Negative Habits That Can Kill Your Dreams

in life •  8 years ago  (edited)

5 Truths That Made Me a Millionaire at 22
As an entrepreneur or a CEO of an Empire you will often think negative under the circumstances. The more you will think negative the lesser you'll hope, and without hope failure is pretty much guaranteed.

When you don't hope for the results you will automatically start thinking about all the possible ways by which you can fail. Ofcourse being pessimist in entrepreneurship to some extent is good because it makes you prepare for all the negative outcomes. But excessive negative thinking will kill your creativity and your success, because later these negative thinking changes into negative habits.

But lets just change the way of thinking, failure is not a bad thing. Nobody can climb the Mount Everest without slipping once or two. Now when you fail think of it as a lesson. Lets say: 'Oh yeah! It just one way that Didn't work'

These are the five negative habits that you should get rid of.

Pessimism Over Optimism

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”
Above quote is enough for explaining why pessimism ultimately results in failure. When you start something by first looking at all the negative outcomes it will demotivate you and kill your focus. But when you first vision all the advantages it makes you feel even more motivated for your goal. So stop being pessimist and be a optimist. Even if you fail so what?

You have to work hard and stay positive. Nobody is saying that it will be easy it will bend you down to your knees if you give up. But walk if you cant run, crawl if you can't walk but stopping is not an option. Don't you ever say to yourself that you can't do it. Always tell yourself that you can. There is nothing you can't do. Everything is possible you just have to find a way. When you say i can, believe me you really can.

Fear of Failure

Most of the people just fear, fear of money, fear of failure, fear of not fitting in and due to these fears they give up their dreams. But let me tell you that don't let money stop you from your dreams. Start small if you don't have money.

Don't let fear of failure make you give up your dream because there are not any failure there is just success and lessons the only failure is not doing what you really want to do.

Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. Because they don't know what you are doing, what are you sacrificing. There will always be someone from your family, from your friends who will tell you, you can't, you are not worthy but mark my words when you will one day achieve the impossible (Like people call it) they will just going to ask you: How you Do it?

As Les Brown once said: "Don't said that i'm having a bad day, say i'm having a character building day"

Staying Average

Many of us when we build something we build it average or usually follow the conventional methods. But the thing that worked for one man is not sure to work for another. So i say fuck average and be above average. Don't follow people because the one who follows the crowd usually gets lost in it. Invent your own method. Start small but start unique.

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