Easy Daily Life Social Success Tip's / Rhetorics (3min read)

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

Wanna know how to get more popular, or achieve a positive charisma at people around you, the easy way? These tips could help you, I tried them myself

1. Actualisation 

Be "always there", reply/congratulate to actions of people around you. Do not hide, care more. 

The more you are "there", the more people will think about you, and in their head will develop a positive image, just out of this. 

Because you're more a part of their life.

2. Honesty and laying open "natural mistakes"

Maybe in some cases if you're fake you'll have a more profitable come out. But you know, those people who are really close to you, are the those who you can relate to because of their honesty.

If the image objected to the society is "too perfect", people will reject it easier as being unnatural, as if you admit "small mistakes". Small mistakes will make you "one of them", and give you a rhetorical advantage in the long run.

It's a good cure against haters, they will find your natural flaws, and calm their anger in their head more likely trough knowing you're not flawless. 

Instead of truly "bashing your head", because of hate or jealousy.

3. Open yourself to people around you

You probably already know that shy people don't always have it good in society. It's because they don't open up.

People love when you share your life experiences, sometimes it's really not important wether it's a sad or a good story (Just don't cry yourself out on them too much, haha).

After all, personal connection is one of the top abilities on successful people. Having a positive image at people around you, can make or break it truly in important events  

(Just think about a situation where you really did something wrong, plus someone hated you anyway. Compared to a situation where the person forgiving you,was your friend or mate).

I hope you enjoyed my article, and especially, that it's been useful for you!

Goodluck, sincerely 


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