him or her ?
When you're looking for a mentor the first question you should ask yourself is, if you would trade places with him or her. If your answer is yes then your next step would be to get their attention, otherwise they will never know that you even exist.
There are a million ways to attract people these days, on way is to send them a message on the social media platform they use most.
If you want Garyvee as your mentor then don't send them an email or a message on youtube. It's more likely they'll respond when you send them a message on instagram or twitter!
Another way to attract mentors, is to build something valuable. Take a look inside and think of your skillset, what are you naturally good at ? Probably you could design greate web applications, create videos with value, give good advice on creating your own business ?
Find your audience and show them your value
Surely you'll still need to show your content, for me social media works best. Just start to publish your content to facebook groups, local meetups and everything else you can think of and don't forget to give it away for free. The people will appriciate your work, if it has any value!
Now just start building your audience. It's the first pillar you need for a successful careeer.